Passing By

Chen tian looked desperately into the distance, there was nothing to see in the darkness. But he knew that there were beautiful fields, beautiful hills, beautiful rivers, and...

He suddenly saw a spark jumping in the distance, and then there was a "pop" shot. Nohara stopped, then fell straight, with a bullet hole on the back of his head.

The savage beauty who was too frightened could no longer support her and sat on the ground with a plop.

Chen Tian's mind was blank at this time.

After a few minutes, several blond faces appeared by the bonfire, and Chen Tian finally breathed a sigh of relief.

"Your Royal Highness, Second Lieutenant Ehlers of the Stingbird Force is here to report!" One of the men with a spear came to Chentian, and the others looked at the body of Ye Yuan.

"Oh! Very good! Hurry up and see what happened to Renee over there!" Chen Tian didn't have time to think about what happened.

Fortunately, Rennie's skin was thick and thick, but his chest was deeply slashed. Fortunately, he didn't hurt the vitals, and he was fine after two months of rest. Subsequently, under the protection of everyone, they rushed back to the German embassy in Tokyo overnight. Renee was sent to sew more than a dozen stitches. After a few words with Chen Tian, ​​the German ambassador forwarded the telegram from Berlin overnight. To his surprise, the emperor didn't mean to blame him this time but just told him to pay more attention to safety in the future. The emperor became more and more unpredictable.

As for those who saved Chen Tianyi's life, it was the Thorn Bird Troop sent by Thomas. Since he was hijacked by Nohara from Qingdao, Thomas, who was far away in Germany, took action. He sent two snipers from the Thorn Birds unit to Qingdao by plane and then transferred from Qingdao to Japan. At the same time, he also used his previous The Far East Intelligence Network, which was developed while working in the intelligence office of the German General Staff, traced Chentian's whereabouts. When he got the specific position of Chentian, it was already the day Tokugawa launched the coup. When the snipers and the support staff sent by the German embassy arrived at Tokugawa's base in Yokohama, Rennie and Nohara were fighting each other, and the hero was next. The scene of saving the hero.

After Chen tian had understood all the situations, he discovered that the brutal beauty was sleeping soundly in the corner of the sofa.

The beauty is also very beautiful when she sleeps. Chen Tian realized that he too hadn't slept all night, so he asked the ambassador for two blankets, and after covering the barbarian beauty, he fell asleep deeply on another sofa.

At dusk, after a busy day of people, there are only some residual blood and gunfire damage on the docks of Tokyo Bay. Perhaps people will soon forget that there was a fierce battle here, but this empire needs It will take many years to recover what it has lost here, and maybe, it just falls away!

Chen Tian woke up under the strong protest from his stomach, and he was the only one left in the empty room. He shook his heavy head and opened the door to the corridor. The embassy staff seemed to be off work, and the corridor was quiet.

"You are awake!"

Chen Tian was suddenly patted from behind, and half of his life was almost consumed here.

"Grandma, do you know that scaring people can scare people to death!" He didn't need to look back to know that it was the savage beauty, but when he turned around, he almost dropped his chin on the ground. The savage beauty has changed from the traditional Korean long dress she was wearing before, and now she is wearing a work suit for female embassy staff, with her hair tied behind her head, a western-style top with simple trousers, and a pair of high heels. The leather shoes, the oriental classic beauty, and heroic appearance are really very pleasant! But thinking of her slap, Chen Tian quickly retracted his eyes.

"Where did you get such a suit? But it looks pretty on you!"

"Thank you! My clothes were dirty. Your ambassador asked the translator to find this suit for me! I have already told your ambassador about my situation. He informed the Korean Embassy in the afternoon. They have sent someone to pick me up, and I have come in to say goodbye to you!"

Chen Tian suddenly felt a little lost. He originally thought this would be a beautiful encounter, but it looked more like a passing. Goryeo is now occupied by the Japanese, and she is really a poor princess.

"What's wrong with you?" Seeing Chentian standing there in a daze, the brutal beauty interrupted his thoughts.

"Nothing! I'll give it to you!"

Walking through the long corridor is the lobby of the embassy, ​​where the ambassador and the two soldiers from the Thorn Bird troops are sitting there. There are dozens of heavily armed soldiers outside the lobby. It seems that the embassy is now on guard.

"Mr. Ambassador, I'm sorry, I slept in your office for a day!" Chen Tian remembered that the room was originally the ambassador's office, but the sofa there was really comfortable.

"His Royal Highness, this is my honor!"

"And you two, thank you very much for saving my life. I will definitely award you medals when I return to Germany!" Chen Tian didn't take a close look at the faces of the two thorn bird soldiers yesterday. They are all around 30 years old. From the outside, there is nothing extraordinary. They are the kind of people who walk on the streets of Germany and nobody cares. Yesterday, the target was shot to death under that distance and light. Their technology is indeed very impressive.

The two people did not show joy on their faces, they just stood straighter.

Ok! Win without arrogance and defeat, this is what I want to win! Chentian nodded very satisfied.

"Who on earth are you? Why do they seem respectful to you?" the barbarian beauty asked curiously.

"My name is Gianluji William. I am... uh, I am the musician they admire. How about you?" Chen Tian just wanted to say that he was the prince, but then he remembered that his affair with Tokugawa Issin Can't leak out. Ichinobu Tokugawa and Shinnosuke Nohara, who now know their identities, are all dead. Except for the two Thornbird members and the German ambassador who knows their identities, even the other staff in the embassy are unaware.

"Musician? Then you must be a rich musician! My name is Li Hyunyun, a princess of Korea. I hope we will have a chance to meet again in the future!" The barbarian beauty then got on a carriage parked in front of the embassy. She was sent by the Korean Embassy to pick her up.

Chentian suddenly remembered that North Korea should be annexed by Japan soon, and the royal family will no longer exist at that time. I don't know where this barbarian princess will end up.

Since Renee's injury was no longer serious, they boarded the ship returning to Qingdao two days later, and Chentian's Japanese panic was over.