The Last Loss

AN: the following content might (probably will) be sensitive to most readers. Don't read unless 18+ of age, and with a strong heart. You've been warned! (Short chapter so you won't miss much if you skip)


* Porter Robinson - Goodbye To A World *

Warm water droplets dripped down Lizzie's short locks as she sat in her filled bathtub, hugging her knees, with her mouth touching the water.

Her eyes were still warm and reddish from the tears she had shed. "Now I am truly alone..." the sadness in her voice echoed throughout the bathroom.

"I've suffered enough, Sammy," she said quietly, "don't you think?"


"I know that I have promised you that I'd live a happy life and always remember you, but- but I can't... Sammy," she said in between renewed sobs. "I'm just not strong enough, I need someone to hold my hand and guide me, do you hear me?" her voice was slowly rising as she had had it with misery and the suffering she had to endure.