Order of Kronos

It has been about a year since that incident.

I have finally familiarised myself with my new inborn abilities. After I killed the two men from the so-called 'order of Kronos', troops from the knights association arrived within half a days time. I had to make up a story to tell them how the members within the household at the time somehow managed to defeat the two intruders. That's all I told them. After all, no will believe a far-fetched story like-"I awakened memories and abilities of my past life, and killed those two intruders." I myself find it hard to believe such a story when I am the person in question, much less grown-up knights. Even if I did tell them this, they would have passed it off as a kid's imagination.

As for telling them about the order of Kronos, I chose not to tell anyone based on my own judgement from my first life. The said organization is deeply hidden in the shadows and has probably infiltrated governments of many kingdoms. There must be many people of this organization in positions of power in the governments around the world.

I thought about what I could do to combat such an organization but kept on reaching dead ends. I am now more powerful than almost any person or beast in existance. My magic power is skyhigh and my mana is highly dense. I have a vampires physical and regenerative attiributes despite not being a vampire. My necromancy abilities have not quite improved but all in all I could be considered a powerhouse of the highest levels. If I were to join the knights or such, I would be under the control of the governments, possibly those of the order of kronos who have infiltrated the governments. The same would happen if I were to stand openly in any such organizations.

"Huh" I let out a sigh as I thought. In the past one year, I have undergone strict secret training to master every ability I know from my previous lives as possible as well as improve my magic proficiency, something that did not exist in my previous lives. Occasionally, I go bandit hunting at nights whenever I locate a bandit group to actually experience fighting. This information is easy to access as I am now the head of the Stone family house.

Tonight was such an occasion. A large supposed bandit troupe was found in the forest near the outskirts of Luna city (Stone family territory). No one else knew of these night activities that I took part in and that thout made it all the more exhilarating. I put on a jet-black hoodie and held a knife in my hand tightly as I jumped out from my window and dissapeared without a trace.


In the dead of the night, a beautiful girl sat chained within a cage in the middle of the forest. Her long blonde hair lay was spread over the floor of the cage and her body was covered with bruises. Her emerald green eyes were now looking lifeless and stared into nothingness and the piece of cloth she used to cover her body with was tattered. For her, all hope seemed lost and any reason to continue living did not exist. This was a very harsh reality to have hit upon a girl of no more than 8 or 9 years old, who should have been laughing, playing and enjoying her youthful years.

Outside the cage about a dozen men had made camp. They were drinking and eating in from of the lit fire without a care in the world for their surroundings.

"ahahahah...this time we hit it big, boss. We'll earn a sum of money we would normally have gained from stealing for half a year, just from delivering this girl."

"gulp...ah, you're right. Even the alcohol seems to taste much better after gaining such a job."

"There must be many psychos within the high nobility...gulp,gulp...to want such a young girl. Though I do agree after a few years she might have been a divine beauty."

"Such things don't matter to us boys. All we need is the money. We can chill for the next half a year without a care in the world."

As the girl heard such conversations from the men, she did not mind it anymore as she did not have anything left. In her heart she had already given up. But it seemed that this was not the place where she would have to discard whatever hope she had left as god seemed to have smiled on her for the first time, in what might've seemed like a really long time.

As she sat there staring, she saw the head of two of the men sitting in the shadows of the trees fly off. No one else seemed to have noticed it. Again more two heads flew off with what might've seemed like the wind cutting them off. Finally one of the 8 remaining bandits noticed and alerted the other.

" Where are you, show yourself you coward. Boys keep alert for anything strange."

That's when a person clad in a black longcoat landed at the centre on the group of people. No matter how you looked at it he was a child.

"You bastard, acting all cocky when you have'nt even had your milk teeth removed. Get 'im boys" shouted the leader of the bandits.

7 men armed with swords and knives chaged at the boy and stabbed him all over his body.

"Hahaha..that'll teach you....shing....what?"

The bandits exclaimed in surprise. Even the girl was surprised. The reason being the boy who had been stabbed almost certainly to death, raised his head and within a fraction of seconds killed two more bandits. As such, the bandits left their weapons stuck within the boys body and immediatly back away. The boy slowly removed the blades from his body and the wounds quickly closed in the blink of an eye.

"Damn you, what the hell are ya?"

The boy did not reply but raised his empty hand facing the bandits. The girl could feel a huge surge of mana all the way in the cage. The 4 bandits who had backed away literally exploded from the magic pressure.

The boy turned his gaze towards the leader of bandits, who was visibly, well freaked. It was understandable after witnessing such a sight. Leaving aside his regenerative ability, being able to kill someone with just magical pressure was something only the most powerful people in the world could do.

