What is your surname!?

After the research...

Jess asked me to go to her house to hang out, so I agreed...

We went to her house and there I saw her grandma for the first time, "Lara, meet my grandma", "Hello" I greeted and sat down,

"What is your full name, Lara," her grandma asked me,

" Lara Stevenson", after hearing my name she was terrified but I didn't notice it that time and asked, " What is your name granny"...

she didn't say anything...


I was shocked but, I thought that there can be many Carolina named females...

so I ignored it and after that,

we talked about college and stuff...

but I don't know why I wanted to suddenly ask her granny her full name,...

" Granny, what is your full name,"

" Carolina Willams Henderson" granny said,

" Henderson? is it your husband's name?"

"No, Lara it's my family's surname, it came from granny's side"

I was shocked and started to tremble...

"I-i g-got to g-go" and I rushed from there...

I was running but then I felt stuffy in my chest, and it felt like I was not able to breathe...

then I had the same sick feeling...

how I was not in my dream or neither that clown can come out of the dream...

But what if...

I didn't care and got out from there...

but while I was going I fainted... I know the worst thing that can happen at a time like this,

but the worst part is that...

I fainted on the Street... but I remember people gathering around me and shouting someone call an ambulance... and the crowd helping me...

but then I woke up, in a hospital, and remember seeing the clown but not in his clown form...

To Be Continued...