"I Will Kill You All!"

"Stop It!"

Mugen released a final burst of anger before Tallory had finally made her move. She ripped the nail out of the nail bed. Blood followed the nail's withdrawal as the rawness of his flesh was now revealed to the air. He bit his lip, afraid to scream. This pain was borderline unbearable. He fought against the chains he was binded to, yet he knew he hadn't the option to break out. If he did, he'd lose. If he screamed, he'd lose. If he attacked her, he'd lose.

He was playing a losing game, and that was a fact. "Oh my, did that hurt?" She asked, admiring the severed nail that was still holstered by her rusted nail clippers. "Too bad isn't it? Too bad you have nine more fingers to go. Now that's a real shame, don't you agree?" She snickered, yet even the guards went silent. As she cheered and boasted about how easily this would be, not one single jailor had backed her up on her cheering. Although they were working for her, and the samurai were painted in a negative light, they still felt pity towards the boy. Especially since he was just that, a boy.

Yuki sighed, yet refused to avert her eyes. "He'd have been better off killing her." She whispered to herself, facing the unfortunate truth with logical reasoning. Yuki's arms and legs were binded together, restricting all but the most minimum movement.


The second nail went flying, another surge of blood erupting from the boy's hand. His head fell, eyes taking to the grass as his pupils shook with intensity. Sweat blitzed down his body, fear erupting in his very soul. 'Can I really do this?' He thought to himself, the crippling thought of losing had given him a cold chill. He didn't want to die. He didn't wish to lose. "Mph!" He had grit his teeth as the third nail took to the floor. He was gasping for air at this point, eyes bulging and the pain reaching to him. His pants for air went overlooked as his fourth nail was severed.

It was quiet. He looked up at the woman. His torturer, his executioner. She was laughing, and yet he didn't hear her. The pain was intense. The stress was so great that everything was simply but a separate entity entirely. It felt as though his fingers were being slashed a million times over. His mind felt as though it was going blank. He felt like resting, closing his eyes.

The nail of his thumb had fallen. Finally, his right hand had met it's end. Finally, would the pain end in an instant. Pulling his eyes up, the blue jewels clashed with Yuki's grey ones. His mouth was agape, he saw disappointment on her face. He saw her looking down on him. He saw pity. In the brief moments of awe, his face took to the other jailors, vice wardens included. Lizzy wasn't even looking, Rox standing with disappointment in his gaze.

Then finally...


She was saying something. The warden was boasting that's for sure... Yet, again, Mugen's mind was elsewhere entirely. He was daydreaming to a degree. He was there, being tortured, but his mind was in the clouds, begging for mercy as each nail was left to the same fate of an egg. To be plucked.

Then suddenly, he remembered Tsuki. The man to whom he hated the most. Of all times, it was now that he was to remember him? Bummer. 'He's probably watching me suffer... Laughing and pointing at my demise. That bastard. I bet he's just having a blast!' That very thought had filled Mugen into an unpronounced rage. His blood had been boiling, just the thought of that long haired man had set his heart ablaze.

~ I'll save the day and kill you all when that day comes ~

He said.

~ I'll save the day and kill you all when that day comes ~

He said.


Snapping back into reality, the male had noticed something. His fourth nail on his left was gone. Yet, he didn't feel anything. All he had felt was a burning passion to slaughter. "Tsuki, haha... I'm gonna fucking kill you." A menacing grin took to his face upon the departure of his last nail. His smile had stretched across his face, showing an ugly, detached and murderous take to his lifeline.

Yuki gazed at the figure with uncertainty. To tell the truth, she was afraid of what she was looking at. Was this really Yamato's boy? Was she staring at someone else? This murderous aura. In all her life of killing, she's never felt such raw, unbearable intent.

All the jailors were terrified, even Tallory had taken a step back. Mugen shook in anticipation, waiting for whatever they had for him. His lack of words, the madness in his eyes, the insatiable bloodlust? Who could stop him? Not pain. If he'd get anywhere, he'd have to ditch that feeling and run. Run to kill all whom opposed him.

