Chapter 8

Y/n's POV

My eyes widen.....

Y/n: Jungkook...... OF COURSE I WILL!!

I jumped up and ran into Jungkook's arms.

Jungkook: I love you y/n!

Y/n: Me too Jungkook!

-Time skip-

It's morning and when I woke up, Jungkook wasn't beside me. They were probably downstairs so I walked down and sure enough, everyone was gathered around the couch.

Y/n: good morning!

All: Good morning!

Y/n: What's going on?

Jin: We have another mission.

Jimin: There is another mafia group that goes by the name, The Tetras.

Namjoon: They want to compete against us.

Tae: But we have a slight disadvantage.

Y/n: which is?

Jungkook: we have 5girls and 7men while they have 4girls but 10 men.

Y/n: so what's the competition and what happens if we lose.

Jungkook: We fight, we lose then they get to steal a team member from us.



Jin: Don't worry, everything will be fine.

Tae: there is no way we could lose. We just injure their girls.

Yoongi: I'm sorry but I never allowed y/n to go!

Jungkook: we talked about this, Yoongi. She is one of us now.

Yoongi: And what if we lose and they take her.

Y/n: well then too bad.

They all stare at me shocked.

Y/n: Yoongi, I know you are trying to protect me but I'm not 6 years old anymore. I can handle things on my own.

Yoongi: Alright..

Jungkook: get changed all of you. Get ready.....

I walk over to Namjoon before he leaves.

Y/n: Namjoon! Can we talk for a minute.

Namjoon: Yes of course.

We both walk over to Yoongi and we go into Yoongi's office.

Namjoon: What's the problem?

Y/n: If we lose, I think I have a way to find each other.

Namjoon: what's that?

Y/n: You guys work in the same department: technology. I am going to put trackers in everyone's clothes and in the girls jewelry and shoes. Then if they take one of us, you two can easily track them.

Namjoon: what if they take me or Yoongi?

Y/n: But there is one of you two left.

Yoongi: I think that might work.

Namjoon: why didn't you tell everyone?

Y/n: Just in case they question them.

Namjoon: Alright. I'll try putting trackers for Jin, Hobi, and Tae.

Yoongi: I'll do Jimin and Jungkook.

Y/n: I'll do the girls.

Yoongi: Alright lets get ready.

Y/n: ok. I'll meet you outside at the limo.