
Opposite to Chen Tian sat two men about 30 years old, one of whom was the one who was not injured among the two Russians he rescued in Vienna last time. The other, thin and small, looks very much like the legendary Comrade Lenin, but now with a lot of hair. Chen Tian thought that this was probably because he later used his brain too much.

When Chen Tian was thinking about whether he would become thinner because of excessive brain use or excessive head use, the man said:

"Hello! His Royal Highness Prince!" He stood up and bowed his body, and said in German: "I am Vladimir Ilyich Ulyanov, which is Lenin you said!"

"Oh! I'm glad I'll be honored! For a long time I admire your great name!" Chen Tian wanted to rush up and ask him to sign a name, but this year he didn't seem to be interested in it. It was so refusing to shake hands with him, the great man's hand was really... good Warm!

"Oh! I did not expect that His Royal Highness actually knew my name. It was a great honor!" Lenin smiled and sat back in his seat. "The comrade Urlev you spoke in Vienna has already told me It's just! I just want to know how do you know me, and I'm still a small character in our party. Fortunately, Comrade Urlev worked with me, why are you interested in me?"

"Uh...this..." Chen Tian didn't know what to say for a while, and when he said it well, he would dispel Lenin's doubts, and it would be easier to talk about things, if it was not good...

"Oh! Comrade Lenin, I am more interested in your experience, and I am more optimistic about your influence!" Chen Tian said and glanced at Lenin. He didn't have much expression on his face, just very Hold it seriously.

"Well, you were exiled to Siberia by the Russian Czar, and you came to Western Europe after the exile, and now you are publishing newspapers in Germany. Right?"

"Yes, your prince! It's just that our newspaper has just started, and it's a relatively secret issue. You know it so quickly! It's really admirable!" Lenin looked up at Chen Tian with a trace of terror in his eyes. , But quickly returned to calm.

"Yes, your experience hone your revolutionary will, and your choice to publish newspapers will greatly increase your influence within your party, so I am very optimistic about you!" Chen Tian's understanding of Lenin's early revolutionary experience It is limited to these, if he asks again, I am afraid that he will wear the state.

Reflecting quietly for a while, he said: "Okay! His Royal Highness! How do you want to cooperate with us?"

"Well, let's talk slowly next!" Chen Tian turned to the translator and said, "Translator, you take this Comrade Urlev to take a good rest. I want to talk to Comrade Lenin alone!"

In his opinion, Urlev is at best a senior assassin, and he still knows these things as little as possible.

Lenin nodded to Urlev and asked him to go out with the interpreter.

"We have a common goal!" Chen Tian sat down next to him, "It is the Tsar and his empire!"

"Good! This is what I and my comrades have been working hard on!" Lenin nodded.

"I can provide you with funds, weapons, and even..." Chen Tian stared at him, "You used force and political support when you founded the country!"

Lenin's eyes lit up, but he soon hid this joy.

"So in exchange, what do we need to offer you?" Lenin smiled.

This problem is so obvious that it really has the judgement that a leader deserves.

"We need a friendly country in the east of Germany, so that if war breaks out, we will not face two-line combat." Chen Tian stood up and walked to the front of the large map on the wall, pointing to the location of East Prussia. "If we Germany and In the outbreak of war in Russia, my East Prussia bears the brunt!"

Lenin was lost in thought. Chen Tian continued:

"If you succeed in overthrowing the tsarist rule, we can conclude a treaty of mutual aid alliance. If you provide us with resources, we can provide related technology, industry or military technology!"

"But Russia is very powerful now!" Lenin walked to Chen Tian and looked at the map. "And it's vast! Maybe we need many years to overthrow this empire! Can you wait so long?"

"Although the trunk of this decayed wood is huge, it is already decayed! As long as there is a thunderstorm, it will fall down!" Chen Tian turned his head to look at Lenin, "15 years! I believe within 15 years This empire will definitely collapse!"

