Growing Belly

Casey was now seven months into her pregnancy and her belly was growing steadily. She had found out that she was going to have a little boy and she couldn't be more thrilled. She had secretly always wanted a baby boy and Amber had already helped her out together a little nursery for him that was filled to the brim with clothes, toys, diapers, and bottles.

There wasn't much more to do, except for wait and the few more doctors appointments that she's supposed to have before he was born. Her doctors had told her many times that she shouldn't be working so much, as it was stressful for her, but she needed the extra money and all the walking she was doing was giving her plenty of exercise.

She sat in the little rocking chair in the room and rubbed her belly. Singing softly to help her baby get aquatinted with her voice. She had yet to figure out a name for the little guy and had been searching through the internet and all the baby books for the perfect one, there were a couple that she really liked but she didn't want to choose just yet. Amber said that she could just choose after he was born and she looked into his eyes for the first time. Casey silently agreed that it would be the perfect time to get to know her son and find a name that suited him.

Chase stood just outside the window of a small two bedroom home, silently watching as Derek's woman rocked back and forth. He had been keeping an eye on her ever since he found her six months ago. When he had found out that she was pregnant, he almost slipped and told his friend that he had found her. Derek hadn't said anything about her after that night and Chase had a suspicion that Derek didn't want her in this life with them. It didn't mean that Chase didn't care about Derek's well-being and he noticed that his friend was distant and distracted ever since. Chase came here any free chance he got to watch over her and to see how she was progressing. He wanted to have all the facts before telling Derek.

Derek watched like a hawk the movements of his father as they sparred. It had become a weekly routine lately so that they could discuss business while his father gave him a chance to beat him. He had gotten better at catching the old man off guard, but even though he was in his late sixties he was still as lethal as ever. Derek had learned how to fight from him and a few others so in case he needed to, he could beat his father with a move he'd never see coming. A sweep of his leg later and his father was knocked to the ground before leaping up to reciprocate in a series of punches that Derek blocked effortlessly. Their movements were equally matched by this point and his father called it so they could get ready for another meeting at a different estate.

"You've gotten better, son. Next time I'll hope you actually beat me," his father said as they grabbed their things to leave. Of course he would end a complement with a snide comment to irk his son. Derek merely brushed it off and parted ways with his father with a promise to meet him at the estate in an hour.

He called Chase as soon as he got in the car. "You're coming to the meeting right?"

"Of course. I'm headed that way now, I had some business to attend to."

Derek furrowed his brows. Business that didn't involve the family was something new with his friend and second. But he trusted him nevertheless, "Anything of concern?"

"No. It's progressing steadily, I'm just keeping updated. I'll see you there." He hung up and Derek sighed.

The hot water helped relax him as he kept his head down and tried to wash the stress away with each drop of water. His mind went back to Casey for the millionth time in seven months. He wondered if she was okay after all this time. He questioned why he couldn't get her out of his mind no matter how much he threw himself into his father's work, but her face always seemed to surface in those calm moments when he finally relaxed.

Casey was breathing heavily as she ran errands for her superiors in the building. She was walking with a waddle and her baby was kicking her ribcage incessantly and her bladder was screaming at her to go to the bathroom. Any time she asked for a break, they usually gave it to her, but today was just so busy that no one could even sit down. Today was just not her day!

Chase sat beside Derek at the meeting, glancing his way every now and then. He was feeling guilty that he hadn't said anything to his friend about finding the girl and was internally debating on whether he should wait until she had the child or if he should spill his guts now. Derek noticed his friend's glances but chose to ignore them for now and throw himself into the meeting. He didn't want to call attention to Chase's curious glances until they were alone as this was definitely not the time and place for a heart to heart conversation. Chase knew he was acting strange towards Derek but he was starting to feel concerned that he had left the poor girl all alone earlier. He didn't like not being there in his friend's place to watch over her but he had other responsibilities to attend to, and unless he chose to add another silent bodyguard, he was all she had to keep her protected. Even though she didn't know about his existence right now.

After the meeting, Derek called Chase over to ask him what was up. "You seem distracted. What's been going on with you, man?" Derek's concern was evident on his face, even though he rarely showed emotions unless it was in private.

