Arrival and Debut at Warriors Arena

Authors warning: Read at your own risk, minor info dump, and trust me; this will be a pain to see as extreme as it was painful to write. This chapter will have battle scenes so the information dump will not have enough of an implement, only the introduction to different things, energies, and places.

The flares stunned him, and the cacophony that buzzed through his head was like that of a busy marketplace. The glows decorated everywhere, and characters dressed in weird gear stood around chatting, laughing. This was akin to a scene that came out from a painting.

He was so caught up in the moment of euphoria and did not register his environs and so by the time he paid account to his surroundings a terrifying pressure surrounded him, this was the gravity in the fantasy dimension it was more than 10x earth gravity.

He had thought he would just waltz into the dimension and get No.1 strongest, but it looked like he would have a little handicap, gritting his teeth Feng spread his perception around the area and found that it was being restricted to more than half of what it was because of the severity.

His eyes though, he saw a multitude of people in the environment looking at him; with a whisper, he asked the wolf immortal what was wrong.

"WI what is happening, what did I wrong?"

"In this stand, if you are not battling, don't extend your perception, or they might kill you just for that, disrespectful. It is survival rule No 1 to newbies in this place so don't do it again," He scolds Feng as though he was a tiny kid and releases a little of his aura, frightening those staring at him.

As alarmed he was at the sudden change, the realization hit him like a truck.

'I do not have any standing in this place, my strength is average I do not have the qualification or the backing to be arrogant, it is like I am cultivating from the beginning and starting from scratch this is like my earth days as a child, I will let my friends follow good masters, I want to see how re-cultivating feels like, I will start again and climb up from the bottom to the top where I belong!'

Feng had gone through a psychological breakthrough, and he now discharged the air of a new person.

Somewhere in his mind, Damon was giving a faint smile and spoke. Unlike all the other previous times he conversed with Feng, this time his speech sang to be like the soothing sounds of zither strings matching a pleasant theme.

[He has now been reborn and his attitude re-shaped what will happen next, I can't wait to show all those haters that my MC can become someone with a purpose!]

His statement that sang like zither strings playing a beautiful melody was non-existent to Proteus, who had the ability to look at and hear everything that happened in Feng's frame and outside his frame.

{So he is just using master as material for his novel, as a human male would use the media source known as Hentai to stimulate their cells into producing fap; This old man inside master's frame is too peculiar.}

If Feng knew he was being compared to porn, he might have left Proteus to live alone all by himself.

"Let's go back to my place" the Wi speaks holding the portal device and spins it in his palm as if it was a toy, holding it with one palm and making a childish gesture in another, a beam shot towards the location was near and with a whirling of magical lights a portal appeared in that zone.

"Hop in,"

With a jump into the portal, the familiar sensation spread across his frame and sent a volt of electricity running through his torso.

The rush only lasted a second, and it had a less powerful effect on Feng that it had the first moment. With another swirl, the portal closed up behind them and opening his eyes he had entered a place he did not have the imagination to even dream of.

It was a magnificent blue crystalline castle; it radiated a pristine aura and suggested to be an entity on its own. The pressure multiplied what the asuras were feeling from the effect of the continent.


A loud crash echoed and turning their heads to look everyone saw red who did not seem to be present before now lying on the floor, her breathing akin to a Normie who ran a thousand-mile marathon, rushing to her side Feng picked her up and offered her food that lay in his spatial crystal; it was a slice of beef, and he seemed to have coated it in star energy.

"Eat this, I made it myself; it's your favourite beef,"

Handing it to red who was still breathing, she gobbled it down, and her faint pulse came back to life with more energy than before.

"Feng, who is your little friend?" the youth with the wolves asks, pointing at red,

"Ah, I forgot we only see red when we are having dinner, this is the second time you both have met,"

"When was the first?"

"During the battle against you all, she was the one cutting off the heads of your people,"

"Ah, the invisible person!"

"She is not invisible, she just has a rare talent, she calls it Void, she is there, but impossible to sense her; it is the merging with the void to make herself Un-sensed with this talent she can become an ultimate assassin."

"Ah! I see Space Lotus queen would like this one, little Feng according to our deal I will recommend her towards the space lotus queen; I will also recommend the rest of your teammates to excellent masters. Now, why don't we immortals teach you extra things and open your eyes to the rest of the world around you!"

"What is that beef? I can sense star energy around it."

"It is something he taught me to make,"

Asking no further questions the wolf immortal spoke again

Placing his hand at his lips and using it to emit a whistle-like sound, the white dire wolf was always near the WI, stood up for the first time when not in motion and began enlarging. The wolf was now enormous enough for the individuals to seat on with extra space.

Raising its head into the air, a loud howl came out from its snout. By the side, the WI utters a few words;

"Chronos, the Dire wolf of crystals, isn't he wonderful?"

"How come I can't sense its aura? It is unlike that of my void talent. Its aura is not natural,"

"He is a beast that has surpassed the magical beast stage and the other stages. He is at the Sky beast stage already, which means he is above Desolate and the Earth beast stage,"

The wolf bowed down again giving a gesture to climb up, all the individuals climbed unto its back, knowing how eccentric the Wi was he could have told the wolf to trick them and make them fall, he didn't.

