Good Day

With the efforts of Lisa and the others, the injured Chinese people in that village were all treated urgently, but several people died because of the injuries.

Chen Tian's tears flow not only for the kind Lisa, but also for the suffering Chinese people. He decided to file a solemn protest to the Japanese side in the name of the German government, and to disclose to the world the atrocities of the Japanese troops here, so that they would be condemned as they should. But now they can't leave here, they have more important things to do-do their best to save the injured Chinese people.

In the following months, people near Lushun often saw a group of foreigners with yellow hair and blue eyes, with a sign on the chest that read "I am a German doctor, I am here to help you" and treated the injured everywhere. People. By the end of the war, the number of people in this group had increased to hundreds. Some of them were summoned from the German concession in Qingdao by Lisa's father, and some were heard after Chen Tian's deeds. Participate spontaneously.

On December 7, 1904, the Japanese occupied the commanding heights outside Lushun and bombarded the Russian fleet with heavy howitzers. On the 9th, the Russian fleet was basically destroyed. On January 1, 1905, the Russian army in Lushun Fortress surrendered.

After Lushun Fortress fell, Chen Tian and his party returned to Qingdao. Chen Tian felt that there was no need to look down on this war. He decided that he must restrain his East Prussian Legion in the future and never kill innocents indiscriminately. But his "German medical team" is still active near the battlefield, knowing that this sinful war ended in September.

After returning to Qingdao, Chen tian finally had time to see the arms factory he invested in Qingdao. Since the purpose of establishing this factory was to supply the German garrison, all the German-made guns were produced here, including the new Mauser 1898 rifle, Maktin heavy machine gun, some small-caliber artillery and corresponding bullets and shells. In general, this munitions factory is enough to provide a weapon and ammunition for the German Army Division to fight. In addition to supplying the German garrison, the factory also sold some guns and ammunition to the Qing government at a high price. Therefore, the factory has made a net profit of hundreds of thousands of marks in less than two years after its establishment. Chen tian used most of the factory's profits to build primary schools and hospitals in Qingdao, free of charge for local people to study and seek medical treatment. Gradually, the relationship between the Germans and the Chinese people in Qingdao and surrounding areas in Shandong is not as good as it used to be.

Two months later, Qingdao Jiaozhou Bay Terminal.

Silently watching Lisa with short hair, Chen Tian, ​​who was about to return home, didn't know what to say. After experiencing the scenes of blood and tears, the girl in front of her had a little more perseverance in her eyes, but she still had tears in her eyes.

"I'm leaving!" Chen Tian lowered his head.

"Well! Will you come to see me again?" Lisa didn't look up.

"i will Try your best!" Chen Tian bit his lip. "This is too far away from Germany!"

"Oh..." Disappointed voice.

"I want to open a music course at Königsberg Military Academy, soldiers shouldn't just know to kill, kill, kill!"

"Huh?" Lisa looked up.

"You are a good music teacher!" Chen Tian smiled a little on his face. This was his first laugh in months, and he also made a decision.

"You mean...".

"Yes! I hope you can go back with me!" Chen Tian nodded firmly.

A few months later, Chen Tian and others returned to Germany.

The first thing Chen Tian did was to add "German soldiers, at any time, not to harm innocent people at will" to Article 1 of the Eastern Prussian Legion and the Königsberg Military School soldier regulations. This military regulation was added to the Soldier's Handbook of all German troops with the improvement of Chen tian's status several years later.

When the hot season is about to pass, Königsberg, Chen Tian and his parents sat down to taste the tea he brought back from China.

"Gigi, we have something to discuss with you. You are already 23 years old this year. As a distinguished prince, you should have gotten married. It's just that since you graduated from military school, you've either been sailing around or you've been busy. Busy there, your father and I don't think this matter can be delayed any longer!" Chen Tian's mother said when she put down the cup.

"Exactly, I want to talk to you about my marriage today." Chen Tian looked at Mrs. Heidrich, "I want to marry Lisa!"

"Lisa? Lisa is a good girl, just...just we think we should find a princess to be worthy of you, after all, you are the Prince of Germany!"

Chen Tian looked at his father, Prince Heidrich, but he still had a cup of tea.

"We have already selected it for you. Princess Anna of Denmark is only 18 years old this year, and she has a good impression of you!" Mrs. Heidrich continued.

"Impression? Has she seen me? She just has a good impression of Germany and the German Prince of Prussia!" Chen Tian said coldly, "What's wrong with Lisa? She is a member of the royal family anyway!"

"Good, boy! The Lisa family is also a distant relative of the German royal family, but her father is just a general, a colonial governor, and will not help you in the future!"

"Yes! If you marry this Danish princess, it will be very helpful for your future political future!" Prince Heidrich finally spoke, and Chen Tian guessed he would say so.

"I hate political marriage! Whether it's a marriage or a marriage!" This reminded Chen Tian of his sad past.

"Gigi, you are not a child anymore, don't be so self-willed! We are also for you!" It seems that Mrs. Heidrich has a good impression of the Danish princess.

"So it's better to say that it's better to marry an English princess?" Chen Tian smiled ironically.

"Yes! The old emperor married the British princess! But now the policy of his emperor is to engage in military competition with the British. Our relationship with the British..." Prince Heidrich shook his head.

"Although it is not as good as the British princess, the Danish princess is not bad!" Mrs. Heidrich still refused to give up.

Chen Tian stared at Prince Heidrich and said coldly: "Look! I can use my hands to lay down my own world!"

Prince Heidrich was silent.

"But..." Mrs. Heidrich wanted to say something.

"Mother, I know that you are for my good! But for me, what I need is not a strong wife, I need a wife who can support me silently. Lisa is kind, gentle, and able Understand me, it is tens of millions of times better than the Danish princess I have never seen! I believe that men's career should be fought by men themselves!"

"Then..." Mrs. Heidrich saw that Prince Heidrich did not say anything, so she had to agree.

"In his performance, it is indeed much stronger than the crown prince who is simply a playboy!" After Chen Tian left, Prince Heidrich whispered to Mrs. Heidrich.

On September 9, 1905, it was a long and symbolic day for the Chinese, and it was also the time when the autumn harvest came. Our East Prussia Prince Gianluigi William and Lisa held a grand ceremony in Konigsberg , The entire East Prussia and even Germany are blessing the couple.

Since then, Chen Tian and Lisa have lived a happy life, and our story...

and many more...

Chen Tian, ​​who was reading the newspaper while drinking coffee, suddenly froze, then patted his head and said aloud: "Oh! How can I forget this thing!" Then Lisa rushed out with a surprised face. .

There is a message in the corner of the newspaper on the ground: Einstein published a paper "On the Electrodynamics of Moving Objects", saying that the speed of light is eternal, and as the speed of the object increases, time will slow down...