Abbadon Vs Silver - Part 1

"I am superior to all of you? Bow to me?" Abbadon repeated after Silver in an ice cold tone. "How dare a fallen angel mutter such filth in the presence of my mistress?

"You've fallen from grace, haven't you? You're a disgrace to your own kind as much as you're a disgrace to yourself. 

"I may as well be doing the worlds a favour by getting rid of you!" With that, Abbadon retracted his aura into his body as a serious and deadly expression painted his face.

Seeing that, Raven teleported away while at the same time ordering her army to retreat and watch from a safe distance. 'I can easily tell that Silver is stronger than Abbadon, but I doubt that will stop him from showing his best in front of me.

'I will give him a few minutes of solo combat before giving him a hand, let this be a lesson for him. There's always someone stronger...'