Wrath of The Forgotten Deity

Damon's half of Feng's face growled in anger, while Feng's half struggled against Damon's godly will, but it was all for nought, he could only watch Damon's half do the talking and could not claim the other half of his body back. And it all came down to one thing; He was too weak!

The Blood Queen naturally noticed that something was wrong with Feng when he crashed down to the ground, but now, the answer was even more apparent, a dead powerhouse of his race had attempted to switch his body with Feng's but could only switch half due to the other's will.

But of course, this was but a mere speculation; the truth was that, aside from Feng's will, there was another limiting factor in why Damon couldn't entirely switch his body with Feng's, and this was because Damon didn't have all his body parts back. If he switched without all his body parts, he would be an addition of odd pieces, so he just compromised and shared Feng's body with the original inhabitant.

'Hmph, he is still just a dead guy after all, no matter how strong he was in the past, he can't take his power to the underworld with him.' The Blood Queen was complacent; she still didn't understand what one-tenth of Damon's power was, it was enough to level the multiverse in which the Fantasy Dimension is currently located. But of course, she didn't know the vastness of the world.

After staring at the aloof Blood Queen for a while, Damon finally spoke,

"You, are you the one who refined Behemoth into a puppet!"

His voice filled with hatred towards this insect which he could easily squash.

"Its name is Behemoth, my, my that's a brutish name. But so what? I refined it into a puppet, and there's nothing you can do about it old man!"

"Well, we shall see," Damon's voice was filled with an eerie calm, the sort that sent chills down one's spine.

He spoke again, but not in the publicly acknowledged language of the dimension, but it was a different arcane language. A string of demonic word leapt out of Damon's half of Feng's body.

As he heard it, Feng knew the meaning, whether he wanted to or not.

[Demonic Deity Flames]

As Damon said these words, his glowing red eye flashed with a bright blood-red light, The area around the Blood Queen combusted into light-blue demonic flames. All the golden armoured guards combusted along with the grounds, it only left the Blood Queen and Nosferatu.

The Blood Queen sneered in disdain, "If that's all you got ol' man don't bother even trying!"

Damon snorted, his right eye flashed again, and another string of demonic words flew out of his mouth.

[Pit of Gehenna]

A large abyss like pit opened up beneath the blood queen, no matter how hard she tried to escape the impending doom, she still couldn't. Flight was even attempted, but yet there was an invisible force that kept dragging her down.

But this wasn't all, the moment the force began to drag her down, Damon once again chanted another demonic incantation.

[12 Illusory Demonic Lightning Blade]

Twelve blades made up of black lightning appeared by Feng's body, the black lightning blades gave off a weird feeling of sharpness and demonic divinity.

Feng who now seemed like a stranger in his own body was filled with shock. He never imagined the old fogey who lived inside him could display such power even when injured. This was a real eye-opener to him, all the other 'experts' he had seen before were nothing more than trash before Damon's invincible techniques.

The twelve blades shot towards the Blood Queen with an ear-piercing keen, fortunately for her, the blood queen brought up a shield made up of blood runes and was able to guard against the first few lightning blades.

But this wasn't enough, although it wasn't enough, that wasn't to say that she didn't have other trump cards.


The blood queen let out a long and loud scream, blood runes gathered around her and began to rotate her gradually descending figure ascended, she looked nothing short of a divinity right at that moment.

But Damon crossed Feng's arms and snorted in disdain, what could this little girl who wasn't even qualified to lick his boots supposed to accomplish by using such a low-level transformation (in Damon's terms).

The runes around her body converged to her head and her back.

"Oh? This transformation isn't as simple as I thought .", Damon did have a trace of surprise on his face, but whatever she was doing, it still wasn't enough.

A transformation occurred at that instant. Two pairs of blood-red feathery wings appeared behind the Blood queen's back. Golden runes constantly slithered against the wings. And as for the transformation that occurred to her head, it was even more stunning compared to the wings on her back.

Two dark horns appeared on the Blood Queen's head. Her sclera's turned black and her irises red - not the kind of red which celestial Demon royals had - but a different red, the kind one would see in blood.

She looked no different from Damon at that moment. But this time around Damon was seething with rage.

"You didn't just refine him into a puppet, but you still used his blood to make an elixir! In all my years of accompanying Kami as his older brother, I have never faced this type of embarrassment, even in the lowest particle dimensions. Yet a mere fledgeling cultivator dares touch one of mine! Courting Death!"

Damon even unconsciously activated the [Primordial Path Of The Asura] technique that Feng had painstakingly cultivated. His body became red, his veins throbbed and were more pronounced. But more importantly, his body vibrated, giving off a terrifying heat.

Feng noticed that this power was more vast compared to when he activated the technique. So he naturally began to comprehend the true essence of the technique unconsciously activated by Damon.

He no longer resisted Damon's will and let his soul take control of the rest of his body. Damon noticed this and was startled momentarily, he looked at Feng's soul with deep eyes and focused on the demon-witch like opponent.

They stared at each other for a while, one with a demon-witch look, while the other had the look of a Celestial Demon on the brink of becoming a true Asura!

And then, at that moment they acted!