(Part One: The New Adventure)
As the wind blew calmly pass a valley, carrying a couple of leaves. You could see a small house on the mountains "Rise and shine" an old man said as he hit a guy over the head with his walking stick. The old man looked around the ages of ninety to ninety-five, wearing a black robe as he walks away with a limp. On the other hand the guy looks around the ages of eighteen to twenty-one, wearing a white tracksuit and his hair look like a mess as if he never been trimmed it "So master how am I gonna train today" the young man said "Today training is.." the young smiled with excitement just to find out "Start a life; meaning you'll be going to college, moving into town, make some friends, and....." as the old man continues, the young man sighs in disappointment "oh, I already had the papers made" the old man gave him a ID "From today your name will be, Adam" The old man gave him other papers, Adam looked at the ID "So should I call you Allen and not master? When were in town?" Adam question "No, you'll be going into town alone" Allen said as he sat down on a stump near his house "Master I thank you for raising me" Adam bows respectfully as he head off with a bag Allen packed for him "Now where am I heading" he said to himself as he looked at the map "I guess I'll head north" he headed north of his home, not knowing this adventure will be more of a challenge then he thought
(Passing Point: The Silence)
"Its very quiet since he left" Allen said as he looked at a picture of him, Yuri, and Ben "I wander how their doing, well since I'm half fox I age faster. I bet they still look so young" he close his eyes slowly as he sat their relaxing his breathe, as he feels the calming breeze
(Part Two: King of the world)
Dan was sitting in a chair as he stared out his window from the tallest building he owns, this building is now known as the tallest building in the world "Everything feels dull, I thought taking over the world would bring me excitement. But I just feel more empty, nothing brings me excitement any more" Dan said as he sighed from boredom "Why would it? thanks to our combined strength, no one can touch us" a voice from Dan's shadow says "I can agree with that, but even these rebel leaders are weaker then me" He pointed out as he looked at photographs off Ben, Jack and Zane on his desk "Fifteen years have pass since the war between me and John, but ever since then no one is able to stand against me" Dan said as he heads into his elevator "I should check how my project is going" He mutter as the elevator went down and came to a stop on the first floor "Hmm I wander why I hear chatter" Dan question as the elevator open, and suddenly a bunch of reporters were blocking his path "Sir is it true your planning to give your company to your first son?" One of the reporters question "Who gonna be your spouse?" Another question "Can y'all hold question all until my Q and A" Dan said with a calm tone but was deeply annoyed by them all "Its gonna be hard to handle them all" he utter under his voice as he led them to a big conference room
(Passing Point: The X Solider)
Deep in the basement of the company, there was a project they been working on since the company was founded by Dan "Hmm vitals are good, okay let's send a shock through it's heart" A man said as another man pulls a lever "come on" The man said as he stared at the screen for a few minutes "It's a no go" He said as they reset the system
(Part Three: The Bandits)
As Adam was walking through the forest, he noticed something was off "who is- Ouch!" he said as he pulled a dart from his neck "this is a..." he said abit dizzy as he passed out. Adam laster woke up against a tear, as some guys near by were searching his backpack "This is some good food in here" One man said as another man was holding a dart gun, Adam thought to himself how he should handle this until he noticed a man pull out a little rock that his master gave him "you shouldn't touch other people things" Adam said as he knocked one guy out with a single hit "Uhhh were were sorry we were just hungry" the other man said as he scream when Adam walked towards him "Don't kill me" he screamed as he closed his eyes, but suddenly felt the bag next to him "huh" the man sat up and saw Adam walk away only with the rock "Stay safe y'all" Adam said as he disappeared into the distance "Some people don't know how to ask for stuff do they" Adam said as he sighed in disappointment "I'm glad they didn't need the map, so let see if I continue north I should reach the city in at least a week" he utter to himself as he looked at his watch "I should find somewhere to sleep until morning" he said as he sees a train station near by "perfect" he said as he took a nap on the bench
(Passing Point: The Trackers)
A few man with special equipment were wandering through the woods, until one picked up his hand signaling everyone to stop "shhh I see the target" The man utter, as they all took out their scopes "ready.... aim... FIRE" He shouted as they all open fire on who knows what "Did we get it?" One man said, until another saw a shadow dash into the woods "THE TARGETS ON THE RUN EVERYONE AFTER IT" The captain yeld as they all chase the target, running through the whole forest
(Part Four: The Beast)
