Chapter 2

(Part One: The Close call)

"Just give us your wallet" A man said with a chuckle in his voice, while he was staring at another man who was sitting against a wall holding his ribs, as he could hear the alleyway filled with the sound of half a dozen of man, laughing like a pack of hienes before they attack a prey "n-no....." The man on the ground said as he groaned in pain, while he slowly gets up on his feet to stand his ground, but then one man swang a sledge with all his might towards the injured man's right shoulder, sending him straight back on the ground "Who said you can get up" One man yelled, he looked like he is the leader, he had pissed expression as he was annoyed from the fact that the injured man could still stand. The injured man got ready to stand again, as he heard a young women's voice echo through the alleyway "L-Leave h-him alone!!!!!" The injured man could hear the fear in her voice as he sees the pack of man turn their attention towards her "Look what we got here boys" A man said while he had a big smirk across his lips "Hey girl wanna come play with some real man" Other man said as he took a step towards her, the injured man knew what they were gonna do if they got near her, so he had to move even tho he feels like his body is gonna crumble with just a single breathe. With all the strength he could mustered, he was able to get into a position to sneak attack "Guess what" He said with pissed expression, while he side sweeps their legs with all his might, he caused them to all fall to the ground with a thump. He then suddenly took a leap and ran towards the girl "Get out of here!!!" He said seriously until he noticed she was too scared to move a muscle or even talk "fuck..." he said under his breathe as sighed, while picking her up on his back, he could see all the man getting back up. So, he then took one big leap running as fast as his legs could ake him. He sighed out of relief when he finally got them to a safe spot far from the group of man, but suddenly he felt a jolt through his body and collapsed on his chest, his vision suddenly became blurry as he then suddenly passed out not able to hear a siren from an ambulance coming

(Passing Point: The Surgery)

As the injured man body was being rolled in a stretcher, all the nurses and doctors were trying to stabilize him "I don't think he will make it sir!!!!!!" One nurse screams over as another holds a oxygen mask on the injured man's mouth "The man's going into shock!!!!" A yelled after the heart monitor suddenly started to beat rapidly nonstop

(Part two: The Quick Recovery)

As the injured man suddenly woke up, he noticed he was not in the alleyway no more. He then sat up slowly as he body felt weak, as he gets up on his feet, he stretched abit while barely noticing, he was in a hospital room with bandages covering his right shoulder, left knee, and left elbow "I guess I passed out from the lack of energy I had from receiving those attacks" He said with no concerns of the wounds he had, he then threw the blanket to the floor as he removed the bandages, as he slowly took off his bandages it felt like his whole body was in a million of pieces "Shit they got me good, didn't think I would be this injured" He said abit annoyed as he slowly stretched his body around, causing his wounds to revert back to normal healing himself. As he got his clothes and stared to get dress a nurse walked in seeing the man half naked, with the shock of seeing a man half naked the nurse turned away towards the door " goodmorning sir sorry to disturb you, we didn't know you would be a awake yet" As she said embarrassed as she kept facing the wall with her face all red. The injured man just kept getting dress not fazed by a women seeing him naked "Can you call the doctor and tell him I'm awake" He asked with a warm smile as he finished getting dress, she nods and headed off still blushing abit. The doc came abit later and examined his body for abit. While being suprised how the man's wounds and bones healed so fast "I guess your free to go" The doc said with no reason to keep man there "Oh wait do you want to know how the girl you saved is doing?" the doc said, as John was confused for a sec until he realized the doc was talking about that girl from the alleyway "Yea" he said as he finished putting on his shoes then stood up to follow the doctor

(Passing Point: The Patient)

As the man and the doctor were heading towards a certain room, they would see a bunch of the nurses whispering to each other as they stared at the man "I guess your popular among the nurses now" The doctor said with a small chuckle "huh" The man said abit confused but kept walking

(Part Three: The New Girl In Town)

As man and the doctor walk in a room where the girl was, they both noticed the girl was asleep "I will be right back" the doctor said having to go and handle another problem so the doctor walked off leaving the man alone in there. The man nodded to show he understood he then went and sat down in a chair next to the bed. The girl then suddenly woke up slowly and looked around abit confused "You up? the doc will be back soon, just rest" he said as he started to head out "c-can you stay" she says with a tremble in her voice causing him to stop at the door with his hand on the knob as he thought for a second "is there someone who can pick you up?" He asked her as she looks down "n-no I just arrive in town today and got lost on my way to my aunt's" She said he sighed then headed back to the chair and sat down "I'll help you get home, just because you try to help me yesterday" The man said this not knowing what's to come