Chapter 10


Jungkook: Fight.

Some of us charge and we all start to fight. The girls and I start shooting from the back and I see Jin get shot in the shoulder.

Y/n: Jin!

I try to run towards him. Jennie grabs me.

Jennie: Y/n! He can take care of himself. The injured stay down so we need you to keep fighting. Focus!

I nod and keep shooting.

I take down three people with Rose.

When someone was able to come to our side of the turf, I shoot them.

Rose: Stay here. I'm going a bit closer!

Y/n: Ok.

I see Jungkook beating up someone to my right. Then out of nowhere, lots of guards from there side rush forward.

Yoongi: You little!

Kai: Sorry guys but to win, I needed to break some rules.

Yoongi tried to grab Kai but a guard shoots him.


I feel tears in my eyes but I keep fighting. I can't rely on this stupid gun. Half of our team is down. The only ones standing are Jungkook, Hobi, Jimin, Rose, Namjoon, and I.

I rush forward and fight without the gun and take down a few guards. I dodge bullets and keep fighting.


I see a guard with a dagger who was trying to stab me. I dodge and grab the dagger out of his hands and kick him aside. I use the dagger to take down more guards. By now, only and Jungkook are left. I see Jungkook swarmed with guards. I rush over and start helping him.

Jungkook: Get out of here while you can!

Y/n: I'm not leaving you!

Kai points his gun at me.

All the members: Y/N!! WATCH OUT!!!!

Kai: Good bye Y/n.

He fires and I try not to close my eyes. Then I see Jungkook. He grabs me and spins me around to face me towards me. The bullet hits Jungkook in the back and I watch him fall to the ground. Tears fall from my eyes.


Kai: awww how precious.

He smirks.

Kai: Wow Jungkook. I never thought you would do that for a girl.

He points his gun at me.

Kai: what do you say princess? Keep fighting or surrender?

Y/n: s-surrender.....

Kai: Good girl. Now I get to take

He points at me.

Yoongi tries to get up but he collapses instantly. He studders out.

Yoongi: N-n-no p-please. Not y-y/n. T-take m-me ins-stead.

Y/n: Fine take me. But let me call the doctor and guards to take care of the other members after we leave.

Kai looks at me.

Kai: Fine. Make it quick.

Y/n: Give me a few minutes.

Kai: Fine. 5 mins tops.

He walks out followed by the other members.

I run towards Jungkook.

Y/n: J-jungkook.....

Jungkook: A-are you o-okay?

I start to cry.

Y/n: Are you really in the state to ask that?!?! Why would you do that?!?!?! You could've died!!!

Jungkook: As long a-as your o-okay.

Y/n: Don't will be fine...

I grab Jungkook's signaler.

I call the guards and doctor.

I kiss jungkook.

Y/n: I love you and trust you can find me after you are ok.

I rush over to Yoongi.

Yoongi: Y/n...I'm sorry for everything.

Y/n: No Yoongi. I'm sorry I couldn't protect you.

I rip my dress.

Yoongi: What are you doing??

Y/n: I have to stop the bleeding. I tie the cloth around Yoongi's arm and leg.

Yoongi: I love you Y/n. I will get you back.

I smile.

Y/n: I know you will Yoongi.

I tie cloth Jungkook's wound and said the good-byes and sorries to everyone.

Kai comes back in.

Kai: Done?

Y/n: Yes.

He puts his arm around me. I tense up.


Kai: I can do what ever I want.

He smirks

He leads me out. I'm left wondering if they will be ok.