Nightmares of a lone kid - part 1

* Played "Sub Urban, Dua Lipa - Freak (MashArt Remix)" while writing this *

AN: the following content might (probably will) be sensitive to most readers. Don't read unless 18+ of age, and with a strong heart. You've been warned!


"I'm grateful for your efforts, believe me when I say I can't thank you enough-" pleads Red Joe on his knees, hugging his sobbing daughter, while they both shake uncontrollably from the chilly atmosphere in the warehouse.

The hooded figure raises his right hand as a signal for Red Joe to shut up, unintentionally dropping the temperature a few more degrees.

"I'm not doing this for free, I'll make sure you pay your debt in full", said while his Ice cold crimson eyes are looking down on the kneeling Joe and his daughter.

"Did you bring them, as I requested?"

"Yes, mighty Wraith. Lady Luck and her guardian, Black Silver will be here soon."

"How much do they know?"

"I've only told them I'll offer them a deal they can't refuse."

"Good. Now, scram."

Joe didn't need another hint to take his daughter and run at top speed out of the warehouse.

'Damn Wraith b*stard! Even after hacking into the warehouse security system hoping to see who he really is, I couldn't see sh*t! Is he an actual ghost? WHY DOESN'T HE APPEAR ON CAMERA? Ghosts don't exist damn it!' Joe was inwardly panicking, cursing his own luck and ignorance.

After trying so hard to protect his daughter, not only he'd failed, but he had to hire the one and only Wraith.

He was a known assassin of unknown origins that appeared around a year ago.

No one knew anything about him except for rumors, and worst part was that all of them were almost like they were made to scare little children.

Yet, he was real.

A fearless assassin that never fails. Almost too good and too scary to be true.

Yet, there he is.

'RIP, Lady Luck and Black Silver. I don't know what you did to anger such a fellow, but you're about to hit deep hell in a matter of seconds" shuddered Joe at that thought of being on Wraith's blacklist.


* 3 years ago - Draven's POV*

Today is the best day of my life! First, we won the middle school soccer tournament, then we celebrated at the best pizza place in Torinto city, coach's treat, and now myself and dad are going for a walk!

Hehe, he might say it's just a walk around the city but I think he might buy me a new pair of soccer shoes, or better, a surprise victory gift.

My mom didn't come because she's busy with her mayoral duties.

And even though she's already shared a cake with me and dad, she's promisee a special gift tonight, hehe.

" Hey dad, aren't we getting a bit far from the main streets?" I wonder why we're getting this far, I mean my mom always says these are called black alleys and they're the worst part of the city.

" Yeah, bear with me son we're almost there" he says while constraining a fake smile.

" Please stop, is something wrong?" I stop in my tracks and ask, my dad's been acting weirdly lately, could it be that someone is bothering him at work and he wants to vent off?

" There you are! My favourite corrupted citizen! Hahaha" the crazy laugh of the young lady in pink stops us in our tracks.

DANGER! My instincts shout with might.

My heartbeats drum faster, my breath becomes shallower, all in a matter of parts of a second.

Maybe the lady was just a friend of dad's.

Maybe she was a random person.

Maybe she mistook us for someone else.

Yet, my instincts didn't stop screaming at me to run.

My dad whispers something under his breath before but It's really hard hearing anything at the moment.

I can barely hear the loud ringing in my ears over my violent pulsing heartbeats.

Since a good soccer player never leaves the house without a soccer ball, I throw mine and kick it midair with all the strength I could nuster, aiming for that hysteric smile on her face

" Sorry lady, there was a bug on your face!" I say while running towards dad, not even wasting time to watch my own hard work hit her in the face.

I get a hold of dad's wrest and start running, or I was trying to run.

" Dad this isn't the time to be shocked!" I scream at my still standing dad, trying to move him.

Yet, that only prompts him to hold me by the shoulders and restrain me on the spot.

No, something isn't right, what is he doing? Maybe he's trying to talk his way out? Maybe he thinks that lady is powered, for all we know, she might be?

" Hahahahahaha" laughs that crazy lady in voice that reminded me of the sound monkeys make during their mating rituals, "little bastard, dare hit my beautiful face?" she says while blood trickles down her nose.

"Now you understand why I need to get rid of him?"

Was that my dad's voice, no, no way he'd say something as cruel as that.

"Dad-", the lady darts towards me as fast as a bullet and pins me to the ground, dislocating my shoulder in the process.

Yup, definitely a powered b*tch.


Not my voice.

"What's this? This is no kid, he's-", stutters the lady still holding me down.

"You said he's different than others... but this... THIS...", she helps me up, or rather, pulls me towards her and hugs me really tight, that my ribcage is squeezing my heart and my life in the process. "ANGEL!"

Crazy lady starts silently crying, that, or someone up there is spitting on my neck.

"What a monster! Throwing an angel like this is even beyond monsters!", yells crazy lady on top of her lungs, throwing me back down, as she charges on my dad with full force, knocking him down, smacking the back of his head against the corner of metal dumpster.

