The Hard Truth

When Casey regained her consciousness, she immediately felt pain from her abdomen all the way down her body and her head hurt from all the crying she did last night. She looked around the hospital room to locate her baby, who was still sound asleep in his bed. She sighed happily and noticed Derek still had his eyes closed as he rested his cheek on his hand as he slept on the chair beside her bed. She reached out to touch his leg, it was the only thing she could reach without straining herself, and his eyes snapped open.

She smiled at him as he leaned forward and pressed a gentle kiss to her forehead. "How do you feel?" He asked softly, his voice still husky from sleeping and his dark eyes still looking groggy.

She felt okay, and even though there was a burning pain in her nether regions, it was dim because of the morphine the nurses had given her. "I'm feeling alright." He took her hand and seemed to be deep in thought as he looked into her eyes.

"Why did you leave without saying goodbye?" He asked suddenly. She thought about her answer and just decided to tell him the truth.

"I honestly don't remember much of that night still and I wasn't sure you wanted anything more after the night we shared."

He contemplated her answer for a moment and nodded, "I still wish you would've left your number. You've gotten under my skin, Casey, and I haven't stopped thinking about you since that night."

Her heart warmed at his words and she smiled, realizing that he did feel the same way as she did. "I'm sorry...if it makes you feel better, I haven't stopped thinking about you either. Especially when I found out I was pregnant. I did want to tell you, I just didn't know how."

Derek felt his heart start to break again, he knew that he had to keep her and their child safe from his life, but he desperately wanted her to know that he cared for her deeply and wanted to protect her at all costs.

It took him a moment to find his words, "I understand. I want you to know what I am and know that what I'm about to say is only to protect you and Colton..."

Her brows furrowed in confusion. What did he mean? She braced herself for the worst and nodded for him to continue.

" father is one of the biggest mob bosses in the city. Once he is gone, I am to take over. What this life is is dangerous and now that our son is born and I finally found you, as much as I don't want to give this blessing up, I can't put your lives in danger." His dark eyes held so much sadness and grief that her breath caught in her throat. So the rumors of his family were true...and yet, she wasn't terrified of him, but of the thought of being without him.

"What are you saying?" She asked quietly, almost too afraid to know the answer, but she needed him to clarify for her.

He brought her hand to his lips and closed his eyes. This was so hard for him... "I have to stay out of your lives to assure your protected," he said softly, opening his eyes to stare beseechingly into hers.

She felt the build of tears spring to her eyes and drew a deep breath. She understood his reasons but it didn't mean that she agreed fully. "Is there not a way for you to see us and guarantee that we will be safe?"

He smiled sadly at her. The only way that could happen was if his father died and that man was too smart and wiley to leave the land of the living just yet. "At this point in time, I am not sure that is possible sweetheart. Although, I wish I could come up with a way to do that and not leave you alone in this. It's just not possible and I can't stand the thought of you two in danger."

Casey felt the tears let loose and stream down her face. She didn't want him to leave her again, but with Colton in the picture now she couldn't take the chance of something happening to her son either. "I understand. But please promise me one thing..." At his nod she tugged him closer to her so she could put her hands on his face, "Watch over us when you can and don't die. I want our son to know you in any way possible."

He pulled her gently into his arms and kissed her head, "I will do what I can as long as you two are safe." He was glad that she was so understanding of his lifestyle and didn't judge him for his dark ways. He vowed that he would come back to her when the time was right silently as he pulled back to look into her eyes. "I promise and when I can make it safer for you, I want you two with me forever."

She smiled at him and nodded before he pressed a kiss to her lips to seal his promise to her.

Colton chose that moment to wake up and break apart their tender moment with a loud cry. Derek reacted instantly and picked up his son to hand to his mother. She instantly calmed the child by having him latch onto her breast to feed and looked up at Derek. "What now?"

He sighed and lay his hand on her cheek, "I will take you home when you are discharged to make sure you're settled and then I will go."

Casey nodded and leaned her head into his hand for his warmth and comfort as her son took his fill of her breast milk. They sat in silence, both dreading what was to come but in understanding of what had to happen for the sake of their child.

Casey was released from the hospital three days later, and while she was still incredibly sore and slow moving, she was ready to be back in the comfort of her own home.

Derek and Chase attentively helped Amber and Casey with their things and made sure the ride back to Casey's house was pleasant. They all knew of what was to happen and all agreed that for the time being that this was what was best for Casey and Colton. Chase and Amber both promised to watch over them while Derek was away, getting things together for his family to safely be by his side.

Derek walked her to the house, carrying her bag while she cradled a sleeping Colton closely to her chest. She opened the door and they walked in silently. Amber and Chase stood by the car to give them some privacy and to talk a little themselves. Seeing as Chase would be continuing his watch over the two, he promised Amber that he would come see her often as well. She was happy to get a chance to know him and to possibly be with him too.

Casey set her son down in his crib before turning to look at Derek, who stood in the doorway of the nursery examining the room carefully. He realized that she had painstakingly put this room together by herself, she had picked the colors out, built the small furniture, and collected a little library of books all without him being at her side. She walked over to him and placed her hands on his chest, "I really am going to miss you like I did the first time," she said softly as his arms went around her waist to pull her closer.

