Befriending A Black Cat

Mugen threw his jacket to the side before ripping his under shirt open. "Likewise!"

She launched herself at him, he dodged to the side but in an instant, she launched herself off of the wall and slashed his neck. Mugen grabbed the side of his neck, turning in an instant as she sent a kick to his ribs, sending him flying into the cell's grills. "Damn..." He held his head, looking up, he arched both hands infront of him to block the female's incoming kick.

He sent a punch but she slipped under him and locked his neck in a chokehold. In frantic movements, the male slammed his back in the wall to be-rid of her but she was already gone. "Y-Your... Your fast..." He huffed, now dealing with the back injury he gave himself. "Yeah? Good... Have fun touching me boy."

From the ceiling, the female stooped down once more, ready to charge once again. Mugen had to deal with her. 'Shes rather fast. Her combat is great as well. But how the hell does she stick to walls?' He thought to himself as he raised his fists. "Bring it!" He howls, watching her vanish before his eyes.

The darkness of the cell didn't help him at all. In an instant, she was gone. Suddenly, he felt the hard surface of the floor. "Gah!" The girl held his arm down. "You piss me off. Don't act like you stand a chance." She whispers into his ear. Mugen howled out in pain but had enough power to stand to his feet. Yuki kept holding his arm but honestly, she just couldn't snap it. 'He's strong!' She released the grip and leaped back.

Mugen turned to her with a frown, stretching his arms out before taking grasp of his jacket. "I, Mugen Sora... Will enjoy killing you." He states, allowing her to catch her composure. "Hehehe! Yeah, alright!" She was having fun to say the least, but she did something that Mugen wasn't expecting.

She approached the wall and placed the sole of her foot against it. Then, her other leg to follow suite. Soon enough, she was walking on the horizontal platform as though her origin of gravity had changed. She flashed her hand to the side, nails shimmering through the darkness. Suddenly, her body was nowhere to be found in the haze of darkness. Only but her nails were visible through their glistening rays. The female took her of her right wrist then...


By the looks of it, she had snapped it. But that wasn't the interesting bit. Long retractable claws emerged from beneath her finger nails. She did the same for her left wrist, now carrying claws. "Tch! Yeah, that's fair." Mugen raised his fists once more.

'Iv'e been fighting more fights without a sword than with one... Why the hell do I get this treatment?'

He rushed towards her, ducking under her attack. She bounced off of the wall and onto the roof above him. He leaped back to avoid the assault once more but she wasn't finished. She dashed straight towards him after missing. Mugen sent a sailing right towards her.

In an instant, he lost all vision. Upon realizing what had happened, his arm had completely lost all movement, somewhat going numb. She used the momentum of his punch to lock him into a triangular choke hold. "Well, it's been fun." She replies,

Enraged, Mugen smashed his arm into the floor but again, she slipped away. On her next assault however, he brought up his jacket. He threw it up, shielding himself from her eyes. In that split moment, Yuki was unsure as to where she should attack. The jacket was blocking her sight, as if the darkness wasn't enough.

She ripped straight through the jacket, only to be grabbed by the neck and slammed into the ground by the teenager. "Bad move." With a smile, she laid on the ground, her claws completely within the arm that held her down.

His arm was completely impaled, red liquids splurting out as the shimmering blades peered further throw his arm. "Checkmate." She exclaims, his now weakened arm too frail to keep the pressure on her neck. Again, she used her legs to wrap around his arm, bringing more pressure to the frail limb

. "Not again..." He was defeated and he couldn't attack back. Atleast, not with enough force to kill.

Yet, she released her grip and went limp. "Before I kill you, are you truly a Sora?" The name brought memories back... Infact, ever since he said his name, her bloodlust had run dry. Even now, although she hadn't confirmed it... This boy seemed so familiar... "your not a guard are you?" She asks, looking up at the male.

He still had his hand on her neck, but he couldn't move it. It was getting cold and not to mention, she had yet to pull out her claws. "Tsuki sent me... He said it's time... That we retake the country." He winced, both exchanging a moment of silence as he knelt over her naked figure. "Your name-"

"Son of the great Yamato Sora, Mugen Sora." Mugen replies, and without hesitation, the female released the male of his bindings. She pulled the claws out of his forearms, allowing him to move. "My apologies... I was being stupid."

Mugen was rather confused. Unlike Lamin and especially Tsuki, she showed respect to him. That... That made Mugen happy to a degree. Granted, his joy could only go so far with a crippled arm. "Yeah... Whatever.." He took to his feet and held his forearm. Soon after, he wrapped the wound up with his jacket, applying the pressure needed whilst also covering it. "If you don't mind me asking. Why are you here?" Yuki asked, standing to her feet.

"Simple. I'm looking to do what my father failed to do... Save Japan... Then I'm planning on killing you and the rest of your buddies for abandoning him." Mugen stood up and glanced at her. He sighed. He couldn't even see her face. Again, it was like he was fighting a silhouette. She had home turf, weapons and experience over him. He was destined to lose.

Yuki didn't say anything. She just stood there, watching him open the cell door before exiting. From the other side of the grill, he turned to her. "Just sit tight. I'll be back. It's too risky to get you now."

"Mugen!" Lizzy came rushing down the hall in a frantic panic. "Your alive?!" She seemed shocked, generally confused really. "Whaaaat?! You thought I'd die? Look, I'm not some child. "I told you I'd deliver the food so I delivered it. Simple." Lizzy's mouth was agape. Not only did he completely overpower Rox but he survived an encounter with one of the four samurai? Unequipped with a weapon as well.

"Well... Yeah... Alright then... Did she hurt you?" It was difficult to respond. Not everyday something like this happens. "I may have... Sustained... A little something." He pointed at his arm. Lizzy went silent. She stared at his forearm then turned her gaze back to him.

It was the void...

A bloodcurdling sight that quickened his heart rate. "She did this to you?" Lizzy asked. Without waiting for an answer, she pulled him along. "Let's get you patched up for now." Mugen was once more quiet. This vice warden... She's... Scary...

~~~~~ • ~~~~~


Mugen howled in pain. He bit his lip as the alcohol laced cotton ball took to his arm. "Shit! This hurts!" Rox sat at the other end of the room, smiling...


"What're you smiling at punk?!" (Mugen)

"What? Me? Oh nothing! Just appreciating life is all." (Rox)

"Graaah!" (Mugen)

Again, Mugen howled in pain, unable to contain himself. Rox's smile only grew larger. "Hey! Hold still won't you? It's difficult to help you when you squirm." Lizzy hissed, holding his arm still once more. "Sorry but... It just... Hurts!"

"I bet I wouldn't be yelping if I were in your place."

"But it... It burns! Plus needles are kinda scary you know?"

Rox was surprised by such an answer. "Yeah... Sure..." He took his eyes off of the boy and continued his work. "It's getting pretty late kid. Aren't you heading home?"

Mugen scowled, "I told you already, I'm lost. I don't know where 'home' is!" Rox sighed, "Right... So where are you gonna sleep?"

"In here!" (Lizzy)

"The Cell" (Rox)

"Yep, sorry but Rox has a point." (Lizzy)

"What?!" Mugen looked at Lizzy to whom was sewing his wound shut. "Yeah... I'd recommend the guard barracks but... They're kinda full these days. This place has valuable information. Not saying you'd peep around but we can't leave you here either."

"So your treating me like a prisoner then?" Mugen sniffled, feeling betrayed, "No, don't think of it like that. Think of it as a jail time sleep over. It'll be fun, promise."
