Prison Of The Samurai

Mugen left anyways. Tsuki was quite the problem. He was extremely annoying, and Mugen was only just now realizing this. "That bastard... Making me do everything." He hissed, making his way further and further into the beautiful woods. His blue eyes took to the place of infinite solitude, approaching confidently.

Finally, he took a stop just at the front, catching his eye on the lone guard. "Good afternoon." Mugen's eyes met the pupils of a red haired individual. He seemed just about an inch taller than Mugen. Definitely not tall enough to make much of a difference. "Oi kid... What're you doing here?" The man asked, carrying a mean exterior. Mugen, however wasn't impressed. Yet, he knew he'd have to bare with this.

"Aaah, yeah... Sorry. It's just that... I don't have anywhere to go and~"

"Beat it-Scram!" He fanned the boy away before crossing his arms. He had a hot temper, that's for sure. "But.." ~ "But nothing!" The man pushed Mugen back, causing him to lose balance. Mugen held his head down before peering back up. He held quite an enraged attitude against this man.

"Oi! The hell you looking at?" The guard rolled up his right sleeve and stepped forwards, leaving his perimeter unguarded to a degree. "Kids aren't meant for this area. Scurry along and find your parents on your own time." Again, he tried shooing the boy but to no avail did Mugen leave.

"Rox... Who's your friend?" Making her way out of the prison, a young lady emerged. She was dressed in black, had jet black pupils and to top it off scouted a black pixie cut. "Tch! Just some kid." Rox crossed his arms, refusing to take his eyes off of this possible threat.

"Oh?" She finally got to see Mugen. They exchanged innocent glances before the female gave a rather lovely smile. "Why don't we let him in?" She turned to Rox, showing off her joy. He was taken aback by the sudden act. "Wait! W-We can't do that! Miss Tallory isn't here."

"Relax~Relax. If she gets mad, I'll take all the blame, promise." Rox narrowed his eyes before scrunching his fingers against his eyelids. "Damnit... But why?" He pointed at him. "Just look at him! He's covered in scars, he's dirty, he kinda stink too... Hell his clothes are in bits!" He exclaimed but the girl took no heed. In all rights, Rox was definitely in the right. Mugen carried many scars and was well-built. Not to mention the disgusting scent of blood that his body was soaked in.

She simply shook her head and took Mugen by the hand. "It's cause he's cute ofcourse." Rox was simply breathless. "Excuse me, what?" The girl nodded before pulling Mugen along. As Mugen passed Rox by, he stuck his tongue out to provoke him.

"Tch! Dumb kid... Dumb Lizzy... You could've atleast told me the truth." He crossed his arms and returned to guarding the front door.

As they made their way into the complex, it gave Mugen the time to look at his surroundings. They were making their way through a large lobby area where many jailers could be seen sitting around, making small talk. After talking to a lady at the reception desk, they went onwards.

"So, what's your name sweety?" Lizzy asked. Now this was tough... Should Mugen give his real name? Quite the question indeed... "It's Mugen Sora." Without a thought, he spoke those words with utmost confidence! "Aah! That's a pretty badass name! Mine's Lizzy Marino!"

"So..." Mugen asked... "Where are ya taking me?" His eyes flashed to the passing guards, as though to protect himself. "Simple! The showers!" She exclaimed freely as they finally entered the washing room. Inside, one could see many separated stalls with shower heads stationed just above them. "Here you go." She released his hand. He took the moment to admire the white tiling of the room. He placed a hand onto the face basin, getting the chance admire his face in the mirror.

"Now, you know how to wash yourself right?" She asked, "W-What are you implying exactly?" Mugen crossed his arms and raised an eyebrow. "Oh? Well if you can't wash yourself I suppose I'll have to take over." She chuckled. Mugen's skepticism only grew more and more. "Suuuure... Yeah... Thanks and all.... But I can wash myself." She smirked, "Well alright then. Take your time... I'll be grabbing you some new clothes." She comments before taking her leave.

After the door closed, the male could only stop and think to himself. "Huh..." He entered one of the empty stalls, taking a glance at the shower head. Then he took his eyes to the handle. "How do you... Work this..." This was foreign culture. He was only familiar with catching river water.

But this? What form of dark magic was this exactly? He wondered, touching the knob. "Do I pull?.. No.... Push?.. Not that either?!"

He bit his bottom lip and brought a hand to his chin. "Maybe..." After turning it to the right, the shower head sprayed a large amount of water in his face, bringing him to the floor. "Gaah!" He scampered to the side, panting heavily as he watched the water slip into the drain. "A worthy foe!"

This was all new to him. With the opening of Japan's borders came a new time. It came the time of innovation. With said innovation also came heavy and more advanced plumbing. So there Mugen sat, staring blankly at the spraying water. It must've been a whole ten minutes before he had even thought of interacting.

*Knock Knock Knock*

"Done in there?"

