She is a young girl at the age of five who's family begins to separate. It is not like before when her mummy stays by her side and her daddy bringing kids' stuffs for her to play with. Now, her mum comes home late from whatever work she's doing and her dad sticks to being an alcoholic. She knows her family is destroying but what can she possibly do. All she can is to stay in it that way and follow what they call fate. Her mum's habit becomes severe from coming home late to coming home on a three day interval. Her dad doesn't seem to care and greatly focuses on alcohol. She can't cry neither can she laugh. She seems to have lost her family to the world. Not even a word or sound of laughter comes from her house anymore. How did her family come to this. Her story can't be told, she has no mouth to speak, eyes to cry nor ears to hear. After five years, her mum leaves, her dad, slowly dying from too much alcohol. She is left with no family, no love and unhappiness. She gets angry at herself and family, hatred filling her guts while she sticks to hiding in the dark all alone. She goes to school and comes back with eyes on her, feeling sorry for her life. Not that she is poor. Her family is known to be one of the richest families in Beverley. But how come she is not happy. If only money can buy her happiness, she will use billions to invest in it.
Her name dis Irye McVenus.A lovely girl with light aquarium eyes, straight dark hair which falls to her waist. She is indeed beautiful. Her lips never crooked into a smile since she striked five. She is always with an inexplicable look. A side showing complete hatred, another showing anger. She hates her life. It sucks and gradually she feels something strange in her inner part. As if something is overcoming her slowly. She doesn't really care. She wants to die just to avoid all those pity looks and criticisms .To avoid thinking of her family. It would be worth it if she no longer existed.vAt the age of fifteen, her dad bring home another woman. Her name, Mirabel and her two daughters Bethel and Anne who are 14 and 12 respectively. You can say they come to make Irye's life miserable. She is in high school, an intelligent girl who scores "A"in all subjects. She still misses her mum even though she is filled with hatred. "She could have packed lunch for me and told me there's nothing like home food" she thinks. Always going to school early just to avoid eyes on her and would turn in late at night. She needs to change her school because most students there are from her neighborhood. She tells her dad and her wish is granted not knowing that's the last wish her father intends to fulfill for her. A smile creeps its way on her face the first time in ten years when she hears her dad say "okay darling, how 'bout you go to the school near my summer house. You can stay there while I send you money. No one will ever worry you" She doesn't understand why her dad tells her to stay in his summer house so she tells him "I need some time.When I feel like I want to move I will but for now I have to stay".Her dad agrees.
She lies on her bed staring blankly at her brightly lit chandelier. "How will it be? Will people stare like how they do here?". Irye worries even though she knows it's a new place. "Am not someone who just puts people in my friend zone right?. I should be okay if anything happens". She encourages herself. These things run through her mind throughout weekend. Monday morning and she is still thinking of these things that she almost forgets it's time to prepare for school. She packs her documents and what she needs into her backpack and drives her new car to school.