Chapter 5

(Part One: The Fox Has Arrived)

As John look at him, he could tell who it was "Sup they call me Fox, or Allen" Allen said with a smile, he looked like a human but he has the tail and ears of a fox making him a hybrid of a human and a fox "I see so your my back up, do you got something to help me out here?" Allen nods then throws John a sniper, as John catches it he started loading it ready for fire "Get this girl to safety, it's too dangerous here" John orderd Allen, As Allen nods he picks up Sarah in his arms and runs off with her, taking her to safety. John then put in his ear buds as he took off running towards the sniper "Let's see where you are hiding" John said as he kept running in a straight line baiting the sniper to take a shot, to check where the sniper location of the bullet came from, then suddenly another shot came from his left side "shi-" He try to dodged, barely dodging the bullet as he shoot back towards the direction the bullet came from, he then hurry and rolled back on his feet as he gets a few scrapes "Shit this sniper is good" He said nervously as he got into a plank position, getting ready to fire. While he aims down site towards the sniper, that's when he suddenly noticed a bullet coming towards him "ohhh....shit!!!" he said as he hurried and rolled to the left but his sniper was destroyed in the process "How did he do that, he's over 10 miles away" he explained with a suprised expression while he got up, noticing he was stuck without a weapon. Before he could get into cover, he was suddenly shot in the leg "ahhhhhh!!!!" he screamed in pain as he fell to the ground holding his wound, but after a while of laying there he noticed the figure walking towards him "Well this fight ended faster then I hoped, too bad" The figure pointed the barrel towards John's head "Remember the name of the man who shot you down, I'm REX!!! The best sniper around" Rex yelled as he gets ready to pull the trigger until he heard someone coming from behind him and try to knock him out

(Passing point: The Mysterious Figure)

Rex dodged as he aimed his gun at the figure "I can't let you kill him" The mysterious figure explained as he got into a defense position. John couldn't tell who it was or hear what they were talking about, because he was becoming light headed from blood lost, losing all his senses "whose ther-...." As john try to speak but he passed out from blood lost not being able to finish his sentence. But while this was going on, somewhere else in the city you could hear a loud scream

(Part Two: The Ambush)

"Ahhhhh!!" Allen screams from getting stabbed in the leg, Dan looked down at him with a pissed off expression "I warned you, don't annoy me If you don't wanna die. And when I'm pissed, I'll KILL!!!" He twist the blade in Allen leg deeply "Dan calm down, we got what we want" Ethan says hopping Dan would listen, but he noticed Dan's eyes were glowing a little from under his blindfold and sighs "Let's give that guy a warning" Dan says with a dark expression while Ethan looked away and putted Sarah in the back of a white van, and waited for Dan to finish. After a few minutes Dan got into the van and they drove off, when they finally were a good distance away a mysterious figure walked up to Allen and lifted him from the floor, on their shoulder "You poor thing, let the Queen help you" The mysterious woman said. While all this was going down, John was passed out not knowing what had happened to Allen and Sarah. But what Dan doesn't know, someone else will be after his head

(Passing point: The Truth)

Later Ethan drove up to a house, as Dan was in the back watching Sarah "Were here" Ethan says as Dan opens the back door "We got your niece like you wanted, some guys kidnapped her" Ethan says to a woman, as he was obliviously lying, as the woman gives Ethan a brief of cash. She then took Sarah inside "It was easy money" Dan said with a chuckle as he got into the van "Well you know this company we work for, only makes money by lying" Ethan explained as he got into the van and drove off "So they gonna come after us thinking, we wanted her dead" Dan question "yes" ethan answered "good, we can finish what we started" Dan said with a smirk

(Part Three: The Master's will)

A man walked into a shrine "Um....Sir" the man said trembling while he walked up to a figure meditating "Yes?" the figure said with a calm expression "Your....m...mentor was shot down" as he said this he jumped into cover, as the whole building started shaking "WH....WHAT DID YOU SAY" the man crawled away frighten for his life "here's the video" the man said still trembling, but worse then before as he hands the figure a tablet. The figure took the table and watched it, he then grabbed his coat as he walked out "get the chopper ready!!" the man gives him a bow and walks off with a sigh of relief

(Passing Point: The Lost Of Money)

Rex threw a bottle of gin into a wall, as it shattered on impact "Those two stole my money!!!!" Rex yelled as he stabbed a knife into a picture of Ethan and Dan "I'll get my revenge I promise you that" Rex said as he cleaned his gun

(Part Four: Time To Get Up)

As John didn't have any idea a bigger storm was coming, as he was barely waking up three days after all this have accrued. John looked around the room noticing he is in a bed, he had no idea where he was or how he got here "Whe...where am I" He said abit suprised as he got up and noticed his wounds were treated and a new pair of clothes were next to him. As he finished getting dress he walked to the window too see where he was, noticed he was in the woods "Huh this is a mansion? it doesn't look no where near the city" As he said this someone walked into the room "Hello brother, we need to talk" John turn around wandering why they called him brother. "who are you?" he question as he looked at the figure not knowing him "I am your brother, my name is...."


Who is this figure who rescued John, and why does he say he is his brother. What happen to Allen who saved him. Where did Dan and Ethan take Sarah, also what's happening to Dan causing him to be so brutal. And, wait John has a student when did that happen. You'll only find out if you keep reading, cya in the next chapter