"I will miss you too, Casey," he pressed a kiss to her forehead before lifting her chin up and kissing her on her lips for the first time in what felt like ages since they'd first met. "I will come back for you when it is safe to do so. I have to make sure there won't be anything to harm you and Colton. I'll be as quick as I can and I promise that I will make myself known to my son."

Casey nodded and leaned her head against his chest, letting him hold her and needing those last few minutes of his warmth and comfort. In that moment, they both realized that their feelings delved even deeper than they'd originally thought even though they barely knew each other. Something fell into place when they'd met before and opened wide something that couldn't be put back again.

"I have to go sweetheart," he said reluctantly. He really didn't want to leave, but he had to begin his process of getting rid of his father and anyone who followed him closely, take over the business, and turn it around enough for it to be safe for his baby and Casey to be with him.

She nodded, blinking back tears at the thought of possibly not seeing him again, "I know," she whispered as she pulled away from him to let him leave. He cupped her cheek and looked sadly but determined into her eyes, he would be back for her. He would make sure of it.

"Goodbye for now, Casey."

Her throat tightened on her and she swallowed harshly, "Goodbye Derek," her voice wavering as he kissed her one last time and then he left with purposeful strides.

Amber hurried into the house to comfort Casey and take her shift of protecting her friend. She saw Casey sitting in the rocking chair beside Colton, staring off into space with tears on her face and dropped to her knees in front of her.

"He'll be back, Case. I know it hurts right now but we all know that what he's doing and what he has to do for you is for the best." She pulled her friend into a hug and held her tightly until she cried all the tears she could.

Casey straightened up and wiped her face, she had her moment of sadness for Derek leaving to go do something wildly dangerous, and now she had a baby to raise. She looked to her best friend and gave her a small smile, "It'll be alright. He'll come back when it's time. Come on, let's get lunch cause I'm starving."

Amber chuckled and followed her friend to the kitchen to help her make some lunch.

One year later, Casey received an envelope with no address on it and opened it with curiousity. She smiled once she started reading the letter: My dearest Casey, I hope all is well with you and Colton since we've parted. I've devised my plan and it'll be set into motion soon. I'm sure there will be minor setbacks eventually, but I'm hoping that it will go smoothly so I can return by your side. I promised you that I would make myself known to our son so I decided a letter ought to do the trick. I will send one every year on his birthday to keep in touch, I have also made sure that you will receive a gift from me each year as well. I will write again soon. Kiss our boy for me and take care of yourself too. ~D

Casey smiled softly and went to Colton, who was sitting in his high chair eating dried cereal with his hands. She kissed him on his head and ruffled his dark hair before continuing on about her day.

That night, as she was finishing her dinner, the doorbell rang. She cautiously went to look at who it was before she opened it and saw Chase and Amber. They smiled at her when she opened the door to greet them and walked in. Chase gave her a hug as Amber bolted for the baby, snatching him up from his high chair and kissing his little face. Chase handed her a bag with a grin, "Special delivery."

She looked into the bag to see a little brown teddy bear, a photo album, and a small box with a little red bow on it. Pulling the items out, she opened the box first to see a small silver heart shaped necklace with a diamond in the center. It was beautiful and Chase helped her lock it around her neck. Amber grabbed the teddy bear and gave it to Colton, who grabbed hold of it tightly as if he knew it was from his father instinctively. Casey opened the photo album and saw the note written on the first page. Keep our memories close and take lots of pictures!

She smiled as she turned to another page in curiousness and she saw a picture of the three of them sleeping in the hospital. She was curled up on her side with Colton in her arms and Derek had his head on his hand as he slept in the chair beside them. She wondered who had taken the picture, but could only guess that it was Chase as he had brought the gifts. She looked up at him and nodded her head in thanks, earning a smile and a nod back from him.

She got her camera out and had Chase move next to Amber while she held her son, "Smile!" She snapped the photo of her friends and knew that as long as she had them, everything was going to be fine.

Derek sat quietly in his chair at the meeting, he was focused on his father's tirade that seemed never ending today but in the back of his mind, he was in a good mood because today his son was a year old and he had sent Chase over with gifts for Casey and Colton. On the outside, his expression was stony and his dark eyes were hard. Giving off the impression that he was as angry as his father was so that he could determine which men agreed or disagreed with his old man's opinion.

He had already wiped out five men over the course of the year who stood by his father and wouldn't budge on their ways. The men were all ruthless in their ways; liars, thieves, rapists. He despised them, and although he is a murderer as well. He only did it to survive and protect others now that he had Casey back in his life, albeit at a safe distance. Unless of course his father commanded him to do it, and until he was stronger and had more allies, he obeyed. His father was pissed that someone kept killing off his men and suggested an all out war on every one of their enemies and even on their allies. Glancing around the room every now and then at the other ten men to gauge their expressions, only six of them barely contained their unease at their bosses tantrum. The others were impassive and nodded along with what his father yelled at them.

He knew without a doubt that he could get more men on his side and cut the rest out of the flock. It was only a matter of time.