No, no , no! I try to scream for help and get up.

Yet, nothing happens.

My attempt to scream only made my lungs burn faster prompting me to cough blood, and my muscles won't move an inch, no matter how hard I try.

This can't be happening!

Why, why today? This was supposed to be a happy day...

Please, dad, don't go away!

Alas, he can't hear my thoughts. Or maybe he's just busy making the trick of turning his eyes upside down...

Maybe this is all a prank...

Two wet stream run down my eyes, blurring my vision.

It's all so helpless... I'm so hopeless...

My dad is bleeding to death in front of me, yet there's nothing I can do.


Crazy lady takes a last look at the disgusting man in front of her, making sure he's dead, and moves to the adorable boy on the ground.

Suddenly, her bleeding nose isn't this painful any more.

The contrast of the kid's pale skin against the dirty background makes the sight almost too funny, while it reflects whatever little rays the sun sends down the dark alley, making him look like broken gem in a scrap yard.

"Oh My God I can't believe I hurt an angel!", feeling the weight of her actions now, she starts crying loudly while kneeling in front of the boy.

Her gaze suddenly turns dark and sharp as a predator that's ready to start her lunch as she looks down the dead man's body.

"YOU WANTED YO GET RID OF HIM!", she screams again as she moves to kick the dead body again and again.

This all happened in less than a minute, so there was no one around yet.

The lady tears down a piece of her own blouse to bandage the injuries the boy is suffering from.

"This should be enough, for the moment, forgive me my angel."

Crazy lady tries to calm down as she extracts a previously hidden phone from behind the dumpster.


Many miles away, in one of the country's most popular secret brothels, a phone rings.

"Now, now, if this isn't the one and only Harley, scout girl!", giggles the voice at her own joke for a second only to turn dead serious in the other, "you know I'm busy, make it short!"

"Lady Luck please-"

"I told you countless times, call me "boss" over the phone!", hisses Lady Luck like a cobra ready to devour a whole kangaroo.

"Yes, sorry, yes, Lady- boss", Harley's stuttering now isn't making the boss happy and she's aware of it, "I have a new boy, but he's not-"

"Good! I don't care about the rest, bring him here! Our clients have been asking for one for a while now, they pay handsomely too, let's say more than you could afford in a lifetime!", giggles Lady Luck again, enjoying herself, "bring him here and I'll make sure that's not the case anymore, and don't try to hide it, I know you need the money"

"No! Lady- boss, please wait-"

"Shut up! Meet me in my office in an hour. Case closed!", says the boss a second before she hangs up.

'Harley's been screwing up a lot of missions lately, glad she's finally doing something useful, for the last time in her life!' giggles the boss at her own thoughts while patting a crying 9 years old, almost nude girl.

'I was going to kill her anyway, bringing a boy plaything is just a bonus ', the boss' unusual relaxed attitude for the past two minutes have been like a psychological weapon against the poor little girl.

The thought of having a new boy around made the girl feel a heavy knot in her guts, both because the idea of having a "boy" around made her uneasy, and because the poor soul is going to be introduced to this nightmare of a place.

But low-key, she was happy that soon, someone else will be there for her, rather than her alone.

Out of the last three children that were there in the past two weeks, a girl was sold to a filthy rich businessman, one boy was killed by a powered lowlife after she's bought him from Lady Luck because he wasn't enough to "Satisfy" her, and the other one committed suicide with a metal fork after his friend had been killed.

With the psychological damage new children suffer, it's a miracle they made it that far.

The little girl, Maya, shuddered at her thoughts.


*Harley's POV"

No, no, no, no, you damn hypocrite! You'd only sell him to someone or kill him, you b*stard!

Harley was furious at the idea of losing the adorable pet she had found for herself, yet she needed the money, and badly at that.

I can't let this happen! Yet, if I don't, my debt will be long overdue, which is a death sentence for me!



As soon as Harley got into the office, a small poisoned dagger dove into her throat, before settling in the door behind her.

She died without making a sound, let alone a faint hiss sound.

Lady Luck didn't see the boy's features until he had hit the floor, head first.

His small delicate features made her mouth watery, his silver pale skin made her eyes shine as if she's just obtained a gold mine, and the fresh blood from hitting the ground that was trickling down his closed eyes gave her an overall funny tingly feeling that traveled throughout her whole body.

Whereas Harley had almost built a temple to worship this angel pet, Lady Luck had such a hungry wolfish grin that would make an actual wolf piss itself.

"Bring the healer, fast!", yelled the boss at her personal assistant, the one that threw the knife, Black Silver.

Black Silver hurriedly left the room without looking back.

This isn't the first time his lady's attitude reminded him of those crazy asylum horrors he'd watch on TV.

"This isn't a human", said Lady Luck, greed oozing from every move and gesture she performed, "this is a diamond pot!"