Friendship Ended with Lindwurm, Elemental Spirit Dragon is now my Best Friend

Taking a look at the new potential evolution I obtained, it's known as an Elemental Spirit Dragon, a tier 8 monster.

"The Elemental Spirit Dragon is a Tier 8 terrestrial Dragon and has the possibility of true flight but is otherwise restricted to gliding. Unlike many grounded terrestrial Dragons, the Elemental Spirit Dragon can potentially support larger than normal body sizes. They are limbless with large wings on its back. They are also often called Feathered Serpents, this is due to the feathery appearance of their scales; despite their appearance, these are still scales and are not as soft as they look. Many of the specific capabilities of an Elemental Spirit Dragon will differ between others. This is because not all have the same Elemental Essence. Like all Dragons, Spirit and Celestial, of Tier 7+ they can shapeshift into a humanoid form for a set amount of time depending on Tier (24 hours), after the duration has ended another shapeshift cannot be used until 730 hours have passed. They follow the Young>Adult>Elder evolutionary path and can only evolve into 2 other monsters, the Tier 9 Elemental Spirit Dragon Lord, and the Tier 10 monster, Spirit Dragon of Primordial Elements; this limit excludes any available Legendary Monsters. To evolve into an Elemental Spirit Dragon you must have absorbed an Elemental Essence of at least 3 different types, upon acquisition of 3 different Elemental Essences the evolution process will be automatically started and may not be stopped. Evolution to any other monster will result in the loss of all obtained Elemental Essence as most monsters are unable to accommodate them."

This evolution is kinda weird, in more than one spot too. If I meet the requirements then I'm forced to evolve and if I evolve into something else I'll lose the requirements for the Elemental Spirit Dragon. And based off of the description the System gave, it also has a large variable in terms of abilities. But what determines these variable? Taking a guess, I would say it's the type of essence I manage to get. I had plenty of question when I first saw the name but now that I've seen the description the amount of questions I have hasn't changed. Like, is the only way to obtain an Elemental Essence to kill an Elemental; and just what are the different changes that take place for different combinations of essence; or just what are the other elements?

"Requirements have not been met to see the results of all essence combinations. Effects of the currently held Elemental Essence upon evolution are: gain Ice Absorption, Fire Absorption, Damage from Water Element +100%, Ice Creation, Ice Manipulation, Fire Creation, Fire Manipulation."

"List of elements are as follows, Fire, Air, Water, Wood, Ice, Earth, Lightning, Metal, Light, Dark. There are two ways to obtain an Elemental Essence, to kill and absorb an Elemental or to find and absorb an Elemental Root."

So I gain resistances and weaknesses based on the type of essence I gather before evolution? Even I could have figured that out with a little thinking, thanks for nothing I guess. Well, it's not like I didn't get anything. I did learn about all the different elements and an alternative way of obtaining the essence, but I don't even know what an Elemental Root is.... so there's nothing this time huh.

And then there's the humanoid form. This is probably the where the Dragonoids I've heard about come from. I first thought that people were just getting down and dirty with some kinky shit, but-- actually it still is, people are so weird. Regardless, I'm sure that it will still come in handy for some things, I might even be able to enjoy some gourmet food for the first time in forever. *rumble* On, just thinking about delicious food is making me hungry.

I think I'll move my evolution course towards this Elemental Dragon. Even though the requirements are a little vague and forceful, it should still be stronger than any other choice I have, save for Ouroboros which will take much more time to do. I'd rather not fight with another Elemental since I probably wouldn't be able to win unless it was a Fire Elemental, but I already have the Essence of fire so I have no need to go and provoke one. Which leaves me with searching for an Elemental Root, but how should I go about searching for it? More like, what is an Elemental Root? I wonder if I can find a ship to threaten and interrogate. Guess I'll head back the way I came since that is the only place I know that has people nearby, I might even get some booze out of it.

After another few weeks of travel, I spot the continent that was near the waters I had taken residence for a while and even manage to find a ship that looks to be heading towards the nearby port. I sneak up and position myself right behind the ship before instantly rising as a torrent of water leaps into the air following my ascent.

"And who was it that said the Dragon was gone! I humbly apologise oh great Dragon of the Sea, please grant my ship passage! We don't have anything that can be used to appease you right now because some of the merchants wanted to save money and didn't purchase any alcohol. I swear I objected to this decision, so please if you must take a sacrifice then take the stingy merchants instead of me."

The sailor pleads that it wasn't his fault but in my eyes, it doesn't matter. He seems just at stingy as the merchants he is trying to frame. Perhaps the other humans on board don't notice, but I can clearly smell some alcohol on him. As for the merchants in question, they are hiding in varies places, taking peeks on the situation while cursing the sailor who is trying the throw them under the bus.

If he wasn't lying about have no alcohol on board, even if it is just a small amount on his person, I may have let him talk. But it really does seems like there is no large quantity of alcohol of any kind on this ship. He keeps spouting nonsense and is getting really annoying so I just eat him to shut the guy up. Everyone is trembling, having witnessed a man being eaten alive, but no one says anything, afraid that they would be next.

"I don't tolerate liars! I can smell it, taste it, he had a canister of alcohol. But he was truthful about one thing, the lack of alcohol. As punishment for your lack of tribute, you would ordinarily die, but I have other plans for you lot. Whoever can tell me about an Elemental Root may live, the rest can live in my stomach."

Hearing my ultimatum, the merchants that were previously hiding and cowering in fear rush out to the deck, as for the crew of the ship... some are playing dead thinking I wouldn't kill what's already dead, other have fallen to their knees with empty eyes.

"Uhh, Sir Dragon, might you also be here for the Elemental Root?"

"I am a woman and I am the one asking questions here!"

I yell out to criticise the merchant to scare them a little, but honestly, I'm a little worried to hear that other people are searching for the Elemental Root.

"HIIIII! I-I'm sorry, I'm sorry, ma'am, I won't make that mistake again!"

"Now tell me who else is searching for the Elemental Root!"

"There is the kingdom we are affiliated with, the Kingdom of Talos, then there's the United Kingdom of Agura-Ulldar. But I heard that the location of where the Root will form was leaked and now there are various criminal groups looking to get their hands on it. A-and there are probably many monsters like yourself who have noticed that the Elemental Root is about to form."

"And do you know where the location is!?"

"I-it's at the coastal border of the two kingdoms, where a river leads to the great lake, Lake Giras. According to the rumoured information leak, that is where the Water Elemental Root will form. It should be credible c-considering the high amount of military activity from both kingdoms in the area."

"Very good, I shall keep my word and let you merchants live."

The three merchants sigh in relief, but unfortunately...

"Except for you who dare address me as Sir!"

Much like the annoying sailor from before I swoop down and eat one of the merchants whole, as well as the sailors who had previously given up. I considered eating up the few people who thought I was stupid enough to believe that they had died of fright, but this might make for a good story, so I'll keep them alive and hope they spread their survival story. Sending the merchant's cargo ship on its way, I follow the coastline in search of the river that leads to this so called Lake Giras.