Breaking Bonds - Part 2

"And Raphael," Michael's voice got suddenly softer as he turned towards the white-blue haired seraph. A gentle and almost apologetic smile painted his radiant face. "I understand what you're going through."

He really did. He was the oldest of the Seraphim, contrary to Raphael who was the youngest. He has gone through various hardships before.

"I understand that it's not easy to end a world that you've once considered home, regardless of the pains you experienced there. 

"It hurts, and trust me when I say that I feel your pain," he said as he stepped closer to Raphael who was looking at her feet in defeat while clenching her hands into fists.

Of course, Michael was not lying. He feels her pain. He had felt it before. That pain that is associated with destroying one's home. He had gone through the same pain many and countless times.

"However, it is our jobs as the Angels of Judgement, as the Seraphim, to end a sinful Plane, do you not agree, Raphael?