Contingency Call - Part 7

With her hands on Kayla's brow, Infinity's eyes shone in a mystic silver hue. With this, the world of sparkling stars and colourful moons around the two of them slowly faded away.

Suddenly, Kayla widened her eyes as her heart ached. She could feel a strange and alien feeling spreading throughout her soul… 

She felt… inexplicably lonely…

Moments later however, she realized that her bad premonition from earlier had come true… and together with that came the explanation for this strange and sudden loneliness…

She could no longer feel Raven's presence…

It was as though the two of them had parted ways…

The connection between the two has been severed!

But didn't Infinity say that they would not lose the ability to feel Raven? Weren't they supposed to stay connected through the system?