
Xavier's body fell with a heavy thud and all the men let out a breath of relief. Casey had thought that Derek was shot, but when he suddenly appeared in front of her blurry gaze, she finally let her tears loose. As he cut her free, she buried her face in his chest and cried hard. His arms around her were strong and solid and he whispered comforting words to her as he stroked her hair, "It's okay sweetheart. It's over. You're safe now," he held her tightly as the men around them took his father's body away and left them alone. Chase was the only one who stayed and he took the boy from Casey carefully and sat on the floor beside them to give some comfort to Colton, who looked to be in a state of shock, but definitely not as bad as his mother right now.

Derek pulled away from Casey to check her wound, it was only a small cut but it still bled profusely. Her crying had quieted down, but tears still leaked from her eyes as he looked her over for any more injuries. She would have a wicked bruise where Xavier had hit her, but she seemed otherwise unharmed, though there would be more damage to her emotionally.

He went to check on Colton, as his son hadn't make a single sound throughout the entire altercation, and he seemed okay. A little tired and scared, but not a single scratch on him.

"Let's get you cleaned up," he said to Casey, who nodded and stood shakily. Chase held onto Colton while Derek took her to his old room. Once in there, he led her to the adjoining bathroom and sat her on the counter before searching for a towel and some bandages. Casey couldn't stop staring at Derek, she thought for sure that he had been shot when the gun went off and was terrified that she would lose him forever, especially since they had barely began their lives together. When he stood in front of her, she grabbed his shirt and held onto him to make sure she wasn't dreaming while he carefully and gently cleaned her cut. She winced at his first touch but otherwise stayed still and let him take care of her.

"It's never easy seeing someone die," he said softly to her, "and I had hoped that you'd never have to see the violent deeds that I have been made to live with my entire life. I'm sorry that I brought you into this life..." his voice trailed off with his apology and he wasn't sure where they could go from there, all he knew was that if she'd still take him, he wanted to be with her.

"I thought you had been shot," she whispered softly, admitting her deepest fear that could've easily been a reality if someone else hadn't have made that daring move first. His eyes softened and he cupped her face in his hands, "I don't think I could ever bare losing you Derek."

"You won't, Casey," he said confidently, "I'll make sure of it." He kissed her softly, his lips claiming hers in a gentle, loving kiss that let out all the bottled up emotions he hadn't let himself feel for so long and poured his heart and soul out to her as she did the same.

Two months later, Casey stood in front of the mirror as she slid earrings into her ears and made sure her appearance was spotless. Colton was sitting on the bed playing with his toys while she got ready, his little black suit had barely been on him ten minutes and it had already begun to wrinkle, but he looked so adorable in it that she didn't even mind. Amber swept into the room like a little blonde tornado, carrying a long flowing white dress with a big grin that flashed her pearly white teeth behind her red lipstick.

"Time for the dress!" she exclaimed happily. Her job as Casey's maid of honor had made her extremely excited and she had everyone follow her orders to a T with her briskness and she wanted everything to go perfect for her best friend. She made most army generals flinch with her sharp commands, which happened to be some of which she had yelled at over the last couple of months. Derek had wanted to be married to Casey as fast as possible, and Amber had jumped in and taken over everything immediately.

Casey grinned and let Amber put her in the dress. It was a long ball gown with a strap that went around the neck to hold the dress up, the bottom was poofy while the top fit her figure perfectly and had little pearly beads on it in a geometrical pattern. The back hung low and had a corset pattern that fell together nicely. Her shoes matched the top of her dress and had a silver pendant on the backs that sparkled while she walked. Those would be seen once she changed into her reception dress that was shorter and much easier to dance in.

Amber wore a deep red dress that fit her figure and showed off her little baby bump, as her and Chase had decided to start a family of their own once Amber had found out that she was pregnant when Casey and Colton were being kidnapped by Derek's psychopath father. Amber had revealed it to everyone once things had settled down and Chase had moved her into the estate with Casey and Derek when he had taken over.

Derek had reshaped and reformed their mob life into one of a sort of private body guard corporation, which dealt with keeping people safe but also metting out justice when someone was in need of it and couldn't go to the police about it. It wasn't exactly legal, but it was better than it was before.

Today they were becoming man and wife, Mr. and Mrs. Derek Rowan. And Casey no longer had to be a single mother, for now she had much more than Derek and Amber and Chase, she had a whole family behind her to help take care of Colton and she couldn't be any more happier.

The End.


For those of you who have took the time to read this, I thank each and every one of you. I wasn't sure how exactly to post a comment or an author's note as I am incredibly new to this website and it's functions. I usually free hand most of my stories on paper and most of them are never this exciting.

I hope I made you guys happy with this story! At first, it was just for the coins so I could read many other stories on here that have me hooked completely, but as I got started and kept on writing for the first time in awhile with no writer's block whatsoever, (thank God for that! I hate those moments with a living passion,) I became hooked on my own story and was excited to see how many views I got each time I posted.

By the way, the title of this story is actually based off of one of my friend's song names. One Night Thing is a song from their first CD that released sometime last year. They're still trying to hit it off, but I implore you to go check them out on YouTube. They're called The Champagne. Only two of their songs are on there as they are still only a small town band, but they are amazing! Check out Fantasy and Medicine when you get a chance and hit that like button too! My friend is the guitar player with the bald head! And yes, I do know all of them too.

Keep in mind that this is my very first time writing and sharing my story with anybody before it is completely finished, so be gentle if you have any comments.

Also, if I'm interested in any other writing prompts on here or if I have any new ideas, I might just name them after my friend's songs too! (Yes, he suggested it when I told him about this story being named after a song he helped write and record lol actually, the man had the audacity to demand that I do it. What a turd!)

By for now, my friends! I hope to hear back from you and continue writing for you in the future.