Mutations and Evolutions

This kind of resembles those character sheets my students carried around for their tabletop games. Although mine is more suited to a monster than a human. When I focus in on the minor details of my status it brings up some more information, that's probably how I look at the potential mutations and evolutions. So STR affects my physical strength, VIT seems to be a measure of my stamina and how durable I am, DEX affects my agility and reflexes. INT is just a general intelligence, WIS is more common sense and perception. So kind of like a book smart over street smart thing. MND or Mind is... magic aptitude, power and defence. CHA or Charisma seems to be pretty straight forward, persuasiveness and my ability to get along with others. And LUCK is rather simple, a measurement of my luck. Taking a closure look at my race, Elite Hatchling Sea Snake, it seems a normal Hatchling Talonian Sea Snake has really low stats. I got a boost to INT and WIS from my previous life, my luck, on the other hand, is actually worse than a normal snake... System what's different about my regional variant compared to others?

The Robotic voice speaks up again as the screen changes from my status to a description of the Talonian Sea Snake.

"A Sea Snake native to the continent of Talonia. The Talonian Sea Snake live is one of the coldest climates that any sea snake can be found in, as a result, they are adapted for colder environments with scales that can absorb more heat from the sun. Talonian Sea Snakes are the only sea snakes to lay eggs on land. They are also the only sea snakes to have corrosive venom as well as the ability to spit said venom up to 1 metre away."

So I'm well suited to attacks with my venom, the system really did put me into a body well suited to me. The use of venom was one of my favourite killing methods after all. But moving on lets take a look at the things that really interest me, mutations and evolutions. Going back to the status screen, I begin to focus on Mutations and shortly after the screen changes.

"Mutations are an ability unique to Elite Monsters. After consuming a sufficient amount of biomatter, an Elite Monster can mutate their physical form in various ways. The potential mutations available to the Talonian Sea Snake are: Enhanced Size, Spiked Tail, Enhanced Lungs, Superior Eyes, Gills. Your current state can not sustain any mutations, please hatch from your egg to view biomatter requirements."

They all seem to have their uses but I wonder if there is a limit to how many I can have? I suppose I'll find out once I break out of this egg but I should look into what exactly this evolution is and check my potential evolutions.

"All monster species can evolve after a certain amount of biomatter is consumed. Most Evolutions are streamlined from the infant phase to the adult phase. There exist special evolutions that can change a monsters species, these can be unlocked under special circumstances. Note that if an Elite Monster changes its species it will lose incompatible mutations it has undergone."

So this world's evolution if different from the concept I am familiar with. Seems more in line with umm what was it called again, Pogimon? Probably something like that. So how about the potential evolutions I've got.

"Potential Evolutions are: Juvenile Talonian Sea Snake, Hatchling Pale Snake, Infant Sea Serpent, Young Sea Drake, ???."

The Juvenile evolution is straightforward, just the natural progression of my current species. But that path seems to be set and limited in growth compared to the special evolutions. what are the other paths available?

"The Pale Snake is a long extinct species that could traverse both land and ocean environments. Also called the Silent Death, due to its unusually small size and the lack of noise when striking its prey. Was known for its aggressive behaviour and extremely potent venom. Driven to extinction by the humanoid races in the past era. Follows the Hatchling>Juvenile>Adolescent>Adult evolutionary path and cannot evolve further. Available due to actions from your previous life. Unlock requirements: 50kg of biomatter consumed, kill 100 of your own species, kill 100 of other snake species, kill 100 of any other species."

Seems this is a special evolution I have because I was a famed killer before. Since my goal will most likely put me into conflict with many people I don't mind being a species so hated that I would actively get hunted, the Pale Snake doesn't seem to be very durable. I can't assume that venom alone even a super potent one like what the Pale Snake has will work well on deities. Can't just be a one trick pony and expect to come out on top against those Him after all. This doesn't even take into account the limited growth options. How about the Sea Serpent?

