Tournament(END OF PRELIMINARIES and Epic showdown)

The fans of Royal university were in a quiet state and didn't have anything to say because of what happened then.

Seeing this Phantom had begun to laugh and say "haha didn't you people laugh and cheer all this time, now why don't you continue!"

Looking at Phantom like an idiot torch shook his head and said: "you want to play with fire in front of me, that's just looking for death, I am called TORCH for a reason"

With a snap of his finger the flames on his hair that were burning suddenly intensified, his hand became hot with an orange-colored flame glove covering it.

Feeling the intensity of this heat all on the field stepped back a little, with a slight nod to torch he says "I'm handing the next goal to you"

"You say that as if I'd let you so just die!" Phantom says and conjured more shadow flames and hurling it at Torch, ignoring this torch kept advancing while his body absorbed the flames and refined them.

"Eh so you thought shadow flames are all I could conjure well you're wrong so hahaha"

"Shadow domain strike- Disintegrate!"

A dark sword appeared in his hand and struck down towards torch, a large beam that seemed to cut through shadows came out of the sword and headed for torch's running figure, as soon as it hit him a mouthful of blood came out of his mouth, looking at this phantom smirked arrogantly and just as he reached for the ball a dark flame came out of the body of torch and encased his body and the ball, a foreign language was heard resonating through the atmosphere, and the only one who could understand was Feng and Damon in his body.

[Language of the ancient Dragon deity, this boy should have come close to tracing back his ancestors, it'd be beneficial if you befriended him now]

'Che no need to talk much, we've already been friends since young most in Asura palace are teens of our age and we start at a young age so most of us are friends already'

[Ehh so Xiao Feng has friends what a big surprise, we should celebrate]

Ignoring this Feng looked back at the battle and translated what torch said and it ended up as 'DEATH FLAMES'. This flames contained coldness of the highest intensity, anyone that stood too close to these flames almost got permanently frozen so to prevent that all on the field jumped several meters behind, looking at this from the start the commentators had already started to run their big mouths.

[hmm it looks like they attacked each other if this sport had any meaningful rules that would be illegal well it doesn't so let's just focus our attention back on the match for now folks].

Looking at the weird sword in the hands of phantom Feng said "You wanna play with a sword in front of me"

As if knowing what Feng was going to say next he put his guard up but contrary to his expectations Feng said "... unfortunately, I don't use swords, I do blades." Shaking his head phantom felt like a fool.

With this, he pulled out his two blades from his arm and stood in a fighting stance, with a quick look at torch on the ground he says.

"Go score for us, I'm gonna play with this little kiddie for now." at the same time phantom signaled to all his teammates to take torch down, this formation was now different from what both teams had planned from the start. This new formation for the two teams was now: torch goes to score while the others assist and for the team of phantom destroy the opposing team it was a straightforward tactic with no complications.

Looking at phantom he realized that one of the key tactics to beating an opponent like him was trash-talking, he then started to perform the awesome tactic known as trash-talking 101.

"You act as though you are the strongest on earth but you are still nothing more than a brat who ain't grown any hair!"

"Eh, so father thought you that technique, well too bad though you gonna die if you waste any time trash-talking me so I'm just saying," This was said shrugging. If Feng speculated correctly, then the man he called father should be Asura.

"it looks like master also thought you, che whatever it's not like I can't beat you without those trashy tactics".

Saying this he dashed forward with his blades crackling with lightning and clapping with thunder, with an unusual gasp Damon said [Feng boy, you have a nice spirit weapon there if I'm guessing correct it should be the Flying Raijin blade and Thunder Pheonix blade, even in the god world the blades always went in a pair and their spirits had a bad attitude, they were pretty famous. But now you are only capable of using about ten percent of their power what a waste]

In his mind, Damon was thinking 'this boy has too much good luck, that big fellow (God) likes him a lot, when he gets me a phone and that laptop I might just write those web novel thingies Feng reads every day, with all his cheats I only need to add a little bit of conflict then I'm good to go. Kekeke. I'm gonna get a but load of reads soon'.

If Feng could hear what the old bastard thought he would spit out a little blood, While Feng ran towards phantom he examined the blades in the hands of Feng and realized that he couldn't sense the energy but he could see the power running across the air, he had not felt anything like this before, his sword was known as the Cursed Demon sword and only in recent years did phantom manage to pick it up without running mad completely, he was able to sustain a little awareness but his personality split and he ended up a different person after that day, he only had a few more years to live so to increase his life span he had to make some sort of miraculous breakthrough to the next stage, everyone close to him had told him not to use the sword but in the end, he refused to stop using it.

