Stuck Here!

I was shocked, that I came back to that place...

"NO, NO, NO, HOW CAN THIS HAPPEN! please not again", Now I was sure that I am stuck here, but the forest became darker and scarier...

I was much more terrified then I was, then I realized that the forest's ways looked different from before I remember because I am good with directions...

but now it looked so different, the trees got darker and taller...

I knew that staying there would be a mistake because I was getting the same sick feeling, I left that place as soon as possible...

and while walking it started raining...but that was not water...

it was BLOOD I didn't realize it first but then I saw my hand were covered in blood drops, I was terrified as the rain started to get harder it was like a bloody shower...

Then I heard that chilly voice again, and yes it was the clown...

"HAHAHAHAH, YOU ARE NEVER GONNA ESCAPE," he said this, his voice was so high pitched, I had chills down my spine my chest started to feel stuffy and I was not able to breathe...

It suddenly felt that I was not standing on the land anymore,

I was floating in mid-air, someone or something choking me, I started to feel dizzy... but then I was back on land and the rain suddenly stopped, everything was like nothing happened... but the feeling didn't go, I got up and started running...

soon enough I was way far from the place everything happened just now... but then...

He appeared in front of me, I was scared to death,

it felt like he was staring so deeply like he was warning my soul to be scared of him but when I looked in his eyes, those creepy eyes, those eyes itself looked like it was death, I became paralyzed...


He laughed and said " oh little girl IT IS FOR YOU TO FIND OUT, and as for who I am it's better I show you " he opened his mouth his sharp-looking teeth which looked like one bite and game over...

Then I saw three circles coming out of his mouth which was so bright that I couldn't even open my eyes,

" OH dear OPEN YOUR EYES, HAHAHA", my eyes opened by themself like he was controlling everything...

The scary thing is that what I saw was so TERRIFYING...

I saw...

To Be Continued...