Once they were all on the wolf, it gave out another howl and ran towards the crystalline palace, closing his eyes and bracing himself for the impact but he did not feel it like accepted all he fell was the rush that he felt when jumping into portals.

Feng opened his eyes to see what had changed, but now found that they were in a massive library;

"We won't delve into much for now, but you all still need to know some basic things,"

He handed Feng and the rest books, and he and the other immortals just left to do something else, Feng picked a book from the pile that the immortal handed to him and inspected it. After that, he couldn't stop.

The history of the fantasy dimension was undisclosed to the public, and the one that the WI gave him was a basic version. In the early days of the fantasy dimension cave-men lived there not that different from early earth but the dimension was gifted by the gods with the origin and genetic energy with also other strange energies: Mana, spiritual energy te last two was an unfamiliar term to Feng but he kept reading.

The cave-men did not know how to use it, but they figured it out, and according to it, the primitives used pain to cultivate different from modern-day cultivation. This cultivation was painful, and more than half of the population died from cultivating.

A youth by the name of Arcavius was born into a particular tribe of cave-men, he had ordinary talent, but he had great intelligence. From the year he was born the death rates of the cave-men from attempting to cultivate had increased and was increasing day-by-day. By the time Arcavius had grown old enough to cultivate the cave-men tribes had already dwindled to less than 20. With his intelligence, he figured out that this way of cultivating was wrong and dangerous, so he protested.

Out of the tribes that supported him were his tribe and four other tribes. All the other tribes opposed him, he warred with the other tribes and only survived by a hair with a few of the other tribe members; it was what formed the current royal family and four noble houses of the dimension. The human cave-men formed the human-related dimensions.

Scanning this, Feng kept absorbing the knowledge like a thirsty sponge in need of water. Completing the history of the dimension, he picked up another book that defined Mana and Spiritual energy.

Mana was the source of life, and no being in all the vast dimensions could live without Mana. It was the source of all. Mana was like Qi on earth in the context that every living being had it and couldn't live without it.

They used Mana, forming a power system known as Magic, a common system that most novels had implemented since Magic had unique types; where there was magic known as useless or trashy while the others are the rare kinds of magic the most common magic styles were this;

Elemental Magic under this branch was:

Fire Magic

Water Magic

Earth Magic

Air magic

Another category was Chore magic; it could do anything related to chores and had simple spells like levitate and such.

Transmission Magic

There were the rare magic types which fell under these categories;

Elemental Magic;

Lightning magic

Dark Magic

Light Magic

There was also the unconventional magic such as

Death Magic

Healing Magic

Life Magic

However, these magics were not seen in a long time, and if they were to somehow ever resurface, it would be in the hands of one of the four noble houses of the fantasy dimension.

The cultivation ranks of the people here were:

Bronze rank

Silver Rank (Feng's current rank)

Gold rank

Jade rank

Lord Rank

Overlord Rank

Sovereign Level

Earth immortal

Sky immortal.

It turns out the little immortal with wolves was at the earth immortal rank; he was at the top of the food chain because there were not that much sky immortals.

And then for spiritual energy.

Spiritual Energy, what was it?

Spiritual energy was the energy of the soul and for the body to gain more Mana was to strengthen their spiritual energy so, in summary, a vessel needs a sizeable amount of spiritual energy to contain an enormous amount of Mana.

He also read about the Warriors Arena; a place in the dark continent where warriors fight and it was to kill or they will kill you. This was like an underground fight between two companies back on earth.

The companies would hire powerful fighters to engage in mortal combat against each other. This was similar, but it was not companies hiring, it was schools, sects, and even immortals who liked to scout for talent in the arena; the wolf immortal was one of these kinds.

Just as Feng completed the books, he heard the voice of an immature youth shout.

"Time's up, Feng, we ware going to the Warriors arena now and as for the rest; Krystal elf lady over there has asked for you, red will go with ninja man to meet the Space lotus queen ooh did I mention they both are happy- in love,"

"I think its best if Sylvia goes with susanee since both of them are yandere, Tennyson you also go with ninja man, drunk girl its best to stay here with Zeke, for now, well shall we go?"


Feng and The rest had already split ways with a sad goodbye, and now it was time for his first fight in the giant coliseum known as the Warrior's arena.

As stated by the WI, his opponent was someone representing a famous immortal known as the Buff king. Listening, Feng had thought at that moment.

'What a stupid name, I hope the name of his representative has a little sense to it.'

He was wrong. Standing across his opponent, he heard the name that the fans yelled.


"Beat that punk up,"

"kill him!!!"

Feng ignored these statements and took up a fighting stance. The ouroboros dagger entered his hand with a snap of his finger.


With a loud gong sound the match had kicked off, and the two competitors dashed towards each other, using his expert speed, and body size advantage Feng snuck past the defences of the burly opponent and thrust his dagger into the opponents back, smirking he thought he had won, but he was very mistaken.


