
[Good morning everyone this is the beginning of the Annual inter-campus blitz ball tournament, this year all the universities have received geniuses of an unimaginable talent in terms of blitz ball and combat ability, the preliminaries will be a knock-out round for all universities in the country, it will be district by district, and then most of the time it mostly ends up with the top ten universities in the country, This tournament is a chance for these youngsters to be scouted by top organizations and agencies in the country.]

[Now let's kick off with the universities that are participating in the tournament, Royal University, Turtle college, Gemstone university, Shadows Edge college, Coiling dragon school, Demon, and Buddha university, Primal university, and Broken moon university. The members of the top ten universities in this district are only two, which are the Royal university and Shadow edge college. The first matchup will be Royal University VS Demon and Buddha university, so without further ado, let's begin.]

Following this commentary, the teams of both universities walked out onto the field, waving at the audience, in this team, the Asuras, along with the bastards from Night Eye.

"Betting stalls are here on a scale of 10 to 1. The best rates are at Royal university."

The audience had voted and bet even personally amongst themselves, of course, the members of these universities voted and bet for their respective campuses.

A whistle sounded, and the ball pass had started, and a fan from the stands looking at the match saw the ball pass starting from the Demon & Buddha university.

With a light kick, the youths had moved the ball to the opponent's team, with only basic moves they reached the goal post, but just as they were about to shoot into the position, a vast flaming hand came out of thin air and swept the ball away.

"Woah! That's amazing," the fan spoke in amazement.

As the fiery hand swept the ball away towards the other team a huge demonic hand swept the ball back towards the other side watching this, the fan couldn't help but clap his hands like a child in delight, watching the hands play a hand ball game the fans in the stands stood dumbfounded. Eventually, a golden buddha appeared behind one player of buddha and demon school, and with one finger, the ball had swept rapidly towards the goal causing a tornado of dirt and grass.

Looking at the field to see what would happen, the fan had already perspired. It was then that the whole stadium heard a voice coming from the pitch.

"Eh, you want to play using buddhas! bah, yours is just crap, absolute crap, let me show you how its done noobs."

It was the voice of Feng who was mocking the opponent, closing his eyes; he chanted a mantra, and golden runes appeared around him and circulated the buddha which had just formed behind him. With just a single palm push from him, the ball which had been speeding towards them had suddenly stopped and twisted back towards the other side at twice the force.

The ball flew forward at neck-breaking speed, and with a roar, a half Xiang dragon long Hu had appeared behind the ball and gave it a giant kick, just the power of this kick could cause some pro blitz ballers to lose a lot of face. A loud buzzer sound was heard and broke the silence in the stadium, massive cheers erupted from a side of the stadium and increased.

[wow can you believe that the combos attack performed just now could be ranked top 50 in the world, and it was performed by members of the royal team Lin Feng and Long Hu, amazing and magnificent]

After a brief celebration, they concentrated on the game again. At the back of the member of the opponent team, a demonic rune formed from behind him and condensed to stick on the ball which enabled him to use it without touching it, with a simple flaming hand from torch the ball was carried away but could still be controlled by Amon the youth who made the control rune.

"Eh, you want to compete with those techniques, this daddy here will teach you how to respect elders," once again the arrogant voice of Feng sounded out, alerting the boy.

A massive burst of energy came out of Feng. It was the baleful aura that he used to impress the old man. The pressure was extremely high in such a way that all those in the stadium without sufficient strength had already knelt and gasped for air.

Feng was the generator of this pressure, so it couldn't affect him, walking forward casually with the ball at his foot. He basically walked into the goal post scoring another goal.

Following this, the rest was just plain bullying and murdering of the other team. In the end, they basically stopped playing and was just crying on the field saying, 'what's the point.'

{master these humans are so pitiful unlike the ones we faced recently} this was the voice of proteus in Feng's head, he had already mourned his master's enemies unlucky for them they will face a real monster.

Walking towards the changing room, he ignored everything, including the matches that happened around him simply because he thought they would be trashy. After a while, he learned that they were playing Primal university in the next game.


In a gloomy room, people with a beastly aura sat around a round table, speaking, "Next match will be against Royal Academy, so we need to be careful against some particular people, like that one in particular. He is the one we need to be wary of," of course they were talking about Feng and the others.

"so now lets talk strategy, if we try any normal strategies, those abnormal fellows will probably use an unorthodox method to take care of us, not to mention that they are probably more abnormal fellows on their team too. So we take out those we know of already, Wang Long you handle long Hu and Fang Xiaolei handle Lin Feng, the others make sure that you handle the extras at the back" He says looking at a weird fellow that looked similar to long Hu and another guy who had a slightly less cruel aura than all the others in the room.

They thought that those that hadn't moved were extras, but unluckily for them, they were completely wrong and would receive complete murdering.

Meanwhile, those on the team of Royal University didn't perform any unique tactics; all they did was to perform their regular activities and even only relax and do nothing.

Unbeknownst to those of the primal university, their opponents were ignoring them and doing nothing to prepare.

Edit: This chapter has been edited so the word count will no longer be accurate