Start Of A Journey

Within the land of Tasine, present within the land of Edo Japan; There was a group of samurai known as "The Five Forces". This group of experts had been unstoppable. They stopped wars by themselves and conquered all land.


Upon the death of their leader, due to unknown reasons.... The group dispersed amongst the nation, forever lost. Without someone to guide them, they were all but useless in the grand scheme of things, and as such, allowed the land of Tasine to fall. It soon became a lawless zone, ruled by no one.

Where are these five samurai now? Who knows, no one has heard a single thing about them in five years. And as such, the land of Tasine fell deeper and deeper into hell.




Present in "Okubo Town", two young men sat intently around a small table. They were the only occupants of the small tavern of "Golden Jizz." They shared their words with a distinct bolster that no other man could bring. Their words took the bartender's attention and soon he too joined the fray! All and all, their conversation soon grew to a mumble of gloom, reminiscing the age of their battles. "We were like bam! Whooosh! Pow!" The shorter man exclaimed, his short and spiked hair had large parallels to his awfully sharp canines.

"No-No! I believe we went out like Pew Pew! Whabam!-See the difference?" The speaker of this message was a bit taller, had long and smooth hair with an awfully innocent baby face. The two went on and on, back and forth about their times at war, leaving the poor tavern owner struck in a confused silence. "Ugh, what?" He asked, furrowing his bushy brows and leaning his burly figure over the main table.

"You twov'e just been making weird noises. For a whole half an hour, not a lick of sense came from yer' throats." The two men directed their attention to him and simply chuckled. "You'd have to actually be there to understand." The taller man whispers in a kind, peaceful tone. "Finally, something I can agree with." His shorter buddy nodded.

Their conversation had been cut short, however... Someone came through the doors of the tavern. It was a young man, or rather... Boy. He wore a red robe, tied up with a white and red striped belt. He carried two scabbards, both carrying pink petals with a green background as for design. The only difference was that one scabbard contained a kodachi, the other, empty but covered by a top.

The atmosphere of the tavern changed. The owner, Torin turned his eyes to the two men just before placing them at the boy. "Morning! Anything I can get you?"



Silence... The blonde simply approached, his bare feet pressing against the floorboards lightly. But with each light footstep, there was a vengeful heaviness. The other two men kept quiet, eyeing this young warrior as he made his way towards them.

The boy, 5'5 in height had finally pulled his eyes up to the two he came to meet. His pupils were blue, the eyes of a foreigner. The three exchanged silence for more than just a moment. Nothing came of it, and yet there was a devilish wall separating the boy from the men. It was as though it prevented them from interacting.

This devilish wall was called 'striking distance'. The boy staid just out of the reach of the men, the men although didn't move, were in no way in the cross-fire of his kodachi.

"My name is Mugen Sora, son of Yamato Sora... The man you lot abandoned." The men took a glance at each other before returning their glares. "Excuse me, what now?" The smaller man asked, but was instantly taken aback by what he saw.

The boy presented two perfectly drawn portraits of their faces. "My father was fond of the group. He told me stories of his adventures and such. Yet in the end, you chose to be cowards and abandon him."

Silence filled the tavern once more as the boy placed the drawings on their table. "Lamin Torrent, The Oni Killer." He glared at the shorter man.

"Tsuki Senkō, The Thunder Shot." Another glare was provided, only now to the taller man. Torin was breathless, the poor tavern owner had no idea what was going on. 'I really shouldn't have opened up shop today.' He thought to himself, allowing a bead of sweat to roll down his cheek.

"So what??? Yeah, we ditched our captain to survive. Anyone woulda done that, kid. If you we-"

"Shut up! My father was a great man who deserves respect! Unlike you cowards who ditched him!" Tsuki kept quiet, avoiding eye contact with the boy. 

Mugen placed his hand on the hilt of his kodachi, with an intent to kill. "Fight me, I'll take both of you down, one at a time." He states with ease, not fearing their titles nor their fighting prowess.

Lamin stood to his feet with a large smirk. "Alright kid, me first!" He ran his hand across his spiked hair and showed his fangs as though he were an animal, seeking blood.

"Woah-Woah-Woah!" Torin raised his arms in distraught, "No fighting in the bar! Come on!"

Ignoring his words, Mugen drew his kodachi and provided a slash to the man's face but was just barely avoided. Mugen didn't stop however, the onslaught continued. "Woah there! Ho-" In the act of dodging, Lamin had received a small injury, nothing much, but a scrape on his left cheek.

"Getting rusty Lamin?" Tsuki teased whilst crossing his arms. Lamin, however didn't have the time to play around. Mugen was rather fast indeed. As such, the shorter man drew his katana. Or, rather what would seem to have been a wooden sword.

He pulled such a weapon into his left hand, smirking once finally arming himself. "Never thought I'd get the chance to kill cap's son."

This was simply hysterical to Mugen. What was this man on about? He's been on the defensive and was barely capable of dodging. Arming himself with a sword, a wooden one nonetheless... That's simply unrealistic.

"Well then? Why'd you stop?" Lamin asked, smirking intently at his new opponent. With that, Mugen charged once more, in silence, he swung his blade!




His body stopped moving. Something was wrong... His weapon made contact with Lamin's and yet, there was no excess force! Lamin didn't step back, Mugen's strike was completely stopped by a greater force. "What's the matter, kiddo? Not strong enough?" Mugen stepped back, regaining his stance. 'What happened there?' He asked himself, gulping heavily.

Tsuki knew exactly what happened, infact, both warriors knew why Mugen wasn't able to deal any damage. As for the tavern owner and Mugen? They were numb to the reason.

