The Adventurers Guild

The Adventurers Guild wasn't too hard to find as the building is one of the larger ones around here. The Adventurers Guild Hoplanick Branch, seems like a pretty lively place for such a small town. So, what is an adventurer anyway? Through the word alone, the image of some kind of explorer pops into my head, a person who seeks the unknown. But I'm very clearly wrong. These people, on the surface that is, don't fit the image I have in my head. Purely through visual appearance, they all look more like mercenaries. Men and women alike dressed in armed garb, armours varying for simple leather and cloth to full plate armour. Many are gathered around tables with drinks in hand, having a good laugh.

After a bit of looking around, I make my way towards the one of the receptionist. Perhaps because she saw the way I was looking around because she asks,

"Welcome, is this your first time visiting an Adventurers Guild?"

"Yeah, it is."

"Then are you here to register or to post a request?"

"I've got a question first, what is an adventurer?"

Upon hearing my question, the receptionist gives me an unusual look and her brows rise a little. But she soon straightens her expression and answers my question.

"An adventurer is something of a cross between a mercenary and an odd job man, basically they do a bit of everything. Through the Guild, they accept and fulfil the request of the people for rewards."

Before I can pose my next question the receptionist woman continues as if she knew what I was about to ask next.

"The Adventurers Guild is an international organisation with branches in almost every settlement in Grauntia. We assign ranks to adventurers based on their combat power and knowledge; request we receive is also assigned a rank based on the difficulty level, this is so an adventurer won't do something that is likely beyond their capabilities and to ensure that the request is fulfilled without fail."

"Now about registering, I wouldn't have to pay for it, will I?"

"Registration is free as well as the first issuance of the Guild Identification Card, however losing the card will require payment to reissue. While it isn't applicable to small towns like ours, many larger cities require some form of identification to enter otherwise you will have to pay an amount of money for a temporary identification token, the Guild Card will function as an acceptable form of identification. Would you like to register?"

Do I really want to register? There is probably some information channels I can use if I do register and I can personally spread stories about Spirit Dragons to the other adventurers, but there is one big problem. I can only shapeshift to my humanoid form for 24 hours, and once all that time is used up I have to wait a month before I can use my humanoid form again. As it stands, I won't be able to come to the Guild very often. But on the flipside, registration is free so there is little reason to turn it down, but free things come for a price elsewhere.

"So what's the catch, rather, what are the downsides?"

"My position requires that I say there are none... however, I won't exactly say they are downsides, but every three months you will have to have accepted and finished a request otherwise you would be liable for the revocation of you adventurer status. You are also obligated to answer the summons of the Guild when an emergency situation pops up, for example, say a large group of monsters have formed and have been confirmed to have set their sights on a town, then all nearby adventurers must gather at the Guilds summons and work to eliminate the threat. Failure to comply may also result in the revocation of your adventurer status. There is an exception to the first rule in that if you show that you have accepted a long term request and have been actively working on it then you will be given a pass on the three month show of activity; this restriction also gets light as your rank rises. Other than those, there aren't really any downsides. Adventurers are for the most part free to do as they please, as long as no one is found breaking any laws. And even then it's pretty much a grey zone as there are many criminal groups that also have adventurers as members."

"What about the Dragon Bandits?"

"The Dragon Bandits? Ever since they became a subsidiary group of the Dragonoid Khanate, they became less of a criminal group and more of a police force... well, as far as their activities in the Alliance go that is. They still operate as a normal criminal group in other territories, albeit a much larger one."

"I see, anyway, I think I'll register."

"Very well, please follow me and I'll get you started with the registration process."

With a smile on her face, the receptionist guides me towards a back room with various instruments and devices. Moving some kind of spherical device onto a table, she places two small steel plate underneath it and beckons me to take a seat while placing a small needle in front of me.

"I'm going to have to ask you to prick your finger for some blood, then place your hand atop the scrying orb. It will read your status and place the relevant information on the Guild Identification Card."

Despite that nagging feeling of this being similar to some kind of cult initiation, I comply but find it a little difficult to pierce my skin. Using a little too much force, blood comes gushing out causing the receptionist to panic a little, but as an added benefit of my Air Absorption, I heal up from such a small wound in a matter of seconds and calmly place my hand on the sphere as if nothing had happened.

The spherical device begins to glow and I hear the mechanical System voice ring in my head.

"A Scrying Device is attempting to read your status. As a result of the Title 'Seed of Calamity', your status has been partially hidden to inspection type skills at the level of Analysis and lower."

The glowing light of the sphere dissipates as the receptionist picks up the two steel plates underneath and looks over it with a puzzled expression.

"Umm, Miss Cordelia, there has been a problem with your Guild Card. I'm not sure why, but your Class, Titles, level and stats all show up at unknown."

"Oh. That's actually a problem on my end, we redo this I think I can fix it."

"Ok, I'll just treat is as updating your card."

Placing the small steel plates back beneath the sphere, I also place my hand back on it with traces of blood still there, causing it to glow once more. Can change what gets shown through the protective lens of my Title? Hearing the question in my head, I hear the System once again,

"Yes, please select what information gets shown."

Nice to know I can pick what gets shown. Making sure to hide my less appealing and dangerous Titles leaving only 'Immortal Slayer' and 'Brave Explorer' in view, as well as allowing my stats to get shown. As the glowing begins to fade again, I withdraw my hand as the receptionist takes another look at the card, and once again has an unusual expression on her face. But this time it's not confusion but surprise on her face.

"Immortal Slayer! And these stats at only level 2! Your class must be Legendary to have stats like these, but I've never heard of a class called 'Dragon Element Master' before. Excuse more for asking but just who are you?"

Rather than answering her question, I decide to ignore it and ask my own.

"So have we finished the registration process?"

Quickly realising that I'm not going to answer her question, she composes herself and hands me one of the two small steel plates.

"Here is your Guild Identification Card, please be sure not to lose it as it will require 1 gold coin to reissue. As for the second card we have, it is going to have its contents added to our database so you can access the Guild features from any branch. Also in light of your high stats, your starting rank will be C, skipping F, E, and D ranks. When taking your stats and Titles into consideration you should have a higher rank than that but C is the highest rank we can grant a starting adventurer."

"Thanks for the help then."

As I turn to leave, I ask for a map of the area. The receptionist grabs a small map from behind the counter hands it to me while guiding me towards the exit. But I take a stop right outside the door and turn my head back towards her, deciding to have a little fun before leaving.

Letting small flames out from my mouth, I say, "you had previously asked who I was, but did you look at what was race was? I suggest you look at that and make a guess for yourself."

leaving her with those last words, I dash off and exit the small town of Hoplanick. Begining my return to Mount Dragspear.