Chapter Twenty-Seven

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After exactly five minutes, the three women were walking down the stairs, followed by Agatha. Nikita was in the middle, Isobel at her left and Alexis at her right but that wasn't the same order of the men awaiting them downstairs. It was Angelo in the middle with Silvano at his left and Vincenzo at his right. Isobel walked forward to her husband; Vincenzo only to barge into Nikita who shifted to the left from the push and affected Alexis.

Alexis smiled at them, bit taking nag offence and walked again and bumped into Isobel who had started walking at the same time.

Talk about akward. Alexis thought and shook her head. 

Angelo was now annoyed, he took charge instead of Alexis, "Alexis come to me first, Nikita start after and Isobel, I am hoping you'd know what to do."