I Zhurong Shall Only Surrender To One!

In the vast technologically advanced Gene Universe[1]. The fiery, fiend-like youth spent most of his time in a secret chamber, he sat cross-legged upon a regal throne, and at both sides were two youths, one male and one female.

These two youths were precisely those that Zhurong recruited the other day. Currently, they were trying to talk him out of a fight.

"Please don't fight him!" The male youth spoke, on his face was a look of desperation, he and his female friend had tried all tactics but to no avail, Zhurong was staunch on his decision.

"Sir Zhurong, we beg of you, even if you beat him and steal his Genetic Origin Flame, it would still not make a difference, you might just end up bringing trouble to Master Flame Sovereign and yourself, so we plead with you!" The male youth's female companion also tried as hard as she could, her voice wavering and her chest heaving in anger and fear. The anger for Zhurong completely ignoring them.

It actually seemed quite annoying from the way he acted, one could see him playing with Genetic Energy on his fingers, completely ignoring the words of his subordinates, he had spaced out.

It was only after a while that he began to hear them, in his mind he smiled bitterly.

'I've begun to emulate Feng with his random spacing outs to think of stupid things,'

"Ah, what were you saying again?"

The faces of the subordinates began to twitch with annoyance, how could this be the most feared man in the city, he seemed more like comic relief or a clown.

"We said that you shouldn't fight this man,"

"Oh, and why not?" Zhurong said as he stood up and walked over to a large metal table that looked similar to those that are used for experiments.

"Because Randin is of the Sun Crow clan, and if you killed him to get his Genetic Origin Flame, the clan will certainly chase you with all their might!" The male subordinate as he followed Zhurong as fast as he could.

Zhurong stroked the experiment table, the scent of blood could still be smelled, he was thinking of all the experiments he had performed on this table.

In the Genetic Universe, experiments were not prohibited, it was one of the reasons they were able to develop new genes, combine genes and make gene drugs. But the experiments should not be done on any random individual, they could only be performed on slaves and prisoners of war, no one else. Such was also the same in the Fantasy Universe.

Zhurong walked over to a few other apparatus for experiments, his mind seemed to be lost in deep thought.

After the two subordinates finished speaking, he let out a small sigh and said, "Is that all?"

"Uhhhh, yes." The female subordinate spoke, shuffling her feet across the ground in nervousness, she always got nervous when Zhurong asked questions like this.

"Then don't even bother, there's no way I will surrender to some boy just because of his background. I Zhurong shall surrender to only one!"

At that moment, their interests were peaked, who was this mysterious individual that the wild dragon Zhurong would only surrender two, their curiosity got the better of them so they asked.

"Uhhm, who is this person?"

Zhurong looked at both for a while and answered them, under their displeasure.

'Why did he have to look at us that way? I almost peed my pants!' The same thoughts ran through the minds of both subordinates.

"He is, well him."

'What an accurate description.'

'I can almost paint a mental image now.'

Sarcastic thoughts ran through their minds simultaneously. However, they still wanted to know more of this person, so they proceeded to ask more questions.

"How is he like?"

"Hmm, honestly I don't know, around me and the others he always put up a mischievous facade, but if you were his enemy, then I would send condolences to your family, but then that's why, sometimes he's cheerful, at other times, he can just be plain negative."

As he spoke a sense of nostalgia washed over Zhurong.

"So what skills did he have?" The subordinates say again, trying to get as much as they could out of Zhurong.

"Hmmm, I don't remember much, he made some of his own skills, like the [Ten Great Beast Stance] technique, there were some other one's like the [Mist Breathing style] That one was super helpful, it was his go-to skill.

Then there were some other miscellaneous ones, where he tried to emulate Buddhist moves and always seemed to get it right, I and the others would tease him about that sometimes. Then for the others, I have no idea where he gets them from. If he leaves one day to train, he comes back with a new technique the next day, it always bewilders me, but I shrug it off, the next time we meet, I shall ask him!"

His voice was filled with emotion, similar to an old grandpa who told stories from his childhood.

Hearing his emotion filled voice, they could no longer ask questions, but that didn't stop them from thinking about it.

Zhurong spoke again. "Are you done asking questions now? If so, let's leave."

"To where?"

"We're going to fight this randin guy!"

Zhurong says confidently, his voice filled with fighting intent. And without witing for their objections he walked swiftly towards the exit, a look of resolution on his face.

'The day I and Feng went seperate ways, I abandoned my original name Torch and gave myself the name Zhurong, so long as I don't beat all the fire-based opponents, how can I claim to be Zhurong[2], the God of Fire!"

With these words of resolution, Zhurong walked out, ready to burn all opponents! Find out what happens to Zhurong next on Zhurong: Modern Day Asuras.


[1] This is a newly implemented change, the dimensions shall be changed to universe, which is seperated into upper, mid and lower worlds of a single universe.

[2] Zhurong is the chinese god of fire.