Feng vs Bloodsucker

Feng took a quick cautious dash towards the enemy who stood around carrying no equipment. He had moved a meter closer to him and his challenger was still standing there. This alarmed and intrigued him. What gave the foe the courage to stand, to carry out nothing?


He heard air being severed, and he received a twinge at the right part of his abdomen and clutched it; peering down at the source of the discomfort, his eyes met a sight to behold; a huge gash lay there dripping his crystalline showing red juice.

'How in the misery did I detect an injury of that level, I should be capable to ignore the shock, just what in the hell could wound me?'

Lin Feng removed his palm from the part that hurt and allowed it to heal; he put his full attention on his challenger, now held a large scythe in his grip; he noticed a sliver of disappearing juice on the sickle blade; it looked like it was absorbing his blood??

'I see why he that guy would name himself bloodsucker, a suitable nickname that matches his weapon and capabilities.'

He was so distracted he didn't realize the reaper-like competitor had closed in on him, Feng conjured his dagger and stood in a fighting stance expecting everything from the enemy, the opponent had reached his face and changed into a blur on the spot,

He felt a brush of wind at his backside and Feng perceived another pain twang but this time at his back, Feng swung again but simple in case he aggravates his new and old wounds

'Too fast, how is he able to do that maneuver with a scythe'

Following this, the audience could no longer call this a battle; they could only describe it as a backyard beat down, Bloodsucker was trashing Feng, he was akin to a volleyball that bloodsucker spiked around; he tried fighting multiple times to fight back, but he was not as fast as the opponent.

'You seem to enjoy beating me up, what if I engage in intense close-combat? Bastard'

Feng thought this, but he did not have the determination to say it out loud as if he heard Feng's wish bloodsucker dashed towards Feng and unconjured his scythe??

They exchanged blows and Feng smirked inside

'You are wrong for trying to fight me in extreme tight-combat Heh!'

This was the biggest mistake Feng made in his life, his adversary was even more skilled in hand to hand combat than using weapons, claws formed on the hand of bloodsucker making it easy to swipe at Feng with twice the speed than when he used his equipment.

It seemed the actual weapon was not his scythe, but his hands. The enemy started talking for the first time in the fight and what he said was direct insults towards Feng's cleansed ego.



"You are a puppet!"

These words drilled themselves into Feng and gave him a weird perception of this place.

'Why does everyone I fight in this place elaborate that I am nothing before they beat me up completely?'

Feng thought these words before he went unconscious.


He awoke in a dark red space; the gods who created this place dotted the eerie red space with glowing blue and red lamps; Feng would be one of the few people to recognize where he stood; it was the torturing space he had entered the earlier night.

"Why would it bring me to the red space at this moment?"

The lamps glowed, and it puzzled Feng.

"It just makes no sense,"

The world rumbled and just as he disappeared from the space he felt a rush of adrenaline coursed through his blood vessels and veins, this energy made him want to go on a rampage and kill.


**In The Actual World**

Feng fainted, and he was slung over the shoulders of the opponent who was attempting to crack his spine open. The back of the victim had cracked and splinter, as it was until the assumed lifeless body vibrated that did the crowd realize the match was not ending so soon.

The body wrangled its way out of the grip of the adversary and kept vibrating, Feng's body was red; he had his face down so no one could see the expression of this individual; when he showed his face on it he had a wide smile that reached his ear; this was not a smile of happiness, it was the smile of someone who could mass murder.

His frame had suddenly become more refined with every muscle fiber in it becoming more defined and obvious, on his body small snake-like veins wriggled and his frame seemed to be in a state of the loop because of the never-ending vibration of his individual. This transformation rose his strength to a whole extra level.

Looking for his weapon on the floor this new 'Rampage Feng' paid it no heed even recalled it and took a fighting stance.

