First Contact

As I pass by the cliff and approach the ship, a strange chilling sensation spreads through my body.

"Due to having a higher skill level in Investigate, you are aware the someone is using Investigate on you."

How did they know I'm here? Wait, if I can be investigated from this distance then I should be able to do the same. Hmm... seems like there are only two people fully capable of combat. A young girl called Melissa and her brother Keith. There is just one thing that bothers me...

Name: Melissa Wilson

Race: Human

Titles: Novice Adventurer

Class: Apprentice Lightning Mage (Tier 1)

Level: 5

HP: 19/19 MP: 69/80 SP: 40/45

STR: 11

VIT: 15

DEX: 11

INT: 35

WIS: 14

MND: 38

Details: A young adventurer of the special Apprentice Lightning Mage Class. Stronger than a normal Apprentice Mage, but restricted to the use of lightning. Watch out for her magic, it's a real shock.

More Lightning! I'm not sure if it's the PTSD kicking in or my species just has a natural fear of it but I really don't want to get hit by lightning again. However, the status screen for humans is a lot different than it is for us monsters. I originally wanted to just stalk the ship and try and eavesdrop on any conversations going around for some info, but those two might cause me some trouble. And what's this 'class' thing?

"Intelligent humanoid life use the Class System over the Evolution System used by monsters. Similar to how different monster races each have a tier, every Class has a tier ranging from 1-5. There also exist, Legendary Classes, that above tier 5 similar to the Legendary Monsters above tier 10. Unlike Legendary Monsters being a singular existence, Multiple people can have a Legendary Class."

I know I asked and all but I didn't actually expect to get an answer nor did I really care but thanks, I guess. But this is rather frustrating if it wasn't for those two I probably could have stalked the ship for a while before they'd have noticed me. Just thinking about the potential benefits from being able to eavesdrop and maybe even attack the ship for some easy pickings... wait can I even understand their language? Well since they know I'm here, I might as well find out and vent my anger while I'm at it.

I rise up and bring a portion of my body above the surface, towering above of vessel as a torrent of water runs down from my head. I quickly locate the Wilson duo as they are the biggest threat... and the target of my animosity. He who strikes first will achieve victory, so with that in mind, Acid Spray! My mouth wide open spewing my acid onto the deck of the ship, creating several holes. In the wake of my first attack, some of the crew manage to stumble into the holes while running, others are grounded, cradling themselves in pain after some acid splashed up an hit them. It doesn't take long for the retaliation to begin. Thankfully this Melissa is making it very obvious where she is aiming so dodging her lightning attack wasn't difficult, but a couple of arrows managed to lodge themselves into me during my attempt at avoiding the lightning. Shrugging off the pain from the arrows, I lung towards Melissa, going for a one-bite kill. Keith, seeing my movements slides underneath my head and just before I can stick my fangs into her, Melissa is dragged to the ground. My momentum keeps me moving as my whole body arches over the ship land in the water on the opposite side along with another set of arrows lodge into my underside. My corrosive body makes quick work of the cheap arrows, but the pain from the impact hurts like hell, bring my health down to 72. Knowing the threat Keith poses compared to Melissa, I shift my attention towards him.

After my entire body is once again submerged I rise up once more, but in almost the exact moment my head comes into view of the deck, lightning flashes before my eyes. Directly hitting me in the face. The force of the bolt sends me back a little as I find troubling opening my mouth. With a quick look at my status, I see that my health has dropped to 45 and on top of that paralyzed. Shit! my health is actually below half. That one strike dealt 27 damage in a single hit! Why does that do so much!?

With my mouth temporarily out of commission, I move to another strategy. I submerge myself and begin to bash my body into the hull of the ship. Its got a sturdy hull I'll give it that, but cracks are beginning to take shape. Of course, I don't get to just freely hit the ship as various projectiles come shooting down at me from the above the surface. But with the distortion of the water, I managed to dodge a good portion of the arrows shot at me, surprisingly though the fishermen broke out of their initial fear and hit me a few times with fishing spears. As I charge up to break into the hull another bolt of lightning comes forth. Thankfully it had dispersed through the water only dealing 13 damage to me, but between that, the arrows, and the spears, I only have 22 health left.

Feeling endangered, I reluctantly retreat. No, I didn't lose, this is just a tactical retreat. Keith and Melissa Wilson, I've marked your names on my list. Just wait, once I evolve to a terrestrial species I'll get my revenge.


Watching the snake swim away, all the tension in the air fades and we all breathe a sigh of relief.

"Ight men, everyone lets get movin'! On the double! We don't want that nasty to return now, do we? Someone go check the damage down below and patch up these here holes. As for the two youngins, we're only still standin' here thanks ya help. I'll make sure the village chief gives you a bonus when ya go get the proof of completion from the geezer."

I give my thanks to Adar for the praise as he leaves to oversee the ship. But rather than his praise or the promised extra reward, I'm just glad nobody died, and that my sister is safe. If I was any slower, Melissa would have been eaten alive. I need to be stronger. I promised our father on his deathbed that I would protect Melissa. For her sake, I need to get stronger.

"Conditions have been met. Special Class: Protector (Archer), is now available for selection on your next class advancement."