
Mugen laid atop the cold surface, a blanket covering everywhere but his feet and head. He stared at the ceiling, a poker face showing itself in response to the blood curdling screams and cries next door. Slinging of whips were at a constant with many slashing equipped with vulgar words. "Oh~ You like it don't you?" A feminine voice roared from next door.

Mugen's eyes shot open, his face shifting to the side to glance outside of his cell. "That's Lizzy's voice..." He muttered to himself, hearing a rather familiar laugh compiled with the striking of whips. Beads of sweat rolled down his body as he gulped down a ball of spit. Pulling his head back to the ceiling, he returned to square one...

Staring at the darkness of the ceiling as the whipping grew louder and louder, both parties sounding more and more aroused as they went on. "..." Mugen's mind went blank. He had quite literally turned his brain off. Now, he was just a shell staring at the ceiling as his mind drifted off to forbidden areas.

He must've been glaring for hours on end! Yet, never... Not once had the whips come to a halt. What was going on in there? Why aren't there screams of pain, malice, hatred? Are they making love with tools? What in God's name was on the other side of his wall?!

"Stick your tongue out, I'd like to use it."

'Am I the only one hearing this?' The night continued just the same. Infact, Mugen hadn't the time to realize the moment the crude words and whipping came to a halt. Before he had known it, a guard was at his cell, unlocking the door. "Hey! What're you doing?"

The guard raised an eyebrow before taking a glance at his key. "It's morning kid." Mugen was breathless. His eyes were red and he shook with the compiled thoughts of what was going on next door. He leaped out of bed and raced towards the grill. "What was happening next door?" He asked, grabbing the bars. The guard backed up, unsure himself. "Well..." He scratched his chin, "I'm not sure." He replies, yet it was obvious. With a mere glance, they read each other's thoughts.

Neither of them, Mugen, nor the guard could sleep. They were afraid......... Yet oddly aroused.

After leaving the cell, Mugen pressed his fist against the man's before taking his leave. Men can bond in the weirdest of scenarios. These two hadn't even the slightest clue of each other's name. Yet, by sharing such an experience... It pushed them through the day.

"Yo!" Mugen kicked the vice warden's door open, holding quite the mug on his face. "The hell you doing in here?!" Rox jumped to his feet, pointing at him!

Mugen blinked once, turned to his surroundings then realized something. Lizzy wasn't here. "Say... Where's... Is she... Whip... Dom... Feel Good?" Rox gave a rather blank expression, just before a light bulb took form in that head of his. Snapping his fingers, he smirked with a smile.

"I feel sorry for you. Did your hero turn out to be too kinky for you?" Rox called the boy to have seat. This was revolutionary to Mugen. The nice girl he saw in Lizzy was a masochistic dom? That kinda turned him on? That was a big no-no!

Rox rubbed his back, although they hated each other, this man couldn't even begin to imagine how confused and baffled the teenager must've been feeling. "Like... But... Why?" "No idea kid... No idea."

The door had slowly swung open, speak of the devil. "Oh you two are awake! How're you doing? Sleep well?" The air changed. Lizzy stood in the doorframe, yawning to herself. She was in ruffled clothing and her hair was in a mess. "Who's up for breakfast?" She pumped her fist forwards, making Mugen feel rather unsafe within her vicinity. Funny how scary women can be. Even when they aren't trying. "I think you should take a bath first. You don't look too good." Rox states, crossing his arms. He gave a stern look to his older sister before she had finally complied. "Fiiine... But in return you can't eat before me."

"What?" He replied, "Mhmm, you do and I'll wash that dye straight out of your head." She pointed at his cranium, providing a smirk once she had set her rules. Not too long after, the female took her departure, leaving the two young men in the same room, exchanging glances. "Let's just go." He replies.

The cafeteria was filled to the brim with guards. The aroma was enchanting, today's breakfast was one but a luxury. Or well, to Mugen atleast. It was pancakes, served with fried sausages and boiled eggs. "Do you guys always eat good food?" Mugen was handed a plate and introduced to a seat where he sat across from Rox. "Mhmm, it becomes normal after a bit." Rox puts a slice of the pancake in his mouth. "Sounds like a luxury." Mugen responds as he too ingested some of his meal. "So... Does she do it often?"

"Your still on that topic, kid?" Rox stared at him, dropping his elbow on the table, cocking his head up. "Well to answer your question, she only does it when she's stressed. Specifically on victims that don't scream... There's only one person hardened in this prison capable of that. Can you guess? She kicked your ass last night!" He chuckled, unintentionally reminding Mugen of his job. The actual reason why he was here.

"The warden's back, everybody!"