"Your turn!" Lamin slammed his arm downwards. 'I can block thi-' Mugen felt an uneasiness course through his body. 'RUN!!!' His bones cried out to him to move! It was as though his very body was pleading to get out of the way.

Mugen, instead of blocking, dived out of the path of destruction. Upon missing, Lamin's wooden sword had successfully split the floorboards beneath them. Infact, the very shockwave of his attack formed cracks throughout the whole area.

"No!!!!!!!" Torin cried out! He banged his fist against the front desk whilst tears raced out of his eyes. "My baby! My dear shop!" The grown man had been crying, utterly bawling his eyes out but no one showed him the time of day.

Mugen was much more troubled by what he saw. "If I... Didn't move..." The boy started to tremble. His knees went weak, his instincts hadn't betrayed him, but what if his confidence got ahead of him? What would've happened? "Scared huh? Still wanna take me down? The title Oni Killer isn't some false rumor." Lamin smirked, but Mugen simply responded by standing to his feet, taking form of his stance.

Lamin frowned, he had hoped that'd be enough to break his will. If anything, Mugen was just more cautious. The boy rushed forwards, facing his fears head on. "Brave one." Lamin scoffs before swinging his weapon once more. He used no technique in doing as such. It was just a simple motion of waving his arm from side to side. Yet, every single movement generated a burst of air.

Even though Mugen had been capable of dodging every single blow, he was getting tired. This was draining him both mentally and physically. Soon enough, it was a stand still and both warriors were facing each other. "Tired already?" Lamin asked, finally showing his sharp smile.

Mugen dashed to the side and grabbed the chair. He threw it at Lamin who didn't flinch to slice it in two. With that, Mugen appeared behind him, his weapon held over his head. 'Sorin Technique: Moving Clouds.' He dropped the blade downwards as hard as he could but again.... He was at a standstill.

He couldn't move his kodachi... Lamin blocked his attack once again. "The Sorin style you say? So your pops taught you that? Lucky you." The man grabbed the boy's neck before slamming his face into the table then proceeding the fling him into the door. The door smashed open, the force of such a throw shattered the very wooden structure into nothing but pieces.

{ My dooooooooooooors!!!!!!! } - Torin

"Quite brutal, wouldn't you say? That IS the boss's kid." Tsuki states, crossing his arms. "He asked for it. He's an idiot if he truly thought that'd work." Lamin exited the building to take sight of the boy before him. "Hey kid, have you forgotten who your fighting? Your dad and I were war buddies. I know his moves inside out." Lamin made himself clear. He stopped at just a meter away from the boy, awaiting him to rise.

"Your right... My bad... But bare in mind... Your in my territory now." Mugen took to his feet and pulled the second scabbard from off of his waist. "I'm in your territory?" Lamin asked, somewhat confused.

The boy pulled the cover off of the scabbard then sheathed his blade inside of it. After doing as such, he raised the blade over his head, one hand on the scabbard, the other tightly held to the hilt.

The sun was especially hot today... Almost unbearably hot...

'Oh... It's that..." Tsuki commented from within the tavern. "Yo! Torin whatever you do, keep your eyes inside. Don't even take a glimpse, got it?" He said, just before covering the doorframe with all of the furniture he could find. There was quite literally no way light could've found its way inside of the tavern.

Lamin however had yet to notice as to which style this had been. "Sorin Style's Secret Art: Bang!" With immense speeds, he pulled the kodachi out of the sheath.

{Sorin Style: Bang - The secret technique of the Sorin style which is responsible for blinding enemies. This is possible via the use of coating the inside of a katana scabbard with a special oil, only to draw the katana with such speed that it presents a blinding glow in the sunlight. However, this technique is rather useless where the sun doesn't shine. }

"My Eyeeeeeees!!!!" Lamin fell to one knee and covered his face. A blinding light had emitted from the blade, flashing any and everything with a burning and devastating sensation that'd temporarily blind all who were watching. "Here's my chance!"

Mugen raced towards the male and raised his blade once more, ready to end him. 1 metre turned to just a couple of steps. Then one step. Now, striking distance! However, before he had the chance, he blacked out.




Awakening from such events, Mugen found himself in bed. His nose was heavily wrapped in bandages, his vision was blurry and he couldn't focus straight. His nose had been smashed... Of course, it would heal, but as of now. He practically didn't have one.

"Awake are we?" Tsuki asks, sitting just next to him in the warm bedroom.  "Unfortunately, you lost. Got too confident and took a fist straight to the nose." He shrugged intently, but Mugen seemed rather upset.

"Hehe, if it were your father in your shoes, he would've won easily. Fact is, your nothing compared to that man..." Tsuki released a teasing smile which seemed extra aggravating due to his baby face.

"You know... Your father was quite something... The man was both an expert in swordplay and art. He turned his enemies into a work of art with his sword play. He knew precisely how to act and what strength was needed... What a man...."

Mugen didn't know how to respond. His eyes took to the bed covers... He was... Feeling a rising pain in his chest. He missed his dad... Not just by a bit... But by a lot... He didn't know the man for anything more than eight years but at the same time... Those eight years were irreplacable.

Tsuki saw the boy's sadness growing ever so slightly. In all reality, he couldn't change the fact that he was a coward... Infact, all he could do was the unexpected.

Placing his hand on the boy,s shoulder, he smiled lightly...

"Well, Mugen... Seems like we didn't have the balls to kill ya. Just as how we didn't have the balls to save your pops. However, to get back at us for being asses, you'll need to get stronger. As such, since your my boss's son, and I'm the reason why you have your goal... How about I train you... Personally."