The War of Lake Giras [Part 2] (Third Person)

On the continent of Talonia, Lake Giras, the usual peace of the great lake has been disturbed for the first time in years. It is here at Lake Giras that the first Elemental Root in a thousand years will form. Many forces seek to covet this power, for the civilised it can provide their society with nearly unlimited resources. And for certain monsters, it can provide a new path to increase their strength. The major forces at play here are the two nations that share a border on Lake Giras, the Kingdom of Talos, named after the continent or perhaps the continent is named after them as they are the oldest nation on Talonia. The other main force vying for the Root is the United Kingdom of Agura-Ulldar, the newest country on Talonia, although this title is deceptive as the country was formed through the union of two countries.

At the garrison of the Talonian military, in a large open tent, there are many people running in and out bringing all sorts of reports to Grand General Leo, the head of the Talos army.

"So news of the Dual Elemental Root has already been exposed? Just what the hell are those intelligence officers for, and why didn't anymore report this sooner!? Just how long has it been leaked for!?"

"I don't know, Sir! I didn't even realise it was a secret since most people seemed to already know, Sir!"

"*sigh* I'm starting to get why the other nations call us an ageing sick man, you're all fucking worthless! When this is all over I'm going to personally whip the intelligence division into shape!"

The intelligence officer who made the report runs out bearing new order with a pale face as a messenger enters the tent bearing more news.

"Grand General, I bring a report from the river border patrols! A large sea monster has entered the river and is making its way to the lake. They don't think they can stop it completely and hope that we can grab the Root before it arrives."

"Did we not send extra forces to guard the river entrance and even our largest warships? Just how did this monster make it through?"

"A conflict broke out with the forces of Agura-Ulldar and the monster created even more chaos and used the situation to enter the river. Our attacks on the beast didn't seem to do much and when I left all forces from both sides of the river came to a ceasefire and began to focus on the sea monster."

"While that's not much to go off of, this sea monster is probably an intelligent one. Did anyone get a chance to identify it?"

"I tried Sir, and I'm sure many others did. However most of us only have a low levelled Inspect, so I would assume most if not all failed their Inspect, just as I did."

"Understandable, you're soldiers not adventurers or sailors, so I don't expect you to have a high level identification skill, but this does still allow us to make a good guess to the minimum tier of this monster. Since Inspect was failing on a massive scale we can assume that it is most likely a tier 4 or higher monster, and since the attacks failed to completely stop it... wait what does this thing look like?"

"Its body has a resemblance to Sea Serpents and Sea Drakes but that's only the visual framework of the body, everything is very different from what I know. Its..."

Meanwhile, in the camp of the Agura-Ulldar forces, Commander Darvin is also receiving reports on the situation in the river.

"Sir, according to one of the adventurers we hired, the monster is an Elite Sea Dragon, one of the extinct Spirit Dragons."

"Those have been long dead have they not? If it truly as a Sea Dragon then it may be the last of its kind. If possible I would rather capture than have to kill it, but it is probably here for the Root, just like the rest of us. But an Elite version of what is already a tough fight will prove to be difficult under most circumstances. But this isn't most circumstances, Both the Talonians and us have brought our strongest troops here, including are Legendary class warriors, not even a relic like this Sea Dragon should be able to put up a fight here. Putting the Dragon aside, for now, lets foc--"

A strong gale wind comes in and sends both camps into a frenzied confusion as they eventually realise the reason. Waterspouts and whirlpools begin to take form over the lake and whirlpools send. The Root has formed.

"Grand General, is that--"

"Yes, its the Elemental Root, a Dual Elemental Root of Water and Air. If we can get our hands on that our nation will no longer be called the sick man of Talonia. All forces, take formation! Rout all enemy forces who would dare take the Root!"

Within mere moments of the Elemental Root's formation, the war of Lake Giras has begun. Mages strike with the accumulation of all their arcane knowledge, Clashes of steel send sparks into the air while arrows rain down from above.

But on the outskirts of the battle, hidden by the forestation, many groups are watching. From neighbouring nations that snuck small parties in, to criminal groups seeking power and profit. Amongst these observers are the Dragon Bandits, having mobilised most of their forces, they would probably be the strongest group at Lake Giras when discounting the two military forces.

"Are you sure about this boss? I don't think we can just snatch the Root and make a run for it with all this chaos. Maybe if there were just one other group to deal with, but it's not just the Talonians and Agura-Ulldar, between all the other groups hiding in the forest and the monster that will fight us for it, I don't think we can really make it out of here even if we grab the Root."

"But this chaos is also the perfect cover for getting to the Root and with or without the chaotic battle, the moment anyone grabs the Elemental Root they become the enemy of everyone at the lake. Besides, if we do manage to get away with the Root, we'll never have to worry about our lack of a water source ever again. This problem has been a thorn in our side since my great-grandfather's time and I think the solution is worth the risk. But I don't mean to take the most dangerous route here, lets keep waiting for the Talos and Agura-Ulldar troops to tire themselves out. Once the Legendary fighters take the stage and fight each other is when we make our move."

At the front of the lake where the river feeds into Lake Giras, the water stirs. Every few seconds the water spills over the river's edge. From the area around the lake, everyone briefly stops their fighting as a giant figure appears from over the horizon, the sea monster from the reports has finally got the lake within its sight. But right behind it is the border guards of both the Kingdom of Talos and the United Kingdom of Agura-Ulldar, bombarding the giant monster with spells and arrows. But the monster just ignores them and continues moving forwards towards the lake.

"It's coming, the Sea Dragon is coming! That thing is much bigger than I thought it was! The report did not do this monster's size any justice."

With the approach of the Sea Dragon, both sides decide that this needs to end before things get too out of hand for them to handle so they send in their Legendary class soldiers. As they take the stage the battle becomes more intense as Legendary class mages bring forth meteors and Legendary class warriors split the earth with their blades. But unexpected to both sides, the Dragon Bandits that were previously hiding quietly in the shadows storm out from the forest, adding even more oil to the fire.

Blood splatters and stains the lake as it starts to turn to a crimson red from the many corpses that have fallen into the lake. Much of the ground has been scorched and shattered, but the fighting continues. And still untouched, floating above the centre of the lake is a clear and transparent perfect sphere. The area around the Elemental Root is the last remaining section of the lake to be disturbed. It's location forces the people who wish to obtain it to ride in a boat towards the centre of the lack, but no one will let the others do such a thing. But this is brief peace is soon interrupted.

The Sea Dragon finally arrives near the river's end and approaches the entrance to the lake. The physical entrance is currently blocked by both the troops of Talos and Agura-Ulldar in agreement that if the Root is to be taken it should at least be taken by a human. But The Dragon cares little for the blockade. It jumps into the sky and soars over the blockade, landing near the centre of the lack where the Elemental Root is located. Water splashes up and renders many of the weaker people fighting near the edge of the lake incapable.

Another brief moment of pause is given as they stop fighting each other and realise the current danger.

"I believe this belongs to me!"

The dragon roars out as it brings down its massive head on the Elemental Root, jaws wide open, instantly consuming the Root.

Seeing how they failed to reach their objective and fully aware of the strength of Dragons, the Dragon Bandits retreat, but the troops of the two nations have a fire lit in their eyes. Both the armies of Talos and Agura-Ulldar turn the weapons from each other and redirect them towards the Dragon the just swallowed the Elemental Root, having just become public enemy number one.