The male could hear Lizzy's voice. "Uhm no! Not yet!" He responded, snapping himself out of the haze and after stripping, entered the stall once more. "Alright! I'll just drop off the clothes." The male could hear the door swoosh open before swinging back shut.

Again, he'd hear the door swish open and just as swiftly it came to a shut. Now that he was positive that he was alone, he started washing himself with the sponge and cleaning materials provided. 'What a strange lady...' He thought to himself, lacing the soap all over his body.

He rubbed his skin roughly, tracing over every scar he's sustained during the past three months. Soon, he'd take to his face, then his hair. Atleast the act of washing can't be modernized... Else he'd be in quite the pickle.

He stared at the drain, watching as the once dried dirt and blood flushed down his body. His once sticky hair felt soft and straight. His defined body regained the comfort he yearned for as he pulled his face up to the wondrous pipe. Soon enough, after completing his mission, he switched the pipe off.

Now smelling himself, he gave a grande smile after exiting the stall. Looking to the left of him, he saw a towel... But best of all.... Clothes!

Yet, what he saw brought him disappointment. It was a uniform, one similar to what everyone was wearing. It consisted of a white undershirt with a black coat and trousers. He also got shoes surprisingly. Granted, they were rather tight. He slung the white belt over his shoulder and refused to not only tuck in the jacket but also button it up.

Leaving the washing room, "Hey! Your not wearing it properly!" ~ "Gah!" He jumped to the side, truly surprised that she waited for him to leave. "T-That's none of your business! I didn't ask to wear this anyways!" She took hold of him and although he tried to resist, in the long run she got her way.

"There!" The blonde sighed... "Seriously?" His jacket was tucked into his pants with the white belt keeping it in place. Even the brown buttons were perfectly in their respective places. He looked just like a guard... All he was missing was a weapon holster and a hat like everyone else.

Well, if there was anything to note. Lizzy wore a thigh-level skirt (black) instead of pants and unlike many other guards... She had a white stripe on the side of her thin black top. "Alright, now that you've freshened up, let's head to my office." Just like she said, they headed to her office. At this point, he was just there for the ride. He was being treated rather nicely. "Say... Why did you let me in?" The boy asked, "Simple. You seemed desperate and looked like you needed help." She answered without turning around. "But you didn't hear my story yet..." Mugen continued, "Don't need to, your body alone shows the pain you went through." Again, plain and blunt. She was like a completely different person. She didn't give any playful dialogue, she went right to the core.

"Here we are." She opened the door marked 'Vice Warden'. Upon entering the room, he saw quite the surprise. An unpleasant one at that. "It's you..." He frowned, spotting Rox. "Likewise punk." Rox was sitting in one of the chairs, around his own desk of sorts. Paperwork was present on his desk, alongside an odd weapon of sorts. A baton maybe?

"At your throats again?" Lizzy scoffed before closing the door behind her. There were two tables with chairs to compliment. As for the rest of the room, it was more like an armory. The back wall had many knives of varying sizes, whips and even firearms. Yet with all of these weapons... There was no extra seat nor desk where he could bunker atop. All desks present to the sides were stacked with boxes of varying sizes. "Hmm..." He gazed around the room once more, just now realizing that Lizzy was hard at work.

"A problem?" The girl asked, hearing his grunt. "Yeah, it's just that I don't have a seat." He responded kindly, "Geez! Your such a pain!" Rox kicked his legs atop his table, his papers neatly folded to the side. "How bout you get lost and return to where you came from?" Lizzy was about to speak up but instead, Mugen responded. "I'm sorry... But did I offend you?" The blonde asked, staring Rox down. "Yeah... Your weak... I hate your types. Running around, looking for someone to leech on. That's all you brats are good for at the end of the day."

"That's enough Rox." Lizzy chimed in, but Mugen wasn't having it. He approached the man's desk and slammed his hand onto it. "Fine then. Let's make a wager. An arm wrestle. If you win, I leave and never come back... I win? Shut your damn mouth and never speak up to me." Turning from her chair, Lizzy took to silence. She watched as Rox frowned and pulled his legs off the table.


He brushed all of his papers off the desk before planting his arm into the table. "Better keep your word. Else I'll kick you out myself." He grinned, but he wasn't the only one who could show teeth. Mugen had whites of his own, confidence bustling about rapidly.

Their arms came together before they clasped each other's palms. "Your grip's pretty weak." Rox comments, eager to crush him where he stood. "Liz count us off!" He demanded. With an exasperated sigh, she got ready. "Fine.... 3... 2.... 1..."

There was quite literally no challenge...

"Gwaaah!" Rox fell to the floor, grabbing his right hand. "Damnit! Daaamniiit!" His knuckles had been bloodied, a tense pain soaring through his entire arm. "Whoops, left a pretty bad dent." Rubbing his finger against the dent in the table, Mugen smirked. Lizzy was left in awe, unsure as to how she should respond to this event. Who exactly did she bring within this prison?