Glenn 1

Glenn had nodded off again, his cigarette had gone out in his hand. He sat slumped in the corner of the smoking area of the Garfield Street bar. His whole body ached, but he wouldn't have to wait for much longer. The tables were half full, most were in their mid-twenties. He sipped at his beer and counted his cigarettes. Only four left. Damn it, he'd need more smokes too. He re-lit the cigarette that had gone out. On re-lighting they always tasted worse.

He wondered how many were here to see him, no one had come over to chat. Not a great sign. He sat trying to make himself look normal, he hoped it was convincing. There was a group of young women talking at a table nearby. He eyed them trying to work out which he would have the best chance with. He didn't have the looks he had a year ago. He would just have to lay the charm on double thick, his music normally did most of the work anyway.

As he readied himself to go over, he noticed a waitress he hadn't seen before headed in his direction. She was plump but had a pretty face, she must be new he hadn't seen her before. Her hair was long and blonde, her skin freckled.

"Hey there, you on your break?" he said, putting on his most charming smile.

"No," she said in a thick European accent, he couldn't tell from where "Gavs waiting on you upstairs."

"Time for me to go on?" he said ashing out his smoke and getting up.

"Yeah like fifteen minutes ago, I'd hurry," She said "He's pissed."

"He'll be fine," Glenn said "Once I'm up on stage he'll calm him down."

He gave her a smile as he casually went back into the bar and headed up the stairs to a small waiting area that led into the concert hall. He had played here weekly for three months now. The owner Gav stood at the door to the green room. He was a good guy despite his temper, he put up with more shit than most.

"About time you showed," Gav said his big arms crossed frowning at Glenn. He had a shaved head and a thick beard. His big frame and tough guy act made him seem scarier than he was.

"How about I play an extra song to make it up," He said with a grin "your choice."

Gav just looked at him obviously not impressed. He used to get away with so much more before his cheeks hollowed out, and he had lost so much weight.

"Look this can't keep happening, I know you were, here you left your stuff in the green room, be up here on time next week." Gav said.

He really didn't need the whole half hour to set up, but Gav got all worked up when he didn't get there on time.

"Yeah sure thing Gav," Glenn said "well I've gotta get set up."

He went into the green room and got his stuff and took it out to the stage. He had done this enough times that it had all become routine. The music engineer here was good, so Glenn knew most of the work had already been done. He connected his guitar up to the amps and sat down to check the tuning. Got his pick and his harmonica out and was ready to play, five minutes early too. He noticed Gav was still standing there watching him."Geez mate," Gav said a tinge of worry in his voice "You're looking worse and worse every time I see you, You doing ok man?"