Training with a Mech

Thanks to all the cores they gained, HELL class students were given a one week break. Feng only wanted to use it for training. He went back to Asura palace to train using unique methods for the first two days and used the other days for technique training; the others went to different places to train, torch, and Hiruko went to a place called The Inferno. Tenjin spent most of his time in the biggest library on earth, Yami went to visit his family in Star forest, a forbidden district on earth, Dainichi went back to his faction, a hidden faction called Temple of the Ancient Buddha. Uga jin left for the ocean side where her family lived, Hanuman and Indra went to visit their homeland, and Marcella roamed the royal stronghold to look for adventure. The rest of the class did whatever they wanted, so those that were left were long Hu and Lin Feng. Using a device called hyper travel tech, they had arrived at the giant pagoda called Asura Palace.

Walking in long Hu was like a bumpkin coming from the country and seeing the city for the first time, Feng couldn't blame him as in terms of technological advancements, Asura Palace was better than most places on earth. As usual, when he walked in, the people that greeted him never dwindled. Suddenly he heard long Hu's annoying voice. "Eh, Feng, you didn't tell me you had a fanbase," ignoring him he moved to the training room that he never touched before, the mech training room.

Mech's before the discovery of origin and genetic energy was just like giant hunks of metal with humans in them. Still, after the discovery of the two powers, they gained sentience. When made with profound ore, the sentience would increase so much that when the owner is in grave danger, no control is needed, and the mech steps forward to save their life. It was then named the S program that was developed to give mech's the ultimate sentience, the mech's before the discovery of the two energies were known as Mecha, after the discovery. They became much smaller, even the heavy type mech's, to put Agility and force into consideration.

For Feng's training, he used the mech that all essential beginners use: Default-101, long Hu decided that since he already came here, what was the point of wasting his time and frolicking around the building, so he joined Feng. Once he boarded the mech, he heard an artificial female voice [Ding. choose a mech under the three categories]

[Heavy mech]

[Agility based mech]

[All rounder mech]

An all-rounder mech was also called the Average type mech. Beginners rarely used it, only the pros who knew everything about mechs could determine that this was the right way to go. If not for advice from the pros, he would have picked a different mech, and knowing Long Hu as the coward. He knew he picked the agility type mech so he could run away as fast as he can at first sight of trouble.

[Ding. Select fight scene under the three categories]

[All-out mech war]

[one-on-one battle]

[Group battle].

Feng had already decided he would try all three, so he picked one on one as the first. Still, unlike regular rookies, Feng decided he wanted to fight against a human instead of the default AI when he said this he received a lot of looks from rookies of the mech department.

He heard again the weird female voice [you will fight against Chrissie of the mech department,5 4 3 2 1 battle starting now.]

A green digit sequence covered the screen of the mech and formed into a city environment, on the opposite side was a sleek black feminine shaped mech, one could quickly tell that it was an agility type mech. Suddenly the mech disappeared from the spot and appeared behind him. If it was in the human body, he could easily counter this blow. Still, now it was like a baby trying to punch a thick book without breaking an arm. While he was trying to block it, her body had swiftly changed direction. A barrage of missiles was showered upon him breaking his defence, by now all he could do was desperately trying to survive her attacks. About 5 minutes later, the mech Feng used looked miserable. The Feng looked defeated; he realisedsedzed that controlling a mech was about splitting your consciousness so you can perform multiple activities at once.

Speculating Feng thought out loud, "I wonder if genetic energy can enhance the mech's constitution, I'll try it out next time." After 30 few seconds of fixing up the mech he used, he entered the one-on-one simulator again.

His opponent was the same as last time this time. She didn't make any complicated manoeuvres. She shot laser beams from the energy fragments on her hand, concentrating his consciousness he dodged and equipped an energy cannon, and shot wantonly towards the opponent. After a few misses, a stray shot finally landed a hit on her, following this careless shots his proficiency with the energy cannon had increased, and he landed a few intentional blows. After a very awkward battle, Feng finally secured the win.

