Chapter Two hundred and one.

Happy New Year My lovely readers! I hope this year brings you happiness and health and many more good books to read!!! 


Isabelle slowly and carefully closed the door giving them their privacy and time to figure things out. She hoped that they did. Allies were important and if found in family, there was nothing better than that.

It was amazing.

Pulling apart Nikita smiled. "I was thinking to coming to you..but Isabelle told me that you were out."

"I am happy that you did. I did do whatever you said." Alexis replied with a sleepish expression, admitting her faults. "And I know I won't be any better from what I am now. I need help. Your help to be exact. You were right, I should have come to you. You knew so much."

"I don't want to gloat." Nikita winced, "but I do know much."

"That's GLOATING." Alexis deadpanned.