Meteor Slam

With whatever her name is disappearing from sight, Yue asks, "I take it you came to some kind of agreement?"

"Yeah we did, but I can't say I enjoyed speaking with her for so long. It is really difficult for me to resist the urge to try and hit her."

"Just do it, she won't mind and at least you'll have tried to do something. So what is it that you'll be doing?" Yue asks.

"She said she'd teach me the basics of her original cultivation technique and how to properly control Divine Energy. After she found that my goal for becoming a Demigod was solely to form my own Divine Essence, she said that she had a way of getting it quickly. Lia, on the other hand, is supposed to act as her assistant for the time we are here."

"Then I take it you're the research subject and she's the professor. Knowing her, you're not getting this just for having Lia serve as an assistant."

"Yeah, she wants to study how an Elemental Spirit Dragon interacts with the Elements. *sigh* It was really hard to convince her to not cut open and study my body. If she really wanted to I wouldn't have a way to stop her."

"That sounds absolutely terrifying and seems like something she would do without flinching. You should probably watch your back when you sleep, just in case."

"Well, it isn't all bad since even if I don't count the Divine Essence, she is going to give me an Earth Elemental Root to consume. Apparently, she wants to know how my species processes the Essence from a Root. Even if it's not something I need for my evolution, having an Earth Essence is still very useful for me."

"Well that's good, but where did she run off to anyway?" Yue asks.

Once again, from out of nowhere, she appears behind Yue, yelling, "boo!"

I'm not sure if it's because she was actually startled or she meant it, but Yue ends up slapping the Demigod with the back of her hand, although it didn't really seem to do anything. But just as Yue withdraws her hand, the Demigod goes flying at high speeds, with her body now halfway into the wall.

Of course, before either me, Lia, or Yue, can comprehend what just happened, she appears behind me without even a scratch on her and acts as if nothing happened.

"Ahh, that was fun~. Now eat this and tell ^°´?-*+|#<§-chan how you feel," he says shoving an Elemental Root in my face.

I quickly figure out that this is the Earth Root that she said she would give me so I take it from her and eat it just as she asks.

"So~ how is it? Give ^°´?-*+|#<§-chan the juicy details~."

"Uhm, it's normal. If I had to say anything, it's like I'm eating rocks. I guess I feel as if I can control the Element of Earth."

"Eh? That it? That's sooo~ boring. Where's the excitement, you should be like, 'I feel overwhelming power coursing through me' or something like that."

"For what it's worth, the name of the Earth Essence is the Essence of Crystal Stone."

"Jeez~ even the name sounds boring. Whatever~, show us your control over the Earth, try to mess with the table I made earlier."

Following her directions, I try to dismantle the table, but I don't get too far as all I am able to do is dislodge one of the legs before I feel something interfering. I begin to push back against the interference but it doesn't amount to much. Looking to the side, I see the Demigod nodding her head in satisfaction.

"You can stop, I found what I wanted," she says as she snaps her fingers, "now I'll hold up my end and teach you my cultivation technique and how to gather Divine Energy to make it work."

"Is this really something you can say when both Lia and Yue are behind me?"

"no problemo~, I've isolated the space around the two of use so they can't hear our conversation. They'll look and think you're an idiot who's flapping her mouth for no reason, hahaha."

"If they think I look stupid then I'm sure your worse... wait you're not even moving your mouth."

"An astute observation for someone like you, you've raised the opinion value of ^°´?-*+|#<§-chan, as a reward you'll receive another Root~, but not now. What I'm doing is sending out vibrations is the air in a way to mimic vocal cords."

"I'm rather familiar with the human body and this includes how vocal cords work and how sound is produced. What you're doing can't possibly be that simple."

"Yeah~, but why should I tell you the details, there's other stuff you need to know and ^°´?-*+|#<§-chan has some better things to do. For now, eat this," she says holding a pure white ball in her palm.

"What's this?" I ask.

"It's a mass of Divine Energy that I just condensed into physical form. People do this all the time, now hurry up~ you slowpoke~."

Taking the ball from her hand, rather than eat it, the first thing I do is sniff and inspect it. At the very least it doesn't seem harmful nor does it seem to be a kind of anaesthesia for her to cut me open. Even as I'm holding it up to my open mouth, I've yet to actually put it in since I'm still a little worried.

"^°´?-*+|#<§-chan's done waiting," she says as she shoves my hand into my face, causing me to push the white ball into my mouth.

As a swallow it, I begin to feel a strange sensation crawl through my body. It doesn't feel harmful and in fact, feels somewhat pleasant, but it's weird.

With the snap of her fingers, I once again hear Lia and Yue behind me, as she says, "I see, I see, looks like this little experiment paid off, how wonderful~. The adorably cute genius strikes again!"

"What do you mean experiment? You said this is done all the time, just what did you do?" I ask.

"*yawn* Check your status and you'll see."

In a hurry, I open my status and I see something completely unbelievable. my race has changed, it now says 'Elite Adult Elemental Spirit Dragon / Demigod'. What the hell!

"What! How! Just how did you turn me into a Demigod!?"

Listening to me, Yue and Lia are astonished as I feel Lia use her inspection skill on me while Yue looks at me curiously. But my attention is focused on this annoying old Demigod for an explanation.

"As far as the System is concerned, you're a Demigod. But don't try to fight another Demigod, or you'll get beaten black and blue~. Your strength hasn't actually changed, but over the next few days, a Divine Essence will form within you. Once that's done, you should be able to conjure and use Divine Energy. It's a good thing this worked though, if it had failed you might have exploded from the inside out. It would have been such a pain to clean your innards up from the floor."

"Just so I know, what was the chance of succeeding?"

"Dunno, fifty-fifty I guess. You either fail or succeed, so everything is fifty-fifty as far as ^°´?-*+|#<§-chan is concerned."

"But that's not how that's supposed to work..."

I want to keep arguing since it seems the chance of death was actually rather high, but since I have my ticket to a Divine Essence now, and far faster than normal, I'm not really sure what to say.

"I can show you how to properly use that Divine Energy when the time comes, but for now let's go~," she says clapping her hands.

In an instant, the scene completely shifts as we are suddenly at the base of the mountain, with the exception of Yue. To my side is Lia and in front of us is that Demigod making some weird pose with her finger pointed up towards the sky.

"What are we doing here and where's Yue?" I ask.

"I left her there if she wants she can leave on her own, but I wouldn't recommend she do that. After all, ^°´?-*+|#<§-chan's going to get a Void Root for you."

"If I recall correctly, Lord Gaoh mentioned that the Void Root is unstable and fades soon after it's appearance, and not just that, it also only forms at meteor impact sights," Lia says.

"Yeah, I also remember the bear saying something like that."

"Correctomundo~, do you want some candy as a prize? To bad~ the candy's mine."

She tells us to wait for a few minutes and during this whole time that we've been waiting, she has kept that strange pose. But Looking up to where she's pointing, I think I see something red falling from the sky. It's getting closer and looking bigger with each passing second.

"Oh, you've got to be fucking kidding me! You're insane!" I yell.

"Here it comes~. METEOR SLAM!"

With a bang, the medium sized meteor crashes into the side of the mountain as a giant cloud of smoke emerges, rubble being sent everywhere, and tremours travel through the ground. Now I understand why there aren't any more mountains here.