First Day of Inspections

According to Aurelia, the first day of inspections focuses on public areas and facilities as well as businesses run by the common people. And one of our stops today includes the Adventurers Guild, which is also our starting point for today.

As expected, we won't be walking and instead, we will be riding in an open horse-drawn carriage. Although most of Aurelia's guards don't like the idea, they don't have too much say in the matter. The reason they are opposed to it seems to be the obvious safety risk when they also have an armoured carriage that could be used, but Aurelia sees the situation a little different. She claims that the armoured carriage doesn't look good.

But that visual appeal doesn't seem to be the only reason as once we ride out from the stable, we find either side of the road to be crowded with people. The open carriage also allows for the common people to see her. I heard she was popular, but wow, she is really popular. The people who line the streets are all cheering 'her Majesty' and acting like super fans of some idol.

Despite the Guild only being a few minutes away by foot from the stable we came from, it takes us nearly ten minutes to arrive because of the slow pace Aurelia intentionally had the carriage move at to give the people more time to see her. But we do eventually arrive at the Guild and the inspections officially begin.

Thanks to technically begin apart of Aurelia's guard, we were able to see area's of the Guild that most adventurers don't get to see or only do so under special occasions. But being an international organisation, there isn't actually much for Aurelia to do other than making sure the Branch here hasn't violated and laws. Apparently, in previous inspections, the Guild wasn't on the list of places to visit as most of its internal operations are considered foreign affairs.

Not taking more than thirty minutes at the Guild, we leave and begin to go around visiting the businesses owned by the well off citizens and well-known merchants. Unlike the Guild which has its internal operations fall under foreign affairs, these places are subject to deeper inspection other than the integrity of the building and follow national laws. Aurelia asks about the treatment and payment of the employees, how well their business has been doing over the past few years, changes in prices for the goods they sell, and various other questions.

As the sun begins to set, we finally finish the inspections for the day and we ride back towards the stable to park the carriage. And although there are fewer people on the streets than there were this morning, it is still pretty crowded with the fan of Aurelia who spent their entire day following us around all day. But in the distance, I see a few people atop one of the buildings, each wearing heavy clothes to hide their identities, and in their hands are longbows. Following conventions for the given situation, this will probably be a strike at Aurelia's life. Should I warn her, deal with it myself, or just leave it be and see what happens?

"I don't take too kindly to you thinking of that third option, but you may leave it be. I shall show to you just why I am more troublesome to fight with than I would seem."

Oh, right, I don't even need to say anything since she'll just read my mind anyway.

Within a matter of seconds, we enter the range of the assassins and I see them pull the strings of their bows. Suddenly three large arrows are sent flying in the direction of Aurelia. The other guards walk next to the carriage see them but aren't able to react fast enough to block the arrows as they seem to be infused with lightning mana, increasing their speed tremendously.

Despite their enhanced strength, Aurelia says, "Seems like Uncle still doesn't know the full extent of my power and made this even easier for me," as she reaches out her hand causing the arrows to stop right before her.

Grabbing a hold of the three arrows in her hand, rather than causing damage from the infused lightning mana, Aurelia absorbs it in a similar manner to how I absorb element based attacks. With a mix of fear and awe, the spectators on the roadside begin praising Aurelia as the hidden guards rush ahead to where the assassins were, but when I look over they are nowhere to be seen, probably running off the moment they failed.

Without a look of worry Aurelia orders for the carriage to keep moving before turning her head to me, saying, "a shame I couldn't display more of my strength for you. But I'm feeling a little hungry after that, I've heard of a nice restaurant in the noble district. Normally we wouldn't be going there until tomorrow but I've heard the food is quite nice so we shall dine there for tonight."

Heading up towards the noble district of the city, I'm quick to see a sharp increase in quality for the buildings. The crowd that was following us around all day weren't able to follow us here, causing our surrounding to be much quieter.

We soon arrive at a fancy looking restaurant. And upon entering we're given VIP treatment with a nice private room, as expected of Aurelia. Taking a seat around the table, Aurelia dismisses all of her guards as has them stand outside, even the guard captain who stood by with her while we were in her room.

Once her guards are all out of the room, Aurelia turns to Lia and I, saying, "I believe there are a few things which you would like to discuss and I too have things I would like to ask, so who wants to start?"