Where am I?!?

It was written...

"Hopefully you die before you turn 18 or you will face deadly consequence....."

I was scared to death, I started to tremble and ran as fast as possible and didn't look back even once.

When I reached home I was so pale and sick, my mom shouted from the living room "Lara is that you? what took you so long it's almost 10:50"

When I saw my mom I started crying saying "Mom I am scared, I am so scared" as the tears rushed down my face my chest started feeling stuffy and then i...fainted.

When I woke up I was laying in a bed....but it was not mine it was a.....

HOSPITAL, my mom said, " darling your finally awake after 3 days, thank god you scared me so much".

I was so shocked" 3 days, I was unconscious for whole freaking 3 days", then my mother asked, " darling what happened after you came home you started crying and then fainted, are you alright?"

I didn't want her to worry because she was already so worried for me so I said "nothing mom just wanted to cry", "silly little girl, don't you dare ever scare me like that again got it".

"Hmm, mom never again".....

As the year passed I eventually forgot about that night and that creepy old man.....

And the day came when I become 18...

October 24th the day of my birthday, I never thought this would happen but my whole life went up-side-down.

The day began normally nice weather, everyone wishing and giving me gifts.

To celebrate my birthday we celebrated it at a restaurant. I went out for some fresh air, Everything was going fine but then I saw him.....

The old creepy man, all the memories of that night came flashing my mind, there were chills down my spine once again.

I started to tremble again, my hands started shaking, " Lara what are you doing here come on everyone is waiting for you" it was my friend Jess, I was surprised and screamed, " What the heck, you scared me".

"Hey, Jess do you see that old man there?"

"Which old man Lara? There is no one there",

I turned and saw that there was no one anymore,

"Nevermind", I said then we both went inside where everyone was and all the night went good.

It was almost 11 pm until everyone left, I and mom also went back to our house. It took a while to reach home as the restaurant was 2 hours away from our house. When we reached home I rushed and washed up and directly went to bed.....

And guessed what I dreamt.....or who came in my dream?....

Right, it was the creepy old guy. He came to me and said "RUN, RUN, RUN, He is Coming for you, HAHAHAHA"

As always I was scared from him I started running and running and never turned back...

When I came to my senses I was somewhere so...

Dark, Creepy and Scary.... it was a dried forest which was so deep and none of the trees had left " Where am I?!?"

To Be Continued...