As Adam was suddenly woken up by gunfire, from near by. He fell off the bench hitting his head against the concrete "What was that" he said as he rubbed his head abit. Adam got up as grabbed his bag and head towards the sound of gunfire "I wander why there would be any hunters near by, there no animals worth hunting here" Adam mutter to himself as he followed them, but suddenly stop when he found a corpse that's been mutilated "Who or what could have done this" He question as he heard more gun fire deep in the woods "Shit they might need help" He said as he looked back at the corpse's clothes while he tries to hold back any vomit "I'm gonna have to put on his clothes" He said bluntly as he took a few minutes to get dress, but he took a look at the bullets and noticed they were tranquilizers "huh are they trying to capture it" he said as he took off after them, after a few minutes he runs into one of them on the brink of death "Hey I got you" Adam said but notices the man tongue was ripped out, and was already bleeding from his organs as the man put pressure on a large open wound on his neck "I'm too late" Adam uttered as he ran after the rest of them, sneaking into their group after he put on the clothes from one of the dead soldiers. When he got there he could see there was about five of them left "Hey rookie can you check your sonar" One man said to Adam "Yessir" Adam says as he pulled out a tablet, hoping it was the sonar "its active" He utter then smiled when he heard a beep "Okay everyone the target is near, get ready. Oh and rookie you must be new on these kind of trips, I can tell on how you struggled to find the sonar" The man stated as adam nodded in response "Just stick behind us and you'll be safe" He said as the rest of the squad cheered "My name is Nicholas I'm the captain of this squad" Nicholas said as he smiled until he heard some branches rustled "Everyone get ready" Nicholas whispered as everyone got into cover "On my signal we open fire" Nicholas reported over coms, as they all waited in cover as time slowly went by, somtine went by and many were gonna give up until suddenly they noticed a figure dashed out of the tress. The figure was standing at five eight, had the curves of a female, but there something else Adam had noticed she had the tail and ears of a wolf, before adam could say anything he was interrupted by the captain "Everyone FIRE" They all hear Nicholas yell over coms, everyone fired except Adam. But, everything they were unloading on her, she was dodging with easy until suddenly she tackled one of the man into a bush, Adam responded by chasing after them "Hey rookie don't go alone" Nicholas shouted, but Adam was already gone "Almost there" Adam said to himself but suddenly came to a stop when he noticed the figure chewing on something "hmm" Adam thought something was off as he got closer, but when he saw what she was chewing on he puked. The thing she was chewing on was the man's organs, She already had finished the head and arms, and was starting on the chest "Eh, it's alright" Adam heard her say but noticed she sounded sad as she said it "hey-" Before Adam could say anything she noticed him and ran off into the trees "did I do something wrong" Adam mutter to himself until he noticed someone suddenly grabbed his shoulder "Hey rookie, don't go off next time" Nicholas said as he was breathing heavy from lack of breath "Let's head back to the truck, the target been heading towards the city so we'll cut them off, and lay a trap for them" He said as he walked off, Adam look back towards where the figure ran to before he followed the captain. They all head into a truck as it got ready to head down the road towards the city, but later that night Adam was writing a note to his master as everyone was asleep in the back of the truck "Everyone asleep?" Adam question as he looked around the truck, when he noticed they were all asleep he folded a piece of paper and through it out the trucks window "Who knew this adventure would be so exciting master" Adam said to himself as he smiled
(Passing Point: The Letter)
As Allen was caring for his garden he noticed a paper plane land in his strawberry bush "Hm what is that" He question as he grabbed it and unfold it "Oh it's a letter from my student" He said before he started reading it, after a couple of minutes he fell on his ass laughing "Who would have thought he would run into these problems" Allen got up and dusted of his pants but suddenly stopped laughing when he noticed vans heading his way "Hmm seem I'm gonna have to make some" He uttered as he walked inside
(Part Five: The Master's True Power)
Allen was sitting across a table from a few Agents "So what I'm hearing is, you need my skills again" Allen question "Yes, we need you back at head quarters" One of them replied "I told y'all I was retired, and if this was friendly invite why do y'all have gun and man power" He question them as he noticed one of them started to sweat "We were told to bring you in the easy or the hard way" The man said as he took of his glasses "Y'all know who y'all are talking to right" Allen said as he put down his walking stick and straight out his back "Was we do" One of the guys carrying a gun said "Is that so" Allen question again as he took off his rope, revealing he had the body of a bodybuilder and didn't look like he was some weak old man. Fox ears and tail suddenly appeared on Allen as the mountains suddenly started to shake "I may look like a old man, but y'all know very well, I have the power to TURNS THESE MOUNTAINS INSIDE OUT" Allen shouted as he stood up, causing the house to crack "Everyone OPEN FIRE" One man yelled as everyone jumped out the building, while the rest of them send rockets at Allen. Blowing up the house and Allen "did we get him" One of them question "Did you really think that would be enough" Allen said as he stood over them at the height of eight two "Now it's my turn" Allen said as he charged at them fiercely, ready to kill