Following this he gained more proficient in one-on-one battles with only a few losses, it was only after two hours that Feng stopped individual battles, he then joined a group battle.

[Ding. you have been paired with Mikey and Daniel and against Cameron, Leo, and Harry.]

Just as he joined the battle he only saw a flash of red light and a mark that said [you are DEAD.]

"What the hell just happened," he saw two people coming to meet him from damaged mech's just like him. "they sniped you down by an energy sniper rifle-extremely silenced."

"FUCK FUCk! how did they snipe me down so fast."

"Using origin energy and a mech technique called Rapid Drive, any mech is suitable to use this technique as long as they use Rapid Drive, even the hardest to perform mech actions that can usually take at least 30 seconds to perform. When performed with Rapid Drive can be shortened to at least 3 seconds, to learn this technique you need to learn how to speed up your origin energy when you're channelling it into any part of the body. It'll take a genius or a physical fighter to learn that in a short amount of time."

When Feng heard this, he was relieved and happy since he was both joining the battle again Feng did as he was told and sped up his origin energy into his legs and moved forward. The drive was so much that he had already appeared at the back of the visible enemy; at first, he was stunned and couldn't react to the attack coming towards him. Still, after coming out of shock, he swiftly twisted his body and performed his mist breathing style. A great mist came out of the body of the mech, spreading everywhere and formed figures of the mech's that looked like his own.

Unlike most structures formed from origin energy, these mists were the product of his cultivation of the mist breathing style. Genetic energy and origin energy, which gave the clouds the ability to attack, leaving the mist structures to handle the enemies visible, he temporarily spread his consciousness to find the sniper he saw the person hiding at the top of a mountain.

Using Rapid drive, he had appeared behind the sniper, utilisingsingzing an energy cannon he swiftly killed him without giving him a chance to fight back or even realiseseze that they had killed him by the person he murdered earlier. Soon the other two opponents got killed, and the game was on.

After winning this group battle, he performed more group battles. Each group battle had given him more perspectives on how to battle using mechs. If his thinking before was hard and rigid, then his current thinking was flexible. Four hours later, he had started an all-out mech war.

[Ding. All-out mech war begins in 5 4 3 2 1, begin]

In the all-out mech war, he was almost killed by the opposing side immediately; he tried attacking the front, but the heavy-type warriors were at the front using a massive energy shield to block his attacks. Using a rocket booster, he flew above using it. Above the warriors of the opposing side, there was a weaker shield guarding above their heads, Feng unleashed a barrage of attacks that threatened to destroy the shield guarding them, the protection gave out. The long-range mechs were below all died an unexpected death, amidst the chaos the long-range mech's shot a barrage of attacks toward Feng who hovered above them. However, they were not even as powerful as long Hu that bastards fart they were still a lot, this represented the well known 'use quantity to match quality' A stray laser came flying from below and hit him, after seeing this he became more careful and started unleashing his mist constructs upon the battlefield, the remarkable constructs with great effort destroyed the long-range mech's finally but with too much of a price to pay.

Suddenly a screeching sound was heard, and he felt a tremendous presence come from behind him, a chill ran down his back, that chill was all he thought before he felt the familiar darkness of death from before.

"Damn it, that's not fair. I was the only one there using a default mech. If I used a specially designed mech, perhaps I can eliminate all those ants."

He went to the Mech Tech department and asked the best there to make a mech for him, his requirements were

"The mech must have distinct forms that can be used in unique situations."

It should also have a mode that can temporarily fuse with my whole body or part of my body like, for example, arm fusion.

It must have places where I can exhale my mists from

And the last requirement it must-have for a certain amount of S program can be both natural or artificial."