With a loud savage roar, Feng took a giant leap towards the opponent and sent a barrage of fists towards bloodsucker, though not all were powerful they still packed a punch and seemed too direct; which was the direct opposite of Feng's original fighting style, which was swift and concise, this one was brutal and direct?

This style had no technique and its purpose was to kill, it was only who God knew where this strength came from. The transformation increased all his physical and energy stats. It was like a buff in a video game, but unknown to 'rampage Feng' this buff was a double-edged sword.

After testing this strength for a while, this Feng who acted as though he was a mere empty shell started regaining the trickiness of his original style and combined it with the brutality of the style of the transformed youth.

Lin Feng threw a jab towards the right-side of bloodsucker, he easily blocked this but the moment he raised his hands to block it an uppercut came from the other side. Now the blood on the face of bloodsucker had become even more pronounced, the attacks after this had become more spontaneous and harder to predict, packing even more force than it did before.

In the crowd, a martial arts expert suddenly exclaimed;


Even a martial artist from earth could recognize this word, it was a martial art style from ancient earth that did not focus on improving one's skill but focused on winning. This was one reason they named it that. The other reason was that it was very unpredictable. They looked down on most martial artists who practiced this style, but when Feng was learning it he didn't give a damn.

The moves were becoming more intense; he took in a deep breath and a small powerful force accumulated in his chest area; this was the internal energy technique that he learned as a child originally the mist breathing style was an internal energy technique but with the emergence of the unfamiliar energies the style evolved and became what it was.

Lin Feng gave a loud yell and lunged towards the opponent with his elbow forward, aiming at the neck of bloodsucker, he reached there in a flash and gave quick knee jab towards his solar plexus, a mouthful of blood came out of the opponent's aperture and most of the audience thought.

'What an irony, he named himself bloodsucker, yet he is the one spitting out blood.'

The fight had reached its climax and from there on it was only pure physical attack and technique which the two used, their will to live had reached the apex and now they were like an endangered species.

Feng gave a guillotine chop towards his opponent, thinking he had won the fight he saw a bloodied smile coming from bloodsucker. Red snake-like tattoos appeared on bloodsucker's body and spread all over it.

The opponent had now undergone a total transformation, the scythe that disappeared halfway through the mark appeared again but with a unique aura, the aura that the opponent emitted was familiar, it was like him when he underwent the celestial demon transformation and the marks looked like demon marks...

"Y-You are a..."

"What are you scared!"

Feng wasn't listening as he already switched to his consciousness to converse with Damon.

'What is he, a Celestial Demon?'

[It looks like he is from one of the branch races of the celestial demon race, the Vampire race]

'Oh, you've got to be kidding me!'

[What what's wrong?]

'First a place with races from fantasy and now Nosferatu, soon I bet you'll tell me that werewolves and lycanthropes are part of our celestial demon race!'

[Of course not, werewolves and lycanthropes are different, you see lycanthropy are part of the beast-men race and werewolves are just lowly humans who the beast-men have infected!]

'How come he has a demon mark?'

[Because he belongs to one of the more noble bloodlines, I complicate the hierarchy of our race. Those other old fools wanted something more simple. Well I would never allow that, I will explain later, just finish up and show him your strength as the heir of the celestial demons!]

Feng sighed and nodded in his mind, unleashing his demon mark an eerie black light illuminated the arena and bloodsucker felt a trace of suppression coming from Feng, this was only because of bloodline superiority.

Feng stretched an arm out and extended the dark markings on his body to reach bloodsucker, the inky substance covered him and suffocated him, the fight that lasted over an hour ended just like that.

He heard a wave of cheers spread through the arena and similar statements were spoken out loud;

"What terrifying transformation magic,"

"Surely they should be a drawback,"

"That blood magic was magnificent,"

It looked like they assumed his transformation belonged to the aspect of transformation magic in their dimension.

And as if answering the questions of some audience members; Feng fell to the ground and fainted, the last thing he saw before fainting was black and all he heard was the calling for help.

It seemed the drawbacks had shown themselves.