Lenin was surprised. Although he thought that if there was German help to overthrow Tsarist Russia, hopes would increase greatly, but he felt that it might take decades.

"How did His Royal Highness judge that Tsarist Russia would fall in 15 years?"

"First, the current conflict of interest between Russia and Japan in Asia is becoming more obvious. Within five years, Russia will definitely have a big war with Japan. No matter who wins or loses, Russia's strength will be greatly reduced, and even most of it will be lost in Asia. interest.

Second, within 10 years, the revolutionary forces in Russia will become stronger and stronger, and there will continue to be large or small revolutionary uprisings, even if it can sustain it, it is already very weak.

Finally, and most importantly, in another 15 years or so, a war will break out in the world, and we, Germany and Russia, will be involved! Chen Tian said to Lenin with a smile, "As long as the tsar's army is hit hard, you can seize the opportunity to seize power!" "

At this time, Lenin felt that the background was already cool. Although the German prince in front of him was all speculating about the future, they were all in line with the current situation. Even if the time is not right, the trend is obvious.

"Okay! His Royal Highness! Please let me go back and think about it, and I will reply to you in three days!"

"Okay! I'm waiting for your big drive at any time!" Chen Tian smiled. He thought that the future leader of Russia would definitely return here in three days. If he couldn't even see this, it would be a real illusion.

"Your Excellency, I have something to give you!" Chen Tian sent Lenin to the door.

"In this world, there are no eternal enemies, no eternal friends, only eternal interests! Even if you are communists, we are imperialists!"

Lenin froze for a moment, then said with a smile:

"Thank you! His Royal Highness! I will remember this sentence!"

Three days later, Lenin came to Chen Tian's office again with a tired but happy look.

After that, he reached a series of agreements with Chentian, including:

1. Germany provides Lenin and the Russian Revolutionary Party with one million marks of capital each year;

2. According to the needs of Lenin and the Russian Revolutionary Party, Germany must provide them with sufficient arms, including various infantry weapons and artillery;

3. If a war breaks out between Germany and Russia, the Russian Revolutionary Party shall provide Germany with information on the Russian army as much as possible, but Germany must try to ensure the safety of Russian civilians' lives and property.

4. When Lenin led the Russian Revolutionary Party in a revolutionary war, Germany had to provide effective political solidarity to the Revolutionary Party and, if necessary, military support;

5. If the Russian revolution led by Lenin succeeds and a new regime is established, Germany forms a mutual aid alliance with their new regime, and Germany provides economic and technical support. The new Russian regime provides various resources to Germany.

6. This agreement will take effect immediately, and Lenin and Prince Gigi William will be responsible for liaison and coordination. The agreement is valid for 50 years.

"Happy cooperation!"

Two big hands clasped together...

On July 30, 1903, the Russian Social Democratic Labor Party held a congress in Brussels. At the meeting, a Bolshevik with Lenin as the core was formed. Bolshevik means majority. The emergence of the Bolsheviks and their ideological system marked the formation of Leninism.

The Russo-Japanese War broke out in February 1904, and on September 5 the following year, Russia was forced to sign the "Japan-Russia Peace Treaty" with Japan in Portsmouth, that is, the "Portsmouth Peace Treaty", proclaiming that Russia was in 20 months of total defeat in the Russo-Japanese War. Russia's domestic conflicts are acute, and the war has accelerated the arrival of a new revolutionary crisis, which has led the Tsarist autocracy to the grave.

In November 1905, after the outbreak of the Russian bourgeois democratic revolution, Lenin returned to the motherland to directly lead the revolution and proposed the strategy of the proletarian party in the democratic revolution. In December, the Moscow armed uprising failed and Lenin began his second life in exile for more than a decade. During this period, he wrote a series of works such as "Materialism and Empirical Criticism", "Marxism and Revisionism", which enabled Marxism to develop comprehensively. After the outbreak of the First World War, Lenin put forward the slogan "Turn imperialist wars into civil wars", clarifying the theory that socialism can win in one country or several countries first.