Chase kept his face slack in response, he had a gut feeling about not telling his friend yet but that didn't help his guilty conscience from spiking anyway. "I've had some personal issues that have my mind occupied." He leaned against the car nonchalantly and crossed his arms. Seconds later, Derek did the same thing.

"Want to talk about it?"

Chase shrugged, he supposed he could give him a vague response that was close enough to the truth to keep his guiltiness at bay. "I've got a friend who's pregnant and I've been helping her out and watching over her. Trying to keep work and personal life separately is a little harder lately."

Derek nodded, curious as to who was pregnant but decided not to comment. They stayed in comfortable silence for a few moments before Chase pushed up off the car to head out. He wanted to go get something for Casey to cheer her up since he knew that she worked long hours and was probably pretty sore with her growing belly. "I'm going to head out. I've got to grab something for her before heading over there. I'll see you tomorrow man."

The drive to the store was quiet as Chase reflected on what Derek would do or say once he found out about Casey. He had a feeling that he would most likely blow a gasket when he realized that Chase had been keeping Casey's whereabouts hidden from him but he wanted to be sure that what he assumed was his friend's child would be healthy and safe before introducing them back to each other. He picked up and paid for a heating pad and a foot massager before heading over to her house to drop it on her doorstep with a note before ringing the doorbell and sprinting for the bush beside her door to make sure she got the gifts.

Casey nearly jumped out of her skin when she heard the doorbell ring. She hadn't been expecting any guests as it was almost midnight and she was getting ready to go to bed. She walked to the door trying to ignore the pain in her feet and opened it to greet whoever was there. She tilted her head curiously when there was no one but when she looked down she saw the foot massager and the heating pad with a piece of paper taped to the top. Using the door frame to keep herself steady as she bent down to pick them up. She glanced at the note which read: From a friend. Don't put stress on yourself. ~C

She looked out into the night to see if she could pick out a figure or something to give her an idea of who sent the gifts, but when she couldn't find anything, she shrugged and stood back up. "Thank you friend," she said softly to the wind, since she couldn't say it the the stranger, and walked back inside to use them.

Chase heard her thanks and smiled softly, glad that he could help her and made his way back to his car to keep watch over her for the night. What he didn't realize was Derek had followed him to figure out what his friend was up to and he was in shock at the sight of Casey and her big belly. He wondered why his friend didn't tell him he had found her or that she was pregnant! He silently walked up to Chase's car and tapped on the window. When Chase rolled down the window and gave a sigh, he knew he was found out.

"Get in. Let me explain my reasons before you bite my head off."

Derek scowled but did as he said, slipping in soundlessly and turned towards him. "So?"

"I wanted to wait until she had the kid before telling you. I wanted to make sure if was really yours and that they were both safe."

Derek nodded in understanding. "How did you find her? And why did you find her?"

"You've been acting different since she left and I took it upon myself to find her and keep her safe for you because I knew you would do the same thing for her. And I looked up the name you gave me at her work and found her immediately, I followed her home to be sure she had security. She's basically on her own, except for her little friend that was with her that night."

Derek nodded, deep in thought. He wondered if Casey wanted him in her life? If she even wanted his help with her child. If she thought about him as much as he thought about her since they had parted.

"You did the right thing, Chase," he said softly, shifting his eyes to her doorway and warring with himself about going over there or not. Chase was relieved that Derek didn't want to beat him senseless for keeping Casey a secret from him. They sat in silence together just watching over her house in easy comradery throughout the night.

When Casey's door opened in the morning, they sat up at attention as she made her way slowly to her car. Her hands were full with her purse and a couple other bags for work and they each had to hold themselves back from going to help her. She seemed to handle it with ease though and soon left to go to work.

Chase knew what Derek was thinking before he even said to follow her and shifted into gear. Following her car at a safe distance to her job so Derek could find her whenever he wanted to now.

Casey grunted as she grabbed her bags from her car, they weren't heavy but she was having weird pains ever since she got up this morning and heavily debated on whether she should schedule a doctor's appointment or not. As she made her way into the office building, she was greeted by a few of her co-workers and sent them dazzling smiles on her way to her desk.

Now that Derek knew where she worked and lived, a huge weight receded off of his chest and he felt like he could breathe easier. Chase was adamant on protecting her from a safe distance and he agreed. He would approach her when she had her baby and make sure she knew that he would help her in any way he could.