A Wild Night

"We're back!" Wei yells out as we return to the Scarlet Wings base.

"Welcome back, I picked up some food, drinks, and a few more goodies on the way back. Came across some rare too," Yue says.

"Rare?" I ask.

"Yeah, the best stuff we have in Shengdi. This stuff can get a giant completely shitfaced with just a few drops."

"... Hand it over," I say.

"No! Do you have any idea what you've done!?" Aurelia yells.

"I know exactly what I'm doing, *hic*," Yue says.

"A shit, we already lost her," Wanjing says.

Aurelia tries to separate us, but I manage to get my hands on a bottle and immediately send the whole thing down the hatch before she can do anything about it.

"*Hic* oh, yeah, that's the stuff, we need to get this more often."

"Stuffs expensive, like really expensive, even with all the money I have saved up, I can only get this stuff occasionally. But that's not important, I also got some real good stuff, here's a pipe, try it out," Yue says.

"God damn it, it's already a problem for her to be drunk and now you want to get her high!" Aurelia shouts.

"Ignore *hic* her, she has a stick up her ass, lemme see it," I say.

While Yue keeps Aurelia away as I light up the pipe, and wow, damn that's good.

"This is some good stuff, hey... ah shit..."

---The Next Day---

Rubbing my head, I say, "ugh, my head is killing me, what the hell happened last night?"

"Finally decided to wake up, huh?" I hear Aurelia say.

As my vision stabilises, I see Aurelia, Lia, and Wanjing, together with me sitting in a dark room.

"If I didn't know any better I'd say we're in a prison cell," I say.

"Take a look at your limbs," Aurelia says.


As she suggests, I look down at my arms and legs and find them in chains... well shit, we're in prison.

"So what the fuck happened yesterday?" I ask.

"I think you mean two days ago," Wanjing says.

"Eh? What?" I ask.

"We've been here for two days," Aurelia says.

"Hmm... ok, so what happened?"

"Just going to ignore that you've been out for the past two days, huh? Well, as for what happened, you went partying on the streets after you got high off of your rockers and were being a public nuisance," Aurelia explains.

"You made a mess of various street vendors, you annoyed most of the nearby shop owners, then breaking and entering into the stores that were closed, oh and barging into restaurants for food. You really went at it, Teacher," Wanjing says.

"If there's any bright side to this, Cory kept up the invisibility until she fell asleep here and no one has bothered to check up on us, so there's a good chance they aren't aware of our identity yet. They just think we're some random trouble makers," Lia says.

"What happened to Yue?" I ask.

"You left the base right after she fell asleep. Although, it didn't take more than a few minutes after our initial return for her to collapse. Regardless, she's probably fine," Aurelia says.

"Sooo... prison break?" I ask.

"Well, what else are we going to do? Stick around here and it's only a matter of time until they find out our actual identities," Aurelia says.

"I propose mayhem," I say.

"That sounds fun," Lia says.

"I feel like we shouldn't be causing any more trouble in this particular situation," Wanjing says.

"Indeed, we should just use your ability to manipulate the earth and metals to sneak out. But more importantly, you've had more than enough fun," Aurelia says.

"I hate logic sometimes, but fine, we can do this the quiet way. So what's our current location?" I ask.

"It's like this..."

Aurelia and Lia explain that we are currently in a small prison located in the commercial district and we are not actually that far from the dumpling shop. Thanks to the law enforcement thinking that we're just some random trouble makers they just threw us to the closest office. This makes it easy for us to get back since we aren't far, only a couple streets over they said.

Tearing down the wall doesn't take more than a thought, but just as I open a hole in it, a patrol from the prison walks by, two guards. And before the can even comprehend what happened, I whack them with a metal bat. Making sure no one else is around, we throw them into our cell before I close up the hole, locking them in.

Taking it slowly to hide the sounds of our steps, we find that around a corner in the front lobby is a few guards playing card games while another at the reception desk is asleep. Jeez, Yue was right, the security around here is way too relaxed.

At first, I wanted to release the other prisoners held here to act as a cover for our escape, but it turns out, we're the only ones here, so I can't discreetly open the locks and cause a riot without Aurelia knowing, but from the look she's giving me she probably already found out.

Turning back to a far end of the prison, I open another hole that leads to the back alley path behind the prison and we make a clean getaway. But if I'm to be perfectly honest, if I had just turned us all invisible, those dumb guards probably wouldn't have even noticed us as we walk out.

From there it doesn't take long before we arrive back at the dumpling shop and head towards the back room to enter the hideout.

"We're back from prison!" I yell out.

"Shut up! My head still hurts. I'm not gonna ask about how you're out of prison, but how the hell do you not still have a hangover," Yue says.

"Dunno, not going to question it though. So we were supposed to talk about an operation or something before that stuff happened, what's up with that?" I ask.

"I need another day of rest, we can do it tomorrow," Yue says.