"The Sea Serpent is an aquatic monster; when young they are often confused for a sea snake, although they do share a common ancestor. They are far larger than sea snakes at all stages of evolution. They give birth to live young, unlike sea snakes that lay eggs. The Sea Serpents dwell in the middle layer of the ocean compared to the sea snakes which inhabit the shallows. They are known for being territorial, as Adults, they tend to use their large bodies to wrap around any ship the sails through their territory. Follows the Infant>Adolescent>Adult evolutionary path, further evolution is locked upon reaching the Adult phase. Available do relation between sea snakes and previous life title. Unlock requirements: 1500kg of biomatter consumed, be an Elite Sea Snake with the Massive Size mutation (upgrade of Enhanced Size), be an Elite Sea Snake with the Enhanced Size mutation. Note, both mutation requirements cleared due to the previous life's title, The Serpent Killer."

This doesn't seem too bad and its growth isn't restrictive like the snake lines, so long as I don't evolve into an Adult. But it completely restricted to the ocean. If not for that one demerit I would have seriously considered this. One should never underestimate a size advantage after all. Doing so nearly cost me my life once. So System, how about that Sea Drake?

"The Sea Drake is an aquatic monster and the ancestor of sea snakes and serpents. They carry the venom of the sea snakes and the size of the sea serpents. Few in number and only found in the near depths of the ocean. They are known for their solitary nature and ferocious battle capabilities. While not as strong as the monster who live at the very depths of the ocean the Sea Drake is still a beast most people will stay clear of. Follows the Young>Adult evolutionary path, further sea evolutions past the Adult phase are restricted to ??? but can potentially evolve into a land dwelling monster. Available due to having both the Sea Serpent and any Snake evolutionary path unlocked. Unlock requirements: 2500kg of biomatter consumed, be an Elite Sea Snake or Serpent with Enhanced Size or Massive Size, and Superior Eyes mutations."

Damn, that looks nice, I'm almost definitely going to try for this one. The Sea Drake has the Size and power advantages of the Sea Serpent while also having the Venom of the Sea Snake. But the only question remaining is the option that's unknown, it also showed up in the Sea Drakes description.

"The ??? is a unique evolution available to all descendants of Spirit Dragons that haven't had their evolution path locked by Adulthood unless stated otherwise. More information will become available as the Unlock requirements are fulfilled. Unlock requirements: 1,000,000kg of biomatter consumed, current species is of Spirit Dragon descent (completed), at least 20% of the required biomatter consumed is of plant matter, at least 20% of the required biomatter consumed is of aquatic life, at least 20% of the required biomatter consumed is of terrestrial life, at least 20% of the required biomatter consumed is of sentient/intelligent life (this may overlap with terrestrial and aquatic life), must consume at least 20% worth of the total required biomatter in inorganic material, be an Elite Monster with the Gigantic Size mutation, be an Elite Monster with the Corrosive Stomach mutation, be an Elite Monster with the Growth Mutation, be an Elite Monster with the Deadly Venom mutation, be an Elite Monster with the Void Organs mutation, must be feared by at least 3 factions of sentient/intelligent life (1/3), there may exist only one ??? at a time if another currently exist it must be killed (completed), acquire any of the following titles: God Slayer, Deity, Scourge of Life, Immortal Slayer, World Eater. Due to having 2/15 requirements cleared the following information is now available; Species: Ouroboros, thought to be a direct descendant of the Spirit Dragon Progenitor, the Titan Leviathan. Considered to be one of the 4 heralds of the end of the world."

I've decided. This will be my end goal. Since it is available to all descendants of Spirit Dragons, I can freely evolve so long as I stay on this path I can eventually make more way to the Ouroboros. since one of the required titles is God Slayer it would mean that becoming an Ouroboros would be more than enough to take Him on. For my starting goals, I should focus on becoming an Adult Sea Drake and make my transition to land. Now that the plan as all laid out it's to break this egg, Lets boogie.