Feng felt something break in his left hand and looked towards it, for someone who had a suitable amount of strength this was painless but surprising with all his might he jumped back and began using his demon mark to mend his arm, a black covering covered it and healed it.

Muscle body lord who was standing there with a smug grin saw the demon mark covering on his opponent's arm and thought.

'What magic is that it looks dangerous, I need to put an end to this now!'

The muscle body lord took a step forward and disappeared from view, only his energy was lingering everywhere, the voice of the muscle body lord sang chants, and red words appeared in the sky and with the last verse he said,

"esaercni deeps gingralne ezis!"

Taking his first peek at magic Feng was so fascinated that he ignored the fight that he was taking part in once he finished the spell casting only the letters that remain suspended in the air cast and a dazed Feng standing.

Standing he heard a loud noise and fiery breath behind his back, twisting to see the source he saw a large muscle body lord with bulging muscles and snake-like veins that kept distorting and moving in odd positions, where the eyes of the muscle body lord lay was two red lights shining.

Feng did no longer look at a human. Instead, he looked at a towering fiend god who could crush him with one finger; he began perspiring, his dagger only staying in his hands by a hair.

Feng jumped backwards again, but wherever he moved to this fiend god followed him,

'Damn It! Damn It!, fucked up Wi telling me not to use my blades'

His mental defences had broken, and he had bordered the point of insanity; Feng had never felt like this before when he was a newbie in fighting; back then if he was about to die he would only think a few words and he couldn't care less but after years of winning he had changed and could not accept the fact that he would lose again—causing this madness that was now present today.

His eyes became red, and bloodshot veins popped all over his forehead. It was at that moment of craziness that he gained the power to overwhelm his opponent; He put his head downwards and stretched the palm, maintaining the bayonet towards the side. The demon mark that had been healing his other part moved to the palm holding the dagger and cloaked it; the palm and the weapon had transformed.

It now covered his hand in the demon mark that spread like veins all over his hand and dagger, which now took up a black-red colour and emitted a piercing screech. He now looked like an evil-god who only wore black and red.

The hair of Feng turned white and his iris red; he was in his celestial demon mode, which he only used when Damon possessed him for the first time. This time it wasn't Damon who used the celestial demon mode, but it was Feng attempting a kill.

With a light stride forward, he had arrived in front of the opponent and swung his dagger at him, leaving only a trailing red light and a light dragon screech behind. The muscle body lord dogged it, but not without damage.

'So fast!'

Touching his face he found there was a trace of blood on it, Feng left no time for him to think and sent a garage of slashes towards him, some the muscle body lord dodged the others he could not dodge, after all, he was only human.

Feng stopped dishing out normal attacks and used his nirvana flame daggers to scorch the opponent. Multiple fire blades shot towards the opponent burning everywhere on his body. His screams of agony were like music to Feng's ear, and he seemed to dance at the sound???

"AAAHHHH!!! Stop, please stop AHHHHH!"

It was the first time in the fight Feng spoke;

"Why should I?"

His voice sounded dark and demonic. A chill ran through the scorched spine of his opponent. He then thought of ways he could trick this devil man.

"My master will reward you with excellent magic skills, and you can become his disciple?"

"Why would I want to be the disciple of someone who calls himself Buff king, will I get a terrible name like the Awesome, small but mighty?"

A lot in the audience snickered at that, and the buff king who was watching in the VIP section had red ears while the other immortals were rolling on the floor laughing at Feng's statement.

"He's right buffy you have a terrible naming sense!"

"Small but mighty hahaha!"

"The youth has not only abandoned us in talent but also with jokes, hahaha!"

Back at the battle stage, Feng was walking towards the enemy with a creepy smile on his face he smiles looked just like the smile of the urban legend killer clown back on earth.

"Don't come any closer!"

"I-I'm warning you!"

"m-my master will not spare you!"

Feng ignored all this and only until he reached the side of muscle body lord did he talk;


With this, he thrust his dagger into the heart of his opponent and brought out a glowing jade bottle.

"Soul collection bottle!"

Watching this, the buff king grew serious and shouted in the VIP section where the other immortals replied.


"Buffy it would be wise not to execute him,"

"And why is that?"

"That old bastard wolfy brought him here, so it would be best not to slaughter someone who the old bastard placed his hopes on."


"That's true,"

"We don't want to die too early."

Murmurs of agreement came from all over the room, and the flamboyant buff king could no longer talk and became as meek as a kitten.

[The winner of the fight is the agent of the w-w-wolf immortal who calls himself Modern Day Asura and according to the wolf immortal his delegate will stay in the hell stage for one month]

Once the commentator finished, a wave of murmurs was heard through the coliseum, and some even held a hint of disdain towards Feng.

"How will he survive that long?"

"That poor boy who looks about 19 years old,"

"Che I bet he won't survive the later battle, he could only survive this one by a margin so how can he survive the later ones only his luck for meeting the wolf immortal!"

Most said those words to throw him off his game, but they were talking to space as Feng had already moved to the room they assigned him to stay in.

After these set of events happening to him, he would be famous forever.