"What's this? Gone mad have we?" Mugen didn't answer at first and instead, he sighed. "Keep going. I'm having a blast. When it's my turn, I'll make you beg. I promise you that." His voice was soft and calm, soothing to every tip of his word. Tallory had almost faltered. She felt a cold breeze flow against her. She felt...


But as the warden and a pursuer of her justice, sick and twisted to the core, she growled! "Bullshit! Who do you think you are!" She howled, "You samurai are insolent dogs like the people of your country. When people tell you shit, you say woof and obey!speak back to me again and I'll fucking kill you! Mutt!"

She slammed her heels into his face, penetrating the skin and slamming his head against the pole. Yuki hadn't moved since she had gotten there. But now? She was trembling. Not of Mugen, nor Tallory. She was afraid that if this didn't stop now, she may just slaughter everyone here. Her eyes were wide open, watching as the male had been abused and even listening to her own people. Her very country being called worthless. Tallory stood against everything she was fighting for. Doing that against Yuki... It was a death sentence... Regardless of how handicapped she was.

After Tallory had dropped her foot, Mugen's head went limp, his face held down. Blood trickled from his head then down to his nose. Rox hadn't said a word, neither did Lizzy. What could they've done. Well, regardless. He was their enemy now. They couldn't do anything if they wanted.

Tallory dipped her hand into the bucket of salt before taking grasp of his right hand. Brutally, she pressed her thumb into the nail bed, digging the salt deeper and deeper into the flesh of his finger until it started to bleed. She twisted and torn the very things, licking her lips. This action was done for all of his nails. Mugen had felt the pain flicker through his body and regained consciousness. Yet, he hadn't reacted. He had just kept his head low, her words echoing through his head.

Those very words that had hurt him more than any torture that she could provide.

After finishing her turn, she frowned, irritation found on her face. She sighed, realizing that her first round had been over. She used up all of her time, yet she hadn't gotten a single scream from him. It irritated her. "Tch... Mongrel. It's your turn." Raising his head, Mugen had lost his smirk. Instead, he tried moving his arms but again, realized he'd lose if he broke free. Then again, both hands went numb so it wasn't like he could do much.


He said, and Tallory obliged, passing her hand to him. Mugen watched as she stopped her hand just before his face. His blank look was leagues different from what he was feeling a moment ago. But, it wasn't as though he was physically hurt. Mentally though? 'My father protected this country and everyone in it and your just gonna insult what he fought for? You bitch.'

"What's he thinking?" Rox asked, yet Lizzy neither had the emotional stability to do so, nor the knowledge.

He had slowly opened his mouth and clinged his teeth into her wrist. "Hmm? He bit me..." The woman giggled, "Wow... I was right. You are a mutt aren't you?" Silence filled the air and soon enough, Mugen had shut his eyes for a total minute. "He fell asleep?" Yuki questioned aloud, Tallory now nervous as to what his plan was.

This was a contest of torture wasn't it? So why~


Mugen's teeth ripped into her socket, crunching into her bone.


She felt a surge of pain released into her hand. Her breathing increased but he wasn't done. She tried pulling but it only caused pain, she punched him with her free hand but nothing worked! It just increased the pain! "Stop! Please! Please! Stop!"

Mugen turned his head to the side, snapping her wrist after destroying the ball and joint. "Stooooop!" Tears raced down her eyes as everyone watched in shock. But Mugen wasn't done. He gripped tighter as he opened his eyes,


He pulled swiftly, severing the tendons and muscles from her arm. The woman fell back in pain, her arm splurging blood as she cried out in pain. The jailors were frozen. They were in shock, terrified as to what had happened. Even Yuki had found this quite jaw dropping. Mugen, now with the woman's hand in his mouth, blood dripping from the dead body part... He simply smirked and spat what he knew as trash out of his mouth.

The female ripped her dress and tied the wound shut with her mouth and free hand. She trembled, yet found the strength to stand. "Damn Dog!" She reached for her gun and pointed the barrel at his head. Mugen was staring death right in the face, yet all he could do was smirk.

"final words!" Tallory smirked, eager to blow his head off. She had lost, that was obvious. But she's on her own turf. Who'd go against her? Her own men? Funny... Mugen thought long and hard about what he'd say. When he was done, his smile faded and his eyes narrowed.