After less than 10 hours, they had built the customisedsedzed mech. Once he formed a mind link with it, the mech could be worn as anything: a tie, a ring, virtually anything that could be worn. The default mode a pure black all-rounder mech with multiple blue energy lines always running around it like electricity. The agility mode made it look like a sleek suit of armour with long, lean legs and scythe blade arms. For the fusion Feng's arm took on a somewhat demonic look with several spikes jutting out from the shoulder area, he then formed a mental bond with the mech.

After leaving a mind imprint on the device, an extraordinary change occurred, and Feng seemed to be one with the mech. He then formed it into multiple objects before settling on a ring.

{Friend} a weak consciousness was coming from the newly created mind link; it then sent more basic emotions {name}.

'Hmm, I will name you proteus, so do you like it'

{proteus, proteus, yes proteus likes}.

Speaking with Proteus while walking towards a mech training room, he was intelligent and had picked up new things along the quick way there.

Upon reaching there, he told Proteus to transform into the default form. The annoying female AI spoke again [Generating training sequence]. The familiar green number sequence appeared once again and flooding his screen area, and what greeted him was the familiar battlefield. Feng didn't wait long and spewed out mists from his mouth. They took on the shape of Proteus. He then heard Proteus's surprised voice {Eh, the fog that master brought out looks like Proteus} after calming Proteus down the then got used to the new mech body and even experimented changing forms. After settling upon default form, he activated rocket boosters and energy shields and flew up above the shields using his upgraded energy cannon, which he called the Ultra energy cannon. Using the gun, he unleashed an attack that focused most of the energy on one part of the shield. That part eventually gave way following that the shield that surrounded the top crumbled second-by-second until there was nothing left of it. He spared no effort and exhaled violently, which gave birth to a new set of mist summons, these wreaked havoc upon the enemy side. Just as Feng expected, the one who killed him earlier from the enemy side attacked him when the shield was brought down, using Proteus, Feng dodged successfully he then switched to the agility mode, using this form. Feng was much faster than before. He could now keep up with the opponent from the enemy side, unleashing a few half-assed missed structures he distracted the opponent successfully and unleashed a barrage of attacks on the mech.


A gigantic explosion sounded out, on the side of where the blast occurred, the allies that Feng had, plus some mist constructs had broken into the enemy's barrier and ravaged the helpless opponents. Their force had dwindled to only 2% of their original power.

After a few efforts, they had destroyed the enemies, [victory] the voice sounded out a joyful announcement pleasing Feng and Proteus.

Feng spent more time in wars and became more proficient in wielding Proteus. Eventually, he got tired and stopped. One hour from then, Feng would train his techniques and abilities. Walking out, he saw a lot of members looking at him wide-eyed and stunned, as though they were looking at a monstrously powerful demon beast.

"Why are you all looking at me like that," Feng asks, confused.

"S-s-senior Feng the mech battle leaderboard" answers a timid girl who blushed and looked as ripe as a tomato.

Ignoring this, he looked at the leaderboard and saw his name in second place when he saw first place all he saw were two familiar and annoying words 1st position- Long Hu.

Twitching his lip, he saw long Hu coming out of a personalised mech."Eh, Feng, how are you, who is that living in your ring."

{detecting an annoying life form requesting permission to end it} this was the voice of Proteus ringing out in his head, long Hu seemed to have noticed that Feng was talking to someone and asked: "Hmm, are you talking to the person in your ring, what is its name and what did it say."

"Ah, Proteus said that you are the most amazing and handsome Lifeform in the entire dimension," Feng had to lie so he wouldn't hurt long Hu's feelings.

{master why did you say he was that handsome, master is much more handsome}

'Fuck, where did he get the bootlicking feature from' Feng thinks to himself, hiding his thoughts from Proteus. After chatting for a while, Long Hu finally noticed the ranking board and said.

"Eh, this grandaddy broke records and became first, if anyone wants to collect autographs, this grandaddy will gladly sign it for you."

"Go fuck yourself!!"

Following this, the two individuals talked, while meanwhile, in the distance, a brewing storm had shown true colours.