One Day Coup

At 0:00 on October 26, 1909, under the leadership of the opposition Tokugawa Kazunobu, the Tokugawa coup began. The coup involved 3,000 Japanese army officers and 2,000 unidentified militants. They stormed into downtown Tokyo and quickly occupied the prime minister's residence, the home minister's residence, the Metropolitan Police Department and news agencies. The substation was also destroyed. By noon, the whole of Tokyo had basically fallen into the hands of the coup d'étatists. Prime Minister Kitaro and a large number of cabinet ministers and army generals were detained, and then Tokugawa Ichinobu submitted a petition to the emperor asking for the dissolution of Kataro's cabinet and he would organize a new cabinet.

At the German embassy in Tokyo, the German ambassador looked very restless. Early in the morning, he received requests and threats from Tokugawa, as well as a letter from the Prince of East Prussia as proof. The German ambassador notified Berlin two hours ago, but so far there has been no reply from Berlin.

Tatsuten was trapped in Tokugawa's secret base in Yokohama. Although the terrifying Nohara Shinnosuke is currently taking care of the senior generals in Tokyo, he is still seen to death, and Rennie doesn't know where he is being held. . Chen Tian felt such a failure for the first time when his own destiny was in the hands of others.

"After you go back, you must strengthen your security and defense work, and quickly establish your own security forces. There are also those nasty Japanese, who dare to put me together!" Chen Tian muttered to himself in the room, and he did not I don't know, at this time, outside of Yokohama Port, a fleet is heading quickly towards Tokyo Bay.

Japanese Navy Admiral Togo Heihachiro stood on the bridge of the flagship "Mikasa" and looked at the endless sea ahead with a heavy heart. Because the dragons had no leader, the Japanese army was almost in chaos, so the Emperor secretly ordered him to lead the First Fleet of the Navy to Tokyo to counter the rebellion. However, it happened suddenly. Togo Heihachiro only brought 2 battleships, 5 cruisers and some destroyers this time. There was no marine unit. For the rebels scattered all over Tokyo, he has no way of bombarding them with ship artillery, and all the sailors on the ship now add up to only about 10,000.

"Send rifles to the sailors, all sailors are ready to land!" Togo Heihachiro reluctantly issued an order.

However, Tokugawa's coup did not expect the emperor to make such a move, and did not place many soldiers on the Tokyo pier, so after Togo's fleet docked, the pier was quickly occupied by sailors on the warship. Tokugawa quickly adjusted his deployment and sent a force to stop the sailors from moving forward. He went to the imperial palace to petition the emperor again, but the emperor still did not summon him.

Togo Heihachiro himself led thousands of sailors toward the imperial palace. They soon encountered the resistance force sent by Tokugawa. As the sailors only had pistols, rifles and other light weapons, they suffered heavy casualties in front of the opponent's machine guns, and soon Togo was disappointed. The ground led sailors back to the dock.

On the other side, Tokugawa Kazunobu, who was rejected by the emperor again, believed that the navy's reinforcements kept the emperor still hopeful, so he led a large number of troops to attack the pier in an attempt to drive the navy back to the sea. The sailors holding the dock, supported by small-caliber naval guns, fought fiercely with the Tokugawa troops attacking the dock.

After all, sailors are sailors, and they cannot compete with regular army units and Tokugawa's elite troops on land, not to mention that those soldiers are already in a nearly crazy state under the leadership of Tokugawa Ichishin. Seeing his sailors getting more and more casualties under the fierce attack of the other side, General Togo was very heartbroken. These skilled sailors could not be trained in one or two days. In this case, Togo would not care to disturb the Emperor and Tokyo. Citizens, he let the soldiers at the pier begin to retreat to the warship, while aiming the warship's main guns at the Tokugawa troops that were rushing towards the pier.

When the landing sailors had basically retreated to the ship, Dongxiang gritted his teeth and ordered the battleship's main guns to start shooting at the dock. In an instant, the four 305mm naval guns of the "Mikasa" roared, and almost at the same time a huge wave of fire was set off on the pier, killing a large number of creatures on the pier...

"What? The master is dead!" In the Chief of Staff's residence, Shinnosuke Nohara, who heard the news of Tokugawa's death, was like five thunders, and two tears fell from his face. Tokugawa Kazunobu is the only descendant of the Tokugawa family, and his death also declares that Nohara has lost his sole purpose of living in this world.

"Detonate explosives!" A terrifying light suddenly radiated from Nohara's red eyes.

At dusk on October 26, the Tokugawa coup ended with the death of Tokugawa Kazunobu. Because the coup lasted less than a day, the Japanese also called the coup a "one-day coup." Prime Minister Katsura and cabinet ministers were all safe and sound. Only the poor army generals were killed. The loss of these army elites to the Japanese army is unimaginable. Since then, the vitality of the Japanese army has been greatly injured, and the focus of the entire Japanese army has also shifted. To the navy. In addition, the Tokugawa troops involved in the coup d'état had a total of more than 3,400 casualties. Only some of the army troops surrendered to the government. Tokugawa's private forces were all loyal. Togo Heihachiro's first fleet lost more than 2,600 sailors and more than 3,000 were injured.

Hearing the news of the failure of the coup d'etat, the German ambassador to Tokyo fainted on the spot. What he held in his hand was a telegram that had just been sent back from Berlin, indicating that he had announced his support for the coup to the emperor of Japan and the government. Fortunately, he has not He came in a hurry to convey Berlin's attitude to the Japanese, and his nervousness and grateful mood made his heart almost unbearable. After reporting the situation to Berlin urgently, he began to worry about the safety of the Prince of East Prussia.

When night fell, Chentian suddenly heard the chaotic footsteps coming from the corridor outside the door. He walked to the window and saw the people below kneeling and hiding their faces and weeping. He quickly understood that this meant What, and I must leave here with Renee as soon as possible.

He walked to the front of the door, took a deep breath, and then slammed into the door, and the door fell heavily to the ground. At this time, there was no one in the corridor. Chen Tian shouted Rennie's name, looking from room to room. At this time, he really doubted who was serving as the bodyguard.

Finally he heard a door knocking at the end of the corridor.

"Rennie, are you inside?" He walked to the door of the room, but there was no answer inside. It seemed that Renee was gagged.

"Renny, can you hear? I'm about to hit the door, you move to a place farther away from the door now!" Chentian yelled, sticking to the door, and there was only a woof inside. Chentian began to pray for Japan People didn't cover Renee's mouth with socks, otherwise he would never eat with Renee again.

"I'm going to hit it! 1, 2, 3..."

Chen Tian slammed into the door closer to the lock this time, so the door didn't fall down entirely, but Chen Tian threw in. During the 1/40th of the time when he was flying in the air, he saw clearly that it was not Renee in the room, but a woman, an Oriental woman. He couldn't stop his 165-pound body in the air. He just threw himself on the woman, and the place where his face landed was just...

Wow! A big piece of tofu!