
Audrey's day had been rough, she woke up feeling unrested and she could feel a cold coming on. It had been there for a few days but it had only started to get bad today. Harry was out all day so she had no one to look after her. She sat in her comfy chair, knitting needles in hand. She had been sitting for a long time the television blaring noisily in the background. The gas fireplace had her the lounge room toasty warm. The house was finally as she liked it. It had taken her and Harry years of renovations to get it perfect now all she had to do was enjoy it. Now she was waiting for Harry to retire so that they could finally put the caravan sitting in the backyard to use.

The news came on cutting into the program she was watching. The main host sat at his deck his slicked back dark hair and too smooth face for his age stared into the camera. She had never liked this host, he was a smarmy know it all. He always felt the need to add his own silly opinions. A little banner crossed the bottom of the screen. It had breaking news in large red text. It annoyed her how much the media liked to dramatise things.

"This is channel nine and I'm Jonathan Walsman. We come to you with breaking news." The smarmy news presenter said "Reports of a flu like epidemic spreading like wildfire across Asia."This peaked Audrey's interest, Doreen and her kids just got back from Bali a couple of weeks ago.

"It is not known whether it has arrived in Australia yet. Anyone that has traveled to the affected countries recently are advised to see their doctor if any symptoms appear." He said "Now we'll cross to our in field reporter in Bali, Denpasar."

Audrey thought back to her back to her knitting circle last week. She had sat next to Doreen, and she looked a little sick and now that Audrey thought about it. Typical of her, this wasn't the first time Doreen had come in sick and given it to everybody. They had even shared a drink. She couldn't think what must have possessed her to allow that.

The news footage showed a hospital overflowing with sick patients. There was a medical expert being interviewed, it sounded serious. She had felt strange today, maybe it would be best to call Harry and get him to come home just in case.

She went to get up and was feeling light headed so she sat back down. It was probably nothing no need to bother Harry. She changed the channel and just watch her soap operas instead until she felt better.

She woke feeling worse. She didn't remember drifting off. Audrey's nose was stuffy, and a headache coming on. She stood up, and the room spun. It's nothing just a dizzy spell. She made her way to the phone in the kitchen and dialed her husbands office. Shed never got one of those mobile phones it had all seemed like too much effort and she had been sure they would never take off.

"Hello this is Harry Thompson how can I help you," he said in his silly formal tone.

"Its Audrey dear," she said.

"No I haven't forgotten, I have the shopping list right here on my desk." he said.

"No, no it's not that. I'm feeling dreadful, is there any chance you can come home early today? she said.

"Sorry Aud, I might have to work late tonight. We've got a lot on and Jeff already called in sick today." He said "I'll run past the chemist on the way home and get you something,"

"All right" she said.

She had known he wouldn't come home, but it still annoyed her.

"Go lie down and have a rest." He said "Call me if it gets any worse, Ok?""All right I will," she said.

Her stomach rumbled and standing made her feel worse so she pulled out a chair at the kitchen table stretching the corded phone over. She dialed Doreen's home phone just to see if she was actually sick.

"Hello?" came a mans voice from the other end of the line.

"Hi John, it's Audrey," She said "Is Doreen home?"

"Well she is, but she's come down with something," He said "She's resting now, I'll let her know you called when she wakes up."

She made her way back to the TV to finish her knitting but that awful feeling was gradually getting stronger. It felt like a flu was coming on. Audrey stood, she wanted to get a bucket and go lie in bed. A wave of nausea came over her. She threw up and felt a little better. At least it was on the tiles.

She headed towards the laundry to get some cleaning goods, she felt woozy as she walked and had to stabilize herself on the door frame. She didn't make it far. The nausea rose again and Audrey rushed to the kitchen sink. She vomited, the substance splattered into the sink. She gagged trying to get the thick mucus caught in her throat. It was a strange greenish color and didn't smell like regular acidic smell of vomit. she held onto the bench top and tried to calm her nerves and sank to her knees.

She knelt like that for what seemed like ages breathing heavy and waiting for her stomach to calm down.

She tried to stand and her stomach had that odd sensation again. She would call Harry again, she needed to get to a doctor. she clung to the bench top and struggled her way to the phone. Audrey started to throw up and sank to the floor. When her stomach calmed, she called Harry.

"Harry" she said with a sob.

"What? What is it?" he asked sounding worried. He must have heard it in her voice.

"I can't stop throwing up," she said through a groan "I think I need to go to the hospital.""I'm leaving now," he said "I'll be there as soon as I can."