Chapter 3

Yoongi's POV

I was in my office and it seemed quiet outside. A little too quiet. I hear Jungkook's voice calling me out. I go out and I see the girls sitting with Jungkook but not the other boys.

Yoongi: Where are the boys?

Jungkook: Ah them? They are bringing someone in.

Oh...another mission. I guess that's fine. They went without me but it's probably cause they thought I was busy. The girls seemed tense though. Are they.....hiding something from me? Then I hear the limo pulling up. They're back. Wonder what the mission was. When they walked in, my heart stopped completely. Y/n. No.....NO! Jungkook lied to me. I stood up but my legs wouldn't move toward her. Jungkook: Welcome home princess.

I suddenly feel dizzy. I couldn't focus. I fall to the ground. I hear faint voices around me Y/N is a blur above me and I see the other members around me. I can hear y/n.


Tae: Calm down y/n. Jennie, call doc. Tell him we have an emergency.

Jennie: Ok Tae.

I feel someone carrying me and then I lose full consciousness.

Jungkook's POV

I hear the door open. I hold my breath. Then she comes in. She looks beautiful as ever. Then Yoongi stands up. He looks shocked and panicked.

Jungkook: Welcome home princess.

All eyes are on me. She looks shocked. I smirk. She looks so cute. Then Yoongi stumbles to the ground. I stand up shocked. Y/N runs to him, catching him before he could reach the ground. She shakes him.



Tae puts a hand on y/n's shoulder.

Tae: Calm down y/n. It'll be alright. Jennie! Call doc! Tell him it's an emergency!"

Jennie runs for the phone.

Jimin: Let's take him to his room.

Namjoon picks him up and when we reach his room, Namjoon carefully sets him down on the bed. y/n falls to her knees and starts crying. I hated seeing her like this. I didn't want to see my baby crying.

Jin: It'll be alright y/n.

Y/n: I can't lose him! He is the only family I have left! I just can't lose him!

Namjoon: Doc will take care of him, y/n.

The doc comes in and bows to me. I nod, gesturing for him to take a look at Yoongi. He rushes over to him and starts observing him. Doc: Looks like he just had a shock attack.

Doc: Just let him rest and recover.

Jungkook: Thank you doc.

Y/n looks relived.

Y/n: Can....I stay by him.....just til he wakes up?

Jungkook: Sure y/n.

Tae: I'll bring you a chair.

Y/n: Thanks Taehyung.

We give her some space and leave the room


When I see Yoongi collapsing, I rush to him, catching him just in time. I hug him, pulling him close to me. I cry my heart out. I can't lose him! He is all I have left! I cry for a doctor and Jennie rushes to call one. Tae comforts me and Namjoon carries him to his room. There, I couldn't hold back anymore. I fall to my knees. I'm crushed. Jin catches me.

Jin: It'll be fine y/n. Doc will take care of him. Don't worry.

When the doc comes in, he checks Yoongi. I pray he is ok. The doctor says that he just had a shock attack. Thankfully, he just needs rest. When Hobi tries to pull me out with them, I resist. I don't want to leave his side.

Y/n: Can.....I stay with him?.....just until he wakes up?

He nods.

Tae: I'll bring you a chair y/n.

Y/n: Thanks Taehyung.

Tae brings me a chair and I sit down still holding Yoongi's hand.

Namjoon: We will leave you be, y/n.

Y/n: Thank you.

I'm left there in silence praying for Yoongi...