Execution of the Traitors

I made sure to stay up and watch over the little prison I made, just in case anyone came to bailout the captives, but morning came and the sun rose with almost no complications. In reality, nothing happened, but I got the feeling that someone was watching. I couldn't really place where exactly they were watching from but my gut was telling me that there wouldn't be anyone in the cell if I wasn't keeping an eye on it.

Making the plans for the execution over breakfast, Aurelia suggests that we hold the executions in the plaza of the noble district.

"But wouldn't there be more impact if we hold it where the common people linger, not everyone is able to get into the noble district after all," I say.

"I know where you're coming from, Cory, but in this situation, holding the execution in the noble district would probably be better. Her Majesty is already well liked by the lower class, merchants, and artisans, but what she needs is something to quell the dissonance between her and the nobles. Even if they don't fully swap sides, this will set a precedent for those who go against her and those nobles who are still unsure of who to support or those with wavering loyalties might think twice before putting everything on her Majesty's Uncle. Even those who have already pledged their full support won't move as openly with a threat looming over their head. Am I correct, your Majesty?" Lia asks.

"You're completely right. That's exactly what I was thinking. Just as I would expect from an experienced bureaucrat such as yourself."

After a few more minutes, Aurelia has us leave for the noble district earlier than expected. When I asked her about it, she said it was because the fastest way to have an execution platform setup was for me to make it. I can't help but feel like I'm being used as free labour but since Aurelia said she wouldn't fight with me over the souls we set out with the ten traitors behind us without any complaints from me.

Although it's called the noble district, there aren't too many people here who actually hold a noble title, most are family members of noble families staying here for some reason or another. There is the Marullinus family who's also the City Lord and a couple of their branch families, they are the only noble who have permanent residence in Ugernum. But whether or not the people who witness the execution hold a title or not is of much importance, rather, the important part is that they take what they see and hear here back to their families so the ones with power are aware of the situation.

As I finish with making the execution platform I take a look around to find that aside from us, the guards, and the traitors, there aren't many people here other than a few curious shop owners with nothing to do. This isn't too surprising however since nobles, for the most part, have little reason to wander outside unless they are going somewhere specific.

Asking Aurelia about this, she said that it has already been taking care of as she had a messenger go around sending out an Imperial Edict stating that all members of the aristocracy have to gather in the plaza. And of course, no one was willing to disobey the edict with the Imperatrix is so close to them so before long the plaza is filled with fancily dressed men and women. With such a large crowd of nobles, the business owners who cater to the nobility are drawn out from hiding, adding to the crowd.

Once it seems like everyone is here, Aurelia walks out onto the high platform, standing over everyone else with us behind her and the ten traitors further behind us. I put quite a bit of effort into making all of this, the high standing platform make it look impressive and it stretches out far enough to support ten different guillotines. I put in some extra effort to make sure each blade of the guillotine is different from the last.

Fastening the chains of the traitors so their heads line up for the guillotine, Aurelia speaks out in a loud voice, addressing the crowd, "People of Lausiel, I have gathered you all here to bear witness to the execution of traitors to the Empire. The ten men and women in chains behind me are criminals who have plotted against me. As many may have heard, yesterday assassins tried to take my life. As you know they failed and fled the scene, but later that night another attempt was made as my dinner had been poisoned."

Whispers fill the plaza as many of the nobility talk amongst their clique. Although Lia can't hear from our current position, I have no problem with eavesdropping and Aurelia can listen in through telepathy. Some groups are surprised over the events of yesterday, but there are many who claim concern but their mannerisms don't follow through with their words, but a handful of people are worried as they seem to be connected with Aurelia's Uncle. Aurelia looks as if she is making note of the people to watch out for before she begins her speech once more.

"Not only had my food been poisoned, but the food of my special guest who stands here with me. They are here representing the Central Alliance of Talonia, one of the larger countries from across the ocean, needless to say not only are these would be assassins be guilty of attempted regicide, but also the attempted assassinations of foreign diplomats. And the ones responsible for that are the ten tied in chains behind me, and they are also connected with the ones behind the previous assassination attempt that took place earlier that day. Know that the mastermind behind these events will suffer a worse fate than the pawns used here. Begin the execution!"

On Aurelia's words, the hanging blades of the guillotine are brought down upon the ten traitors. WIth their heads rolling, their souls soon follow and I move to eat all of them before Aurelia changes her mind and grab some for herself. While everyone else simply thinks I'm making sure that the traitors are indeed dead, Aurelia is the only one who fully understands what I'm doing and gives me a light chuckle before turning back to address the crowd of nobles.

"Thank you all for coming. This is the end of the public executions of the traitors to the Empire. Should anyone know anything about the mastermind behind then bring this information to my messengers. Depending on what it is, you may be due for a reward. But if it is found that anyone has withheld anything, then you will be declared traitors of the Empire and meet the same fate as these ten."

Her words cause a small commotion as the nobles once again stir amongst themselves while the three of us leave the platform and remove ourselves from the sight of the nobles.

"You don't really expect them to bring you anything useful, do you? After all, you Uncle would probably have their head for himself if they did. If I had to guess, that isn't what you were counting on when you said that, correct?" Lia asks.

"Correct once again, a shame you aren't as beautiful is Cordelia."


"The point of my words were to sow distrust amongst those who have sided with my Uncle. They'll be very careful over who they choose to speak with from now on. To start with, they themselves aren't fully aware of everyone who supports my Uncle as it can't be publically said, and even more so now. This makes it much harder for them to drag the still undecided nobles to their side and be wary of those seeking the reward I promised."

"I know what your saying is important, but since we're working together can you please stop insulting me so nonchalantly?"

"But I'm not insulting you in the slightest, I'm just stating the truth. Honestly, she looks better than me, it doesn't seem like she bothers to take care of her skin or hair at all. She's tall and slender, with well toned and defined muscles that give off a feeling of strength but don't push themselves into your face like most of my guards. Her skin is practically free of faults and her hair is really smooth, honestly, I'm kinda jealous myself," Aurelia says.

"Oh, I understand completely where you're coming from. Moreover, she is easy to embarrass and looks adorable when you tease her. A complete one-eighty compared to her usual demeanour. And those feather scales feel really nice to drag your hand across, it's pure bliss," Lia says.

Seemingly bonding over me, I feel my face heating up as I say, "can we just go and begin the inspections for the day!" quickly turning for the carriage and jumping on.

Following me into the carriage, the two take a seat as Lia whispers, "see, cute, isn't she?"

"Yeah, you're right."

They're still at it...