"You asked me what I am earlier. I am not a coward to reply your first question nor am I monster. I am a but a normal human being, but to people like you, you could say I am the god of death come to life." Said the boy in a deep, cold voice that sent shivers down the bandit's spine.

The boy closed in on the bandit.

"heek...stay away you damn brat." The bandit snivelled as he crawled back on the ground.

That plea did not stop the boys advance as he grabbed the bandit by the throat and lifter him up to his level. He looked at the girl in the cage and turned back to the bandit.

"You've got some explaining to do. Tell me, who was your employer.Even if you don't want to tell, I have many methods to make sure you cooperate."

"I don't know much. I really don't. All I know is that it was someone from the higher nobility in Luna city and that I had to deliver the girl at the edge of the forest by tomorrow morning. That person was going to send someone to pick her up."

The boy seemed to paused for a moment in deep thought. He then shook his head.

"I expected you to be more useless, being the bandit that you are. At the very least you told me this much. Now then, thank you and goodbye."

The hed of the bandit flew off with a precise and quicke dagger strike. The boy then turned to the girl.

He approached and wrenched open the cage. The girl just stared at his red and blue eyes. Her chains had come off, the cage was wrenched open and the bandits were killed. She had never thought of such a scenario being possible as she was about to give up hope.

The boy placed his hand on her head and a surge of blue light swept through her body, but it did not pain in the least. Instead she felt rejuvinated, and could feel life returining to her eyes. All her wounds dissapeard as well.

"Well then, that should be enough. Are you injured anywhere else?"

"No, th-thank you."

"I should get going now. Take care to be careful from now on. The world is littered with scum like this."

He got up and turned his back as if to walk away. The girl called out to him.

"Wait a moment. I would like to repay you back. My family was killed and my home was destryed by those people so I have no where to return to. Regardless, I would like to repay you in some way."

"You don't have to be so serious. This is just a part of normal training for me."

"That may be, but for me it can be considered a second chance at life. If I had been taken in by those Luna city nobility, they were going to experiment on me due to my high mana signatures. At least that's what the person cloaked in black who came yesterday was telling."

The boy froze. After a few moments he turned around and lifter his hoodie. His black hair and heterochromatic eyes became visible.

"Do you really want to come with me and help me? What you experienced today won't be an uncommon occurence. I could also arrange for a house and job for you someplace else where you can live happily."

The girl vigourously shook her head.

"I don't desire something like that. I would much rather serve you and prevent something like this from happening to others if possible."

The boy stared at her and thought deeply. His eyes widened as he seemed to have come to a realization. He seemed to have confirmed her resolve as he spoke-

" Very well. My name is Maximus Stone. The leader of the Stone family of Luna city. Before you truly join me, that is if you wish to, I must tell you what I am and have been fighting against. If you choose not to follow me, that is fine as well. In which case, I will use my magic to erase the conversation we are about to have from your memories."

The boy told her about the information he had acquired over the course of the past year.

"There exists an organization called the Order of Kronos hidden in the shadows of this world and that has deeply infiltrated the various kingdoms and governments in this world. You must have heard of he story of how the legion of heroes defeated the council of titans about 900 years in the past."

The girl nodded.

"Yes, indeed. Every person has heard of it. Isn't it just a childrens tale?"

"Its not. The council of titans consisting of 5 demon lords did exist and the legion of heroes did defeat them, but they could not kill them. Thus they opted to seal of the demon lord forever. But right before they sealed them, the demon lords each injected their own mana into one of the 5 heroes who opposed them. As time passed the children of those heroes and their childre and so on, inherited this demonic mana. If these offsprings of the heroes came in contact with demonic mana or experience a mana fluction, their bodies would be riddled with wounds and blemishes like how you yourself had those wounds and cannot be healed. This is what the order calls demonic synergy syndrome or commonly known to public as demonic synergy."

The girl processed all this information and seemed to consider and compare it to what had happened to herself. Max continued speaking.

" The order captures all the children they find to have such mana signatures in order to extract the demonic mana from them to break the seal on the council of titans. The only thing powerful enough to break the seal is the demon lords own mana which had been spread accross many generations of the heroes children. Not all children are as lucky as you in the sense that, they are normally discarded and removed from their family trees if they are discovered to have such dark mana within them. Though the cure is not known to anyone, I have completely cured and stabilized your own mana. Its a skill that only I used to and now you also possess after your treatment. So do you still want to come with me to fight the order?"

The girl nodded and shouted with conviction upon thinking over all the information Max had thrown at her.

"I, Emilia pledge my life to you, the one who has saved it and resolve to fight alongside you against the Order to prevent more atrocities."

The boy smiled for the first time since the girl had seen him as he helped her up. This day and the chance meeting between these two individuals would mark the time when significant changes in the world would take place until the now hidden Order of Kronos.