chapter 9: Graduation

(intercom) Will all seniors report to the cafeteria to pick up your graduation caps and gowns. (Amiee) I can't believe tomorrow's our last day and this weekend we graduate! (Katie) I know I'm so excited we made it! (Amiee) Mom, Tom I'm home! Got my cap gown today. (mom) Oh, my baby! I can't believe your all grownup. I'm so proud of you! (Amiee) Mom I've been grown up. I get my cap and gown and you realize that now? (mom) Well no honey I've known for awhile now, it's just becoming more real with you graduating this weekend. (Amiee) It'll be ok. It's not like your losing me, I'll still be your daughter. (mom) This is true, but is that gonna stop you from taking your year long trip site seeing? (Amie Well, no but I did promise to write and call you every week. (mom) Well you better. (Amiee) I will. Hey Ash, how's life? (Ashley) Well can't complain, after you leave I'll get two rooms. (Amiee) Hey! it's not like I'm not coming back to visit. (mom) Don't worry Ashley you don't get two rooms. Amiee of course your room won't change. That way you can feel at home when you visit. (Amiee) Thanks Mom I appreciate that alot.

Well today's the day. Time to graduate and say goodbye to high school. (Katie) Yep then you're off on your family vacation. You got everything set in motion? (Amiee) You bet I do. Bryan got a hold of the guy last night to confirm. I just have to text him the night before hand when ready. (Katie) Awesome she's gonna freak. (Amiee) Let's hope so. (giggling)

(principle) Hello parents, grandparents, aunts and uncles and everyone here today to celebrate the senior class today. After a few announcements we'll get started on bringing the seniors up for their diplomas. (2 hrs later) (Amiee) Well we did it Katie, its official we graduated. (Katie) Now what? (Amiee) Well we celebrate. Get ready the guys are picking us up around 7pm. (Katie) Sounds good to me. (Katie's dad) Katie hun, you ready? (Katie) Coming! Well see ya tonight. Amiee See ya.