No! Not Again!

It was...

an old tape reader but on it was a black cat with bright green eyes...

but it went as soon as I got close,

the sound and the reader disappeared... but the tape was left there I picked it up and I felt a current go through me...

I got chills, but I didn't mind ...

I went inside and kept it table on the table... the day went fine and I and jess planned to watch a movie together at night,

It was night eventually and we were searching for a movie but then jess saw the tape which I kept on the table...

I didn't notice and Jess played the tape as she had an old tape reader...

I was shocked to hear the voice of that clown after so many years I heard...

"Lara, _ me _ help! _ _ cursed _ _ _ grandfather" I was shocked... and even he was standing there, it felt like he is begging to my soul...

"Lara! what happen why are you staring at a blank screen with white lines"...

jess asked me this and then I realized that's was blank...

I was getting more and more terrified and I was too tired so I just went to sleep

Then there It was...

He was in my dream but as a human... I was still in the forest but that clown- no Mr. Henderson he was crying...

and said something like "_ help _, please _ I _ _ by _ _"...

As he told that I felt cold and sick to my stomach...

I woke up and tears filled my eyes and i was still sick to my stomach...

I got my self together and went to work as I worked in a cafe...

but you won't believe what I saw there...

To Be Continued...