With a quick cross slash, an arc of lightning from the blades swiftly ran through the air towards phantom who just stood there like a dazed idiot, as soon as it hit phantom who stood there dispersed into nothingness and as Feng expected it was nothing but a mere shadow clone.

Circulating the eagle style of his ten great beast stance he let out a loud screech into a particular area on the field "DO YOU TAKE ME FOR A FOOL!"

"yes actually" the snide remark came from everywhere and was not situated at a particular point. Hearing this remark Feng was almost furious but took deep breaths to calm himself down. Seeing Feng did not take his bait phantom decided to go on the offensive and waved his sword and started to send out several strikes towards Feng, these strikes were either avoided, blocked, or only struck him by a thin line the latter only happening a few times.

Deciding to stop sending out slashes they moved towards each other and started to have a proper melee battle, the sound of weapons hitting weapon was heard and sparks flew as they struck each other, "Thousand sword shadows" with a downward swing towards Feng multiple giant sword shadows smashed towards where he stood, with a quick bash of his blade all the shadows disappeared.

With a loud growl, he says "My turn" with one sword behind his back the other in his hand at the front Feng let out an extremely low growl and said "Dimension Slash- Eclipse" the strike cut through space itself and went towards phantom who was scared shitless.

'Not good' these thoughts belonged to phantom just before he was hit by the attack. Silence flooded the stadium abruptly even those that were still playing stopped to look at what happened. The metallic smell of blood spread through the stadium making untrained noses gag in disgust, just as paramedics were about to carry phantom away on a stretcher his body began to vibrate and his skin slowly stitched back together.

"Impossible!, my dimension slash can even cut through the moon if I'm close enough so how is this little runt still standing"

[Hoho Feng boy you might have a bit of trouble in this next part]

'Damon what do you mean?' he asked mental cocking his head in a confused manner

[Just fight him first and you'll see.]

Looking back at his prey Feng felt a tremendous aura coming from the slowly recovering phantom on the ground, new clothes covered his body they consisted of a dark leather suit and a hood, on the back of this apparel the Japanese character for devil lay solemnly stitched onto it, together with the clothing change the strength of phantom received a qualitative leap and he was now on par with Feng when he unleashed his demon mark.

Looking at this new transformation that occurred on phantom the interest of Feng was piqued, in his mind, he thought 'why would old man Asura tell him to lie and even teach him such a valuable transformation technique. What is he hoping to achieve by doing this?'

With a mouthful of blood coming out of his mouth, Feng looked towards phantom who had attacked him and looked at his teammates who had been silently watching and with a signal to finish the game they all moved from their dazed spots with battle intent higher than ever.

He wiped the blood off his lips using his right hand and put his blades back into his hands and brought out the dagger. With a confused expression, phantom asked: "what do you think you're doing how can you defeat me with this dagger, isn't your specialty a blade?"

Saying this phantom scratched his head while question marks flew around it, ignoring this Feng stood in a fighting stance and began to circulate his nirvana dagger style. A grayish flame surrounded him with gradually intensifying heat, it was as hot as the underworld flame that torch used frequently.

With his still closed eyes a dagger made up of nirvana flame formed in the air and like a kitchen knife cutting vegetables it struck down towards phantom.

[Feng boy your technique is okay but your dagger is just not strong enough to use your demon mark and cast demonic upgrade on it] These were the words that Damon said to him when he trained and until now he didn't get it.

With his consciousness controlling the demon mark, they ran across his body like tiny snakes and moved to the hand holding the dagger and covered it; the dagger let out a draconic roar and its appearance changed, now glinting with a ferocious devilish light.

With the dagger in hand, his arm shot down swiftly and a draconic Qi shot towards the fleeing phantom. After this, the fight was not the same, though phantom had transformed and gained strength what good was that strength if you had no clue how to use it properly, this could no longer be described as a fight but rather this should be known as bullying.


With a loud crash, the body of phantom finally gave in to the exhaustion and he fainted on the floor which ended up crowning Feng the king of the fight.

Looking at the scoreboard he realized that there were two extra scores on the side of the shadow edge team with a quick look at torch and the others for an explanation they said

"The second was when we were distracted by the transformation of phantom and for the third, they outsmarted us so hehe"

Twitching his lips when he heard this explanation he looked the commentator and said "This game is too tiring so I have to retire, I'm giving my position as captain to Tennyson there in the audience, so meet him next time,"

With a look of appreciation towards Feng, Tennyson gave a bow of appreciation towards those who had their eyes on him and towards Feng, all that was in his mind was 'phew I'm free from the torture in that damn job thank the heavens!'

After hearing the announcement and whistle he walked towards the changing room in a leisurely fashion and gave the